Sterling did not love our townhouse when we were offered it. I really liked it thought. And the more units I see the more I think we got the best layout. I have not seen a layout similar to our own yet! When people come into our home they seem to like what they see and compare ours to all the others they have seen.
We had expected to have a small home ...maybe even a tower unit. No yard. So, to have such a big home and a big yard is hard to get use to. There have been comments made by my children about preferring our old house to this one. However, I personally am very pleased with our new place!
Perhaps the children feel they have less space in this house because the upstairs is two rooms they cannot play in, the hall, the restroom and their own bedrooms. But I love it because the tow largest room upstairs are Ster and my room and the office. Grownup rooms.
But the downstairs is a lot of room where the children can play and live! And they have the big yard, the playgrounds nearby and friends in our neighborhood.
Ty didn't get his dream of rollerblades (the sidewalks are too bumpy). But he does love riding bikes with me, touring the neighborhood.
I feel this neighborhood is much better for my children. They have neighbor kids closer than we had in SD. Kids all over the place. And playgrounds too! So close to our house Athena can go without me to play.
And there is a lot to do here. I just have not experienced them yet. The facilities on base offer so much to the military families! On our side of base is an indoor pool, swim classes, karate and more I need to go find out about. The tennis courts and skate park. The Airman's Attic (A free thrift store). And the movie theater (which is not free of charge) is walking distance from our house too!
The boys walk home from elementary school in 10 minutes.
Next year Luke will ride the bus to middle school and I will be required to drop off and pick up Athena from Kindergarten every day.
The Fall will be a big change. I don't even know in all the ways it will be a change for me personally. I can't think about that yet.
I do know I have options for what to do with my time while Athena is in school: volunteer at different places on base, get a job working for an hour or a few hours a day at the grocery store or a gas station market on base. Volunteer in the kids' schools. Or, if I wanted, teach English to Japanese children.
Right now I'm dealing with my shoulder. The one that I don't know how I hurt it but I guess it was working out. The shoulder that has been a pain since probably December and has kept me from getting enough sleep.
I still have two weeks before my appointment with the physical therapist. Sterling thinks physical therapy can help me recover. But after five months of pain and horrible nights I have doubts.
I worry I will have this bad condition for years to come.
It hurts so much at night that I have to get up and move around a while until the pain stops enough for me to try and sleep again. During the day I get pain and when it's bad I feel I should put my arm in a sling and baby it. But I know that doesn't work. I've tried babying it. I've tried gently working and stretching it. But, it hasn't gotten better.
Currently I sleep with four throw pillows and one to two sleep pillows propping me up in bed. My neck hurts because of it but atleast I am getting more sleep at night.
I will continue praying that this shall pass...soon!
2014 Family

Sunday, May 26, 2019
Related Stories
Japan has not been agreeing with my nose. Allergies are no fun. And I hope that the summer will not be the same. I hope the pollen or whatever is in the air tickling my nose will disappear.
I hate this. My nose tickles all day. I am constantly rubbing my nose and using a tissue and I don't like people to see me constantly messing with my nose!!!
It also makes me sneezy.
I am not the only woman who has moved to Japan and been unhappy about it. I have been hearing other women admit the same story that I've been experiencing with the move here.
I have also heard stories from other moms whose children are giving grief to their parents in the exact way Luke has been! The unmotivation to do school. The lying to get out of having to do their work. The failing in school. The having to do school work at home that should have been done during class.
So, I know I am not alone. And Luke isn't the only child who does this.
I hate this. My nose tickles all day. I am constantly rubbing my nose and using a tissue and I don't like people to see me constantly messing with my nose!!!
It also makes me sneezy.
I am not the only woman who has moved to Japan and been unhappy about it. I have been hearing other women admit the same story that I've been experiencing with the move here.
I have also heard stories from other moms whose children are giving grief to their parents in the exact way Luke has been! The unmotivation to do school. The lying to get out of having to do their work. The failing in school. The having to do school work at home that should have been done during class.
So, I know I am not alone. And Luke isn't the only child who does this.
Tiffany's Birthday
Mother's day was wonderful!
We celebrated my actual birthday with Smores Poptarts for breakfast. I took brownies for my primary class. Then afternoon snack was ice cream and brownie in waffle bowls.
Ways my family honored me today: Ster and the kids cleaned up the livingroom/dining room after church. Sterling made dinner and played with the kids while I stayed in bed blogging and playing on the computer.
Sterling and I were called today to be Primary teachers and activity day boy leaders. I taught our CTR 6 and 7 class for the first time today. We have 10 children. 6 showed up today.
One was sad to be there and sat in the corner grouchy. But the rest were happy and well behaved.
We had only 20 minutes for class but it was perfect. We read ten verses from the scriptures about Zaccaeus and how he climbed a tree to see Jesus. Then Jesus knew how much Zaccaeus wanted to just see Jesus. So he spent the day with Zaccaeus at his home. The people wondered why Jesus would give so much time and attention to one sinner. We are all sinners. We are not perfect but Jesus loves us and knows what is in our hearts.
Then I laid out my storyboard cutouts for this story and we played it out on the floor.
I had temple pictures displayed and we talked about the temple. The reverence and respect we should have for it. The way we can feel while there. And how to be worthy of entering.
We colored pictures of the temple and ate a brownie. Then class was over and we had a prayer.
I think that our class will be super fun. And with the short time frame it was super easy. The hard part of teaching primary class, to me, has always been the boring parts. When I teach and it gets boring because we have so much time to fill. But with a short time, the whole class can be the fun stuff.
I think my kids will really like having us as teachers!
It gives me more hope for our activity day boys calling as well. We plan to do activity day boys during the summer because my boys love it so much! They don't want the summertime break from this group.
I thought it would be easy for me and my family. I had been so happy when we moved to Italy. I had been truly happy when we moved back to America. So, a new adventure is what I thought I was ready for. I wanted it to be a new adventure living near family, in Utah possibly. But when we were assigned to Japan I imagined us loving it. Taking advantage of the travel and experiences. Learning things about the Japanese culture and people.
After a horrible experience traveling to Fussa for the first time I was ready for a bounce back to joy. That didn't happen right away.
I had to deal with moving farther, so far, away from our families when what I wanted was to move closer. I had to deal with moving to a country with a different culture when what I was prepared for was staying in the states (America)!
And I had the added stress of an unmotivated 5th grader. Despite Ster and my efforts to make Luke successful in his education and schooling he has sunk. Once in school on base in Fussa he slacked off until his unfinished assigned piled high and he became overwhelmed.
Ster and I had to meet with the teacher and faculty to make a plan on how to get Luke ready for middle school. The administration wanted to know if Luke was struggling because the move has been hard on him. But the reality is that his last school had a much lower expectation for education from the children and Luke was struggling there. Here the school expects so much! Luke is way behind in his education! But, as far as I know, Ty is doing great. Ty doesn't seem to be behind at all (except in Spanish and Japanese class because he just joined at the end of the year).
We also had to work work work with Luke at home every day after school and the entire weekends until Luke caught up on his missed assignments.
The stress was too much for me. I felt like a failure as a mother.
My friends (Jenn and Laura) via Marco Polo told me that his currents grades don't matter. That I should not stress out about this.
Then I stressed a while longer before my breaking point. At that time my mom also told me that this does not matter and I should not stress out about it.
I admitted to Sterling that I was not happy. About being here. About Luke's situation. But I also told him I just needed time, and prayers, to get back to being my normal self.
The next day I was able to start feeling like me again.
School had two weeks left. One of which won't be graded on (the final week of school). That helps me to de-stress.
Luke, Athena and I went on a tour of the middle school. Luke will have like 6 classes, one of which is time for him to work on homework and class assignments he might be behind on. I imagine him wasting that whole hour and getting nothing done. That's just how he rolls. :(
Currently Luke hands a day planner to his teacher every day. She writes what assignment he needs to work on at home that day and I check it off when he does. If Luke fails to do his part in this he does not earn Wii time on Saturday. This is working perfectly! Unfortunately I don't know how well it will work in middle school when he has 5 or 6 teachers.
I have a lot of things to do this week to prep for next school year. Luke and I have to go get him registered to ride the bus for middle school. He needs an ID badge for it.
Luke needs to get signed up for the Avid program. A program that helps kids who need extra help just to pass their classes.
I want to go check out the base teen center to find out what fun activities there are for Luke for the summer.
I have to sign up for schoology...whatever that is.
During the summer Sterling and I are going to homeschool Luke to make sure he has the education he needs to start middle school. If he's been ignoring the lessons at school then he doesn't know what he should!
We will do a 5th grade curriculum all summer long. Luke has to learn how to pay attention and take notes this summer!
I also want to sign Athena up for swim lessons on base. None of my children ever took swim lessons. And I think Athena should. She would love it and it's something for her to do before she starts school in the fall.
There are two base pools. One indoor and one outdoor. The outdoor pool looks awesome. And both pools are free and open to families! I don't like to be in the pool but...I will have to take the kids some times. And maybe the heat and humidity will change my tune this summer.
Memorial day weekend: Sterling asked me what I wanted to do on Saturday. I said "Stay home." But by Friday I had other ideas. I said to Sterling "I keep hearing how great Showa Park is. We should go on Saturday." It's suppose to be huge, great for kids and only ten minutes away from base.
Sterling said "I was thinking the same thing!"
My plan to stay on Saturday turned into "8am tennis practice, Showa Park with the family then 5pm movie theater with my husband." For my birthday I wanted to celebrate by seeing the new Aladdin movie.
Saturday morning Ster and I took the kids and we went to play tennis with the Kartchner family from our ward. One other woman showed up to play with us. So, with the oldest Kartchner boy playing we had six partnerships. We met at 8am but it got hot oustide fast! I guess next time we should start playing at 7:30am.
After a fun morning of tennis we found out there was a free military family event happening starting at 11am. We decided to postpone Showa Park and go to the event just up the street from our house. We were so glad we did! It was a blast! Free hot dogs and drinks for the kids. Free popcorn and cotton candy for the kids.
Bouncy house, fighting arena and obstacle course. Carnival games. Live music and the playground.
We brought the kids' friends (neighbors) Brandon and Lumin to the party with us.
Afterward we walked back home and set up the slip and slide. Add a few water balloons and they had hours of fun. The Wii inside the house was their other play option during that time.
At 3pm I took my kids back to the event where we played at the skate park:
They painted the skate park during this event!
And here is why we went back....drum painting!
Tiberias was the only one of my children to dare getting painted.
Athena went for a playdate at a friends' house while Ster and I went to the movies. The movie was so wonderful! I loved it and had a great time! It was a perfect day.
I love May! I celebrate me all month long. :)
Sunday, May 12, 2019
I found someone in the ward who cuts hair. Chopped it all off:

I was nervous but wanted a pixie cut. I needed to chop off the unhealthy hair and grow it out again. This time with the goal to never bleach it again.
Athena learned how to be a cashier one day as I was checking out at the commissary:
A fun base event:
Athena being a lizard with a tongue made out of gum.
We made forts using giant boxes from the move:
Ty drew Black Manta and other villains.
Athena's cat house:
May the 4th at the library:
I was surprised to see her at the top of a tree! It was a smaller tree but still...the top is where the thinnest branches are. It's not a safe place to be typically.
She was so proud of herself. The neighbors were sitting in front of their house hanging out. Their daughters who had been playing with Athena were around but Athena was at the top of the tree.
I was concerned she might not be able to climb down alone but she did it with ease. She said as she climbed ..."I was born to climb trees." It was really cute. (note:the tree she climbed is not the one in the photos above. These photos were another time in another tree)
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Sankeien Garden/Mother's Day
For Mother's day Sterling asked what I would want as a gift. I didn't have a request. Then...Athena spilled a lot of water onto my laptop keyboard. Fried it.
Sterling had to get me a new computer two days before Mother's day. A big gift ! But my birthday is in May too. So, I am allowed a big gift in the month of May. :)
My computer is only for me. I use to share it with my kids. Athena loved watching youtube on it (silly cats videos) and Tiberias loved googling pictures of his favorite superheros and villains and Power Rangers.
I did not necessarily like sharing my computer. Now, I have an excuse to keep it all to avoid it getting wet and broken.
Sterling also asked where I wanted to travel Mother's day weekend. My choice. Even Disneyland Tokyo was an option.
I decided on the Sankeien Garden. A beautiful large Japanese garden with lily pond, temples and old traditional Japanese homes.
We left Saturday morning at 7:40. It took less than two hours to drive there. It would have cost $30 an hour to take the toll road but would have gotten us there in half the time.
We choose not to take the toll roads.
The gardens were wonderful! The weather was just as wonderful.
The kids' favorite part was the fish in the water. Their circular mouths opening and closing at the top of the water. And then, feeding the fish bread. At one point we went to buy the kids a snack. We thought we were purchasing thin baguettes (bread). We purchased them from a cafe that had the bread displayed right on the counter. But once I felt the bread I knew something was weird. The bread felt like styrofoam... stiff and dry. I handed it to the kids then Sterling realized "This might be fish food!" Luckily, we didn't sit at the cafe tables and feed it to our children. That would have been embarrassing. Luke and Ty tried eating it down by the lake as we decided whether or not it was edible or if it were meant only for the fish. We decided it was solely fish food. lol
I loved seeing the beauty of the trees, plants...everything! I loved the buildings and the roofs!
The kids learned about how rooftops use to be made. They tried it themselves. The material was thin slabs of tree bark soaked in water. It needed to be wet for pliability.
The nails used were made of wood as well. The slabs were layered and hammered in.
They have to replace the roof every thirty years.
Our children received certificates with their names on them for learning how to carve the bark slabs.
We hiked up to the Japanese temple and did a family picture there. The kids studied and tried to catch bugs. There were so many bugs they were even flying around the camera lens as our picture was being taken. Luckily, the focus was on us which caused the photos to not even capture the bugs.
We found a restaurant at the garden and we bought lunch there. Japanese meals can be bizarre to an American. Even the textures of the food can weird us out. There are a lot of spongie foods and a lot of fishy tasting foods.
For our kids at this particular lunch we bought them two fruit dishes that are suppose to be a dessert. The bowl had a sweetened bean paste surrounded by plain gelatin cubes and a little bit of fresh fruit. My kids ate up all the fruit then tried the other things. It is likely meant to be eaten together. So eat the gelatin cubes with the sweet stuff in one taste.
After lunch we hit the road to go back to Fussa. It took us an extra hour to drive home because there were more cars out on the road in the afternoon. Our vehicles have screens and dvd players to make the long hours in the car more entertaining.
On this road trip the boys practiced reading and my kids started learning Spanish. The Spanish teacher at the elementary school sent a book home for Ty to study. They have been studying Spanish and Japanese all school year but Ty hasn't been here for that. So, we studied this weekend.
We decided to stop for a second lunch at Mcdonald's since our children did not fill up at the Japanese restaurant. It turns out Japan serves Mcdonald's hamburgers with different ingredients than Americans do. We ordered food based off the pictures displayed...assuming we were getting American food.
The chicken nuggets and french fries to correct. But the hamburger and chicken burger were not what we expected! My hamburger had a weird sauce in place of ketchup. It tasted very Japanese.
Sterling's chicken patty was not a chicken patty he thought he was ordering. It was a sausage patty with bacon on it and that same Japanese sauce.
We did not enjoy the Japanese version of Mcdonalds.
On base we have a Burger King and it is exactly like BK in America. So, food on base is American and food off base from the same named restaurant is Japanese.
The Mcdonald's we stopped at had a playland on the roof. The kids enjoyed that stop on our road trip.
We got home around 4pm. I had to immediately go to our neighbors house and let the dog into the backyard. Our neighbors went to America and I ended up accepting the plea to watch their dog for two weeks. I felt the desire to help out because 1) Misty (my neighbor) has a mother dying from cancer right now. That is why they needed to go on this trip. 2) Misty's 3 year old son has autism and they are going to do some testing or start some work with him while there in America.
How could I not help out?
I do not like dogs. But Athena loves them. So, she is helping me keep Burdee company and take care of her. I was told I only needed to drop by once in the morning and once in the evening. Burdee is still in quarantine time. Once an animal moves overseas they might have brought a disease with them so they have to be in quarantine (no walks or going away from their home) for 6 months.
But twice a day is not enough for a dog. They get lonely. So Athena and I have been visiting Burdee about 6 times a day. Taking her outside for potty breaks, spending 5 to 10 minutes with the dog at a time. She misses her family so she barks and howls for a long time when we are not there.
She goes in her kennel to sleep at night. So far it has been mostly quiet nights but she has howled and whined one night that kept Sterling awake and unhappy.
The first night I went to my neighbor one more door over because they share a wall with Burdee. I wanted to see how well the family could hear her when she barks and whines. The sound of the dog does not go through the thick cement walls. However, it goes out the windows and into other peoples windows.
I warned those neighbors that Misty and her husband are out of town for two weeks and I am taking care of the dog. I apologized in advance.
Burdee seems to not like being outside in the yard ...which is crazy ...because the weather is perfect right now! So, if I leave Burdee in the backyard for an hour she might bark and bark to not be alone. So, I have to bring her in the house if she does that. But I think she needs yard time so I leave her outside for a while every day.
Athena and I spend time with her playing fetch in the yard whenever we come visit (6 times a day).
We even leave the television on half the day while we are not here so she feels it's not too quiet alone here all day. But, she still gets lonely and howls for her family to return.
I have only been dog sitting maybe 4 days and it feels like a whole week. It is stressful. I thought they would only be gone two weeks but now I find out it's two weeks from now. :(
I don't think I will ever pet sit again.
A friend suggested I bring Burdee to my house. Burdee sheds like crazy! No way would I bring that to my home. Ster would kill me. lol
Mother's day:
Luke and Ty had activity day boys last week and made a surprise mother's day gift. Athena wanted to give me gifts for Mother's day and was disappointed when we did not take her to buy me chocolates and gifts. So, first thing this morning while I was still in bed she brought me her pillow and a toy and told me she wanted to give them to me for mother's day. Ster and I then suggested she make me a card. She went to her art supplies and found a small piece of paper that had been previously colored with markers. She folded it in half and wrote the letters A and R. Athena and Roundy. She excitedly gave it to me. Then I got up to start my day.
Fruit smoothie for breakfast (I had to make it because my smoothies are the best). Then we got ready for church. We took my mother's day photo with the kids. Ty had a mother's day card for me written in Spanish...he didn't know what it said though. His Spanish teacher made the kids do it. hehe
At church I enjoyed the kids singing in sacrament meeting. Went to Relief Society for the first time ever in this ward. The ward gave us beautiful flowers and homemade chocolate chip cookies after sacrament meeting. And Relief Society was wonderful.
I have the best husband and the best children! They love and appreciate me. They are so sweet and I appreciate them too. So, of course mother's day was wonderful.
The boys gave me potted flowers and Twix bars. Luke also gave me a coupon for a mother's day photograph. I'm not yet sure what that means.
Tiberias was confused about what to put on the coupon so he thought it was a coupon for what I would do for him. He wrote "Clean my room" then he crossed it off when he learned what he was suppose to be doing. So he just wrote "I love you" lol.
I have been trying to not eat sugar or carbs this month. Saturday I ate lots of Twizzlers on the road trip. Then Sunday I ate a lot of sugar too. My family really wanted me to make chocolate chocolate chip cookies after seeing the cookies given to the moms at church. So, I did.
The Twixs I will give to my kids later this week.
Hopefully I can get back on track...cut out the sugar again tomorrow and finish the month healthy.
By the way...I decided that Sept/Oct will be the perfect time to go to Disneyland! I have always wanted to go to Disneyland to celebrate Halloween! And here we can afford it (cheaper tickets than in America).
Sterling had to get me a new computer two days before Mother's day. A big gift ! But my birthday is in May too. So, I am allowed a big gift in the month of May. :)
My computer is only for me. I use to share it with my kids. Athena loved watching youtube on it (silly cats videos) and Tiberias loved googling pictures of his favorite superheros and villains and Power Rangers.
I did not necessarily like sharing my computer. Now, I have an excuse to keep it all to avoid it getting wet and broken.
Sterling also asked where I wanted to travel Mother's day weekend. My choice. Even Disneyland Tokyo was an option.
I decided on the Sankeien Garden. A beautiful large Japanese garden with lily pond, temples and old traditional Japanese homes.
We left Saturday morning at 7:40. It took less than two hours to drive there. It would have cost $30 an hour to take the toll road but would have gotten us there in half the time.
We choose not to take the toll roads.
The gardens were wonderful! The weather was just as wonderful.
The kids' favorite part was the fish in the water. Their circular mouths opening and closing at the top of the water. And then, feeding the fish bread. At one point we went to buy the kids a snack. We thought we were purchasing thin baguettes (bread). We purchased them from a cafe that had the bread displayed right on the counter. But once I felt the bread I knew something was weird. The bread felt like styrofoam... stiff and dry. I handed it to the kids then Sterling realized "This might be fish food!" Luckily, we didn't sit at the cafe tables and feed it to our children. That would have been embarrassing. Luke and Ty tried eating it down by the lake as we decided whether or not it was edible or if it were meant only for the fish. We decided it was solely fish food. lol
I loved seeing the beauty of the trees, plants...everything! I loved the buildings and the roofs!
The kids learned about how rooftops use to be made. They tried it themselves. The material was thin slabs of tree bark soaked in water. It needed to be wet for pliability.
The nails used were made of wood as well. The slabs were layered and hammered in.
They have to replace the roof every thirty years.
Our children received certificates with their names on them for learning how to carve the bark slabs.
We hiked up to the Japanese temple and did a family picture there. The kids studied and tried to catch bugs. There were so many bugs they were even flying around the camera lens as our picture was being taken. Luckily, the focus was on us which caused the photos to not even capture the bugs.
We found a restaurant at the garden and we bought lunch there. Japanese meals can be bizarre to an American. Even the textures of the food can weird us out. There are a lot of spongie foods and a lot of fishy tasting foods.
For our kids at this particular lunch we bought them two fruit dishes that are suppose to be a dessert. The bowl had a sweetened bean paste surrounded by plain gelatin cubes and a little bit of fresh fruit. My kids ate up all the fruit then tried the other things. It is likely meant to be eaten together. So eat the gelatin cubes with the sweet stuff in one taste.
After lunch we hit the road to go back to Fussa. It took us an extra hour to drive home because there were more cars out on the road in the afternoon. Our vehicles have screens and dvd players to make the long hours in the car more entertaining.
On this road trip the boys practiced reading and my kids started learning Spanish. The Spanish teacher at the elementary school sent a book home for Ty to study. They have been studying Spanish and Japanese all school year but Ty hasn't been here for that. So, we studied this weekend.
We decided to stop for a second lunch at Mcdonald's since our children did not fill up at the Japanese restaurant. It turns out Japan serves Mcdonald's hamburgers with different ingredients than Americans do. We ordered food based off the pictures displayed...assuming we were getting American food.
The chicken nuggets and french fries to correct. But the hamburger and chicken burger were not what we expected! My hamburger had a weird sauce in place of ketchup. It tasted very Japanese.
Sterling's chicken patty was not a chicken patty he thought he was ordering. It was a sausage patty with bacon on it and that same Japanese sauce.
We did not enjoy the Japanese version of Mcdonalds.
On base we have a Burger King and it is exactly like BK in America. So, food on base is American and food off base from the same named restaurant is Japanese.
The Mcdonald's we stopped at had a playland on the roof. The kids enjoyed that stop on our road trip.
We got home around 4pm. I had to immediately go to our neighbors house and let the dog into the backyard. Our neighbors went to America and I ended up accepting the plea to watch their dog for two weeks. I felt the desire to help out because 1) Misty (my neighbor) has a mother dying from cancer right now. That is why they needed to go on this trip. 2) Misty's 3 year old son has autism and they are going to do some testing or start some work with him while there in America.
How could I not help out?
I do not like dogs. But Athena loves them. So, she is helping me keep Burdee company and take care of her. I was told I only needed to drop by once in the morning and once in the evening. Burdee is still in quarantine time. Once an animal moves overseas they might have brought a disease with them so they have to be in quarantine (no walks or going away from their home) for 6 months.
But twice a day is not enough for a dog. They get lonely. So Athena and I have been visiting Burdee about 6 times a day. Taking her outside for potty breaks, spending 5 to 10 minutes with the dog at a time. She misses her family so she barks and howls for a long time when we are not there.
She goes in her kennel to sleep at night. So far it has been mostly quiet nights but she has howled and whined one night that kept Sterling awake and unhappy.
The first night I went to my neighbor one more door over because they share a wall with Burdee. I wanted to see how well the family could hear her when she barks and whines. The sound of the dog does not go through the thick cement walls. However, it goes out the windows and into other peoples windows.
I warned those neighbors that Misty and her husband are out of town for two weeks and I am taking care of the dog. I apologized in advance.
Burdee seems to not like being outside in the yard ...which is crazy ...because the weather is perfect right now! So, if I leave Burdee in the backyard for an hour she might bark and bark to not be alone. So, I have to bring her in the house if she does that. But I think she needs yard time so I leave her outside for a while every day.
Athena and I spend time with her playing fetch in the yard whenever we come visit (6 times a day).
We even leave the television on half the day while we are not here so she feels it's not too quiet alone here all day. But, she still gets lonely and howls for her family to return.
I have only been dog sitting maybe 4 days and it feels like a whole week. It is stressful. I thought they would only be gone two weeks but now I find out it's two weeks from now. :(
I don't think I will ever pet sit again.
A friend suggested I bring Burdee to my house. Burdee sheds like crazy! No way would I bring that to my home. Ster would kill me. lol
Mother's day:
Luke and Ty had activity day boys last week and made a surprise mother's day gift. Athena wanted to give me gifts for Mother's day and was disappointed when we did not take her to buy me chocolates and gifts. So, first thing this morning while I was still in bed she brought me her pillow and a toy and told me she wanted to give them to me for mother's day. Ster and I then suggested she make me a card. She went to her art supplies and found a small piece of paper that had been previously colored with markers. She folded it in half and wrote the letters A and R. Athena and Roundy. She excitedly gave it to me. Then I got up to start my day.
Fruit smoothie for breakfast (I had to make it because my smoothies are the best). Then we got ready for church. We took my mother's day photo with the kids. Ty had a mother's day card for me written in Spanish...he didn't know what it said though. His Spanish teacher made the kids do it. hehe
At church I enjoyed the kids singing in sacrament meeting. Went to Relief Society for the first time ever in this ward. The ward gave us beautiful flowers and homemade chocolate chip cookies after sacrament meeting. And Relief Society was wonderful.
I have the best husband and the best children! They love and appreciate me. They are so sweet and I appreciate them too. So, of course mother's day was wonderful.
The boys gave me potted flowers and Twix bars. Luke also gave me a coupon for a mother's day photograph. I'm not yet sure what that means.
Tiberias was confused about what to put on the coupon so he thought it was a coupon for what I would do for him. He wrote "Clean my room" then he crossed it off when he learned what he was suppose to be doing. So he just wrote "I love you" lol.
I have been trying to not eat sugar or carbs this month. Saturday I ate lots of Twizzlers on the road trip. Then Sunday I ate a lot of sugar too. My family really wanted me to make chocolate chocolate chip cookies after seeing the cookies given to the moms at church. So, I did.
The Twixs I will give to my kids later this week.
Hopefully I can get back on track...cut out the sugar again tomorrow and finish the month healthy.
By the way...I decided that Sept/Oct will be the perfect time to go to Disneyland! I have always wanted to go to Disneyland to celebrate Halloween! And here we can afford it (cheaper tickets than in America).
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