Wednesday September 25 we took the day off of work and school to go to Disneyland in Tokyo!
When the roads are clear it can take just over an hour to drive to Disneyland from the military base.
We decided to give ourselves two hours to drive to Disneyland and make sure we were there when the park gates opened. That way we could go straight to the rides we wanted to ride that tend to grow the longest lines. You can find out all of that information online.
Unfortunately there was a car accident and it took us almost 3 hours to get to Disneyland. We paid to take the toll road hoping traffic would clear up and it would be worth it. Unfortunately that did not happen. We were following directions on the GPS because we don't know our way and we can't read the signs unless they supply English on it. Unfortunately the GPS took us off the toll road without us realizing it. That meant we had to get back on...paying an additional 1300 yen which is about $13. That was frustrating!
Needless to say, we did not make it by the time the gates opened.
We parked at the Disneyland parking lot by the park.
As we walked into the park we saw many people wearing Halloween costumes. The one time of the year guests/customers are allowed to enter the park in costume. There were so many great costumes! It was hard to tell who were the guests and who were the workers almost.
We went to Splash Mountain first. We watched some people come out of the dark cave and fall down the waterfall prepare for what we were about to do. I tried remembering the ride myself but it has been so many years!
We waited for atleast 30 minutes in line before we got on the ride. There were more drops on the ride than I remembered. But some of the rides at Tokyo are a bit different from the ones I have been on in California.
And when it came time to fall down the big waterfall I tried to enjoy it. I put my arms up int he air and I leaned forward because that for some reason made it feel less scary. But halfway down my arms came in and I freaked out. It was too scary! Tiberias, who is usually bravest on rides, cried from fear!
We did not like Splash Mountain! I won't do it again.
Hours later...Athena decided that she would be willing to try it again. Brave girl!

The kids were excited to ride on the Dumbo ride. So much so that we waited 30 minutes in line for it! The kids loved that ride. Sterling bought popcorn and brought it to us as we waited in line. Then he took pics from below as we rode the ride.
The new Dumbo film came out this year and we bought it. The Dumbo ride is a favorite from my childhood memories and that is why I was happy to buy a Dumbo popcorn bucket from the thrift store ahead of time.
Here in Japan the custom is to purchase popcorn at Disneyland. They sell different kinds such as chocolate, strawberry and honey. It's about $5 for the popcorn but you have to use a Disneyland popcorn bucket. Those start at 2300 yen ($23 ish). But you can bring one from home and pay just $5 for popcorn. So we purchased one at the thrift store to save money. It was about $8.
The Peter Pan ride was a ten minute wait so we did that after the Dumbo ride. It was super fun! And I decided that I would only go on the rides with a low fear factor! I can't handle speed or drops.
I was so excited to attend Disneyland because it is Halloween season! I have dreamt of seeing Disneyland with my favorite holiday decor. I have dreamt of seeing the halloween Disney parade. And I will tell was not a disappointment! It was amazing!

We saw a bit of a normal parade that happened in the late morning...

We attempted a family picture was too sunny! So we decided pictures would best be taken in the evening.
For lunch we ate in the park at a cafe that served more Americanized food. There were plenty of Japanese food options in the park as well.
The boys ordered Mickey Mouse shaped pizza that turned out to be not American (with onion, corn and other weird toppings). Athena ordered a sausage on a bone and a "muffin" that turned out to be a cupcake. Sterling and I ordered sandwhiches with fun shapes (Mickey Mouse glove and a jack o lantern). We also ordered a tapioca drink which was a milky and sour boba but yummy as well.
The teacup ride had less a line all day than most rides. And it was super fun. So we rode it quite a bit.
Ster and the kids rode the Go Coaster in Toon Town and they loved it!
Goofy's house
Going somewhere as busy and large as Disneyland for a day doesn't happen without a few hiccups...
Hiccup #1 we lost Tiberias. We were waiting in line at Goofy's house when suddenly Tiberias was gone. He had wanted to go back to the opposite side of Toon Town to cool off in a wet mist that was praying over there. I had told him we would go back there but I meant after Goofy's house. He assumed I meant he was allowed to go alone right away so he did. He went and got wet and came back without getting lost. We, however, thought he was lost. We got out of line for Goofy's house and searched the area. When he showed back up Sterling yelled at him and he cried. But, these things happen.
Hiccup #2 We almost lost Luke. We were looking for a spot to sit and watch the Halloween parade from. We turned right and Luke didn't notice. He continued straight. But we quickly realized he was gone and he turned around and backtracked a tiny bit to run back into us.
Even though we did not have costumes our Inside Out themed shirts were pretty cool. We received a lot of compliments on how cute or awesome our shirts were. The Japanese Disneyland workers especially kept complimenting us.
We gave Athena Joy as her character because she is such a happy girl. But really she could have had Disgust as easily because Athena is such a picky eater to this day! Sterling said we should not give her Disgust because we shouldn't encourage her in embracing that part of herself. LOL! So, Joy it is!
Tiberias was given Anger because he blows his lid easily. So then we gave Fear to Luke, Disgust to myself and Sadness to Sterling.
The topiary characters throughout the park were super cute! And Athena waited all day to ride the Carousel! I wasn't sure if I was going to take her on it since it is a ride we can do easily in America. You don't have to go to Disneyland to ride a carousel. But when the lines died down later in the day she was able to ride it a couple of times.
Athena was creative with some of her photo ops. She wanted to be holding the castle!
One cool thing about Disneyland Tokyo is that the Disney castle isn't just for viewing on the outside. You can go in and see a tiny Cinderella museum almost. I had to see it! Unfortunately it was a 30 minute wait in line. So, Athena went with me and the boys went their own way. They went to ride Space Tours.
Inside the castle...
There were displays of different depictions of the story of Cinderella...
An amazing glass window that overlooked the park.
Cinderella's throne...
Try on Cinderella's slipper?
A display of Cinderella's "real" shoe. ;)
Leaving the small museum we exit at a high location which gives us a cool view of the park...

We were in the museum a long time. When we came out I messaged Ster but he didn't respond. I did not realize that I had left my phone's mobile data turned off. I was not sending or receiving anything!
So, sadly, during the prime photo taking time that evening we were separated from the boys. They searched for us and we searched for them. Athena and I took pictures as we waiting to reunite with the boys.

Here is the cake in Minnie's house that is in the oven. It is very fun to watch it rise to a full cake then fall flat. Then rise again.

Athena is a scarecrow too!
For twenty minutes we couldn't reach each other until I realized it was my fault! It was now too dark for good pictures together.
We rode more rides and rerode rides too.
We decided that since the line to get into the Haunted Mansion had become short we would go inside. Thank goodness we did! It was Nightmare Before Christmas themed! And I absolutely loved it!
It was beautiful! It was amazing! It was so fun!

We picked a spot to watch the fireworks where we could see the castle perfectly. Unfortunately the loud speaker announced that the fireworks were being cancelled. The sky doesn't look like bad weather...but they cancelled it for some reason.
Goofy's place...
Donald's boat...
Minnie's house was really fun...
When we left the park it was about 9pm. We went to the roof of the parking lot to see Tokyo in the dark...
We hoped that since our drive was far to long that morning that our luck would change for the drive home. And despite the GPS yet again taking us off the toll road (paying ANOTHER 1300yen to get back on again) adding time to our drive we did make it home in less than an hour and half.
Athena fell asleep pretty quickly in the car and Ty fell asleep somewhere along the way as well.
We made the kids get up as usual the next day and go to school. They were tired but they did what they had to do. And tomorrow is a teacher day so there is no school for the kids. They get a long weekend to recover.