A 6 week training required since he promoted to Technical Sargent.
After two weeks without Sterling the kids and I went to see him and spend Thanksgiving with him.
This was not easy to do.
Sterling requested a letter from his supervisor at Yokota. A letter that gives me and the kids permission to fly on the "rotator" (military and families airplane) without our service member in attendance. Typically we can fly for free on the rotator anywhere it goes as long as space is available on the plane.
You also don't know the plane schedule until 72 hours prior to the flight.
Our letter finally was sent via email on Tuesday. I took that letter to the passenger terminal on base to request a spot on the flight and find out any info needed. I was told to return Friday morning at 9:25am for the flight. I thought the flight was leaving at 10:45am.
My friend Misty dropped the kids, our luggage and I off at the terminal Friday morning at 9:25.
I checked in and they said to wait around until Roll Call.
This is all new to me. I have only done this once before. That was when Ty was a baby and we were living in Italy and I flew home to Ameria without Sterling.
So the kids and I thought we had about an hour to kill. We checked out the passenger terminal and all it had to offer. We discovered a "Movie Lounge"...a big dark room full of nice leather recliners and a large tv screen playing "Transformers 3." The boys loved that.
We then discovered the "Family Lounge" full of toys, books and a tv for children. There we met two women and two young girls traveling together. They live in Okinawa but flew "Space A" to Yokota and were ready to head back again. I learned from them that our flight wasn't scheduled until closer to 2pm!
Roll Call happened at 11:10am. That was to see how many people wanted to get on the flight and decide who would make it. There were only six other people trying to get on the flight with us and there were 20 seats available. So, we all were told we are good to get a seat.
From there we went to check our luggage and show what we were taking on the plane. I wasn't checking any luggage because I hate waiting for it at the airport.
By now we were starving for lunch. We went to the food court which was one fast food stand and lots of seating. We ate lunch then played at a little arcade. Despite having fun and trying to make the most of our time waiting I couldn't help but think "We are missing school for this?!"
We boarded the plane around 1pm, I believe. The actual flight time from Yokota to Kadina is 2.5 hours. Not bad, right? It would 8pm by the time we would arrive there.
We flew for over an hour then landed for a layover in a place I could not pronounce. There we had to deboard the plane and wait in a room of airport chairs and a restroom. We were not allowed to leave that area except to step outside for fresh air or a smoke. We stayed there for a few hours.
A food truck opened to feed us. We stood in line to give our children dinner before the next flight however...the food ran out. The kids did not get dinner. There was not even a vending machine of snacks available. There was a drink vending machine.
By the time we reboarded the plane we could not be more ready. Ready to finish this travel and get to our destination. Ready to see Sterling again. Ready to quit wasting time.
Was all of this worth a free flight?
We were lucky to have screens on the plane. The kids and I could watch movies and shows or listen to music of our choosing. The boys, of course, were well behaved all day. Athena was a little difficult at times on the plane but...she's 5. What can you expect?
I did not get sick. Thank goodness!! I was nervous. I did not like flying. And since it was raining and Fall weather the flights were pretty bumpy at times! I need to remember only to fly in the summertime when it's less likely to have storms etc.
The plane served a snack tray, not dinner, containing crackers, spreadable cheese, an Oreo and a drink. But I warned Sterling via Facebook message that we would need dinner when we arrived.
I was praying that the rain would stop when we arrive in Kadina because...the military flights are not like regular flights. You don't board and deboard in a tunnel that takes you directly to the airport. The planes land from from the "terminal" building. And you have to walk across the tarmack to get to the building. When we arrived in Japan for the first time it was raining and snowing as we got off the plane and tried to rush a long distance across the tarmack.
Sterling warned me it had been raining a lot the day we were flying there. So I prayed we wouldn't get drenched in rain after exiting the plane.
When the plane landed in Kadina Sterling was waiting for us. But we were stuck on the plane for like 35 minutes before they let us take our stuff and exit the plane. Thankfully, the rain stopped! And thankfully there were two buses near the plane ready to drive us to the airport building. What a relief!! After the day we had.
Sterling had sandwiches and pastries and drinks for us! We ate as we waited for a taxi.
Sterling stays in an apartment here and has no car. His training happens in a building next door to the apartment. The stores are a decent walk away. And when you need to go farther you can call for a taxi. Ster warned me to bring money for taxi rides.
We had to take two taxis because one car can ride up to four people.
Sterling had also bought me a rainbow flower that was waiting in the apartment! He's so awesome.
We relaxed that night at the apartment.
The weather here is warm and humid with a breeze. The rain comes and goes. I was surprised at how warm it is here because it was getting cold in Yokota. And when we stopped for the layover it was cold there! But here...nothing but cold!
Saturday morning we ate breakfast then we walked to the commissary and the BX. We bought some groceries to last us a week. Then we walked back and ate lunch.
After that we called for two taxis. We went off base to the American Village which is a strip of stores etc. with American styles. And it's close to Christmas so there was a lot of Santa etc. That was fun! Especially since we were escaping the cold and heading to the beach on this island of warmth at almost Christmas season.
When we got out of the taxis Athena wanted to ride the ferris wheel! But it was huge! I thought "Let's do it! That'll be awesome!"
So I told Ster to get tickets. It was only 600yen for adults and 400 for kids. Once he bought the tickets we went to get in the box. It didn't stop. It rotated around extremely slow and never stopped. You simply get in and lock up when it's at the bottom.
I thought about how high it takes us and I freaked out. I tried to convince myself to get on the ride. Ster was encouraging me. But I could not do it! They went without me.
Tiberias expressed that he was nervous but we told him he'd do great. And it would be great. I knew Luke was probably nervous because he always is in these situations. But he holds his tongue and is brave.
All of my family bravely boarded the ride and I felt such relief as I walked away.
I also felt guilt.
Afterward Athena and Ty said it was scary. Sterling said they didn't act scared on the ride. But they did it and did great and they did have some fun too.
There was a display of a Godzilla scene. I love Godzilla because he reminds me of my childhood a little bit... and we are in Japan so that gives me a link to him as well.
Then we walked town the street looking at the cool shops. Our goal was to get to the beach to play and relax. But there was fun stuff to see along the way.
We took the kids to a vending machine toy store. We let the kids each choose a toy vending machine to get a prize out of. Tiberias got a Spidermonkey (Spiderman). Luke got a Captain America cube. Athena got a cute Pokemon.

It was too sunny. The kids couldn't all get their eyes open at the same time for photos.

We took taxis back to the apartment where we got cleaned up and enjoyed some relaxing hangout at "home" time.After we got into the apartment the sky went grey and it started to rain. It was rainy. We were so blessed to have the weather work in our favor!
We ordered in pizza for dinner!
I had packed as little as I could for this trip. So, I did not pack Sunday/church attire. I decided we would have Family Home Evening instead.
Sunday morning we watched the first half of the broadcast for the new Children and Youth program for the church. Then we ate lunch and then walked to the movie theater to see Frozen II! Normally we don't go to the movies on the Sabbath. But it was beautiful out. As a family we got fresh air and exercise. And at the theater we experienced a wonderful and wholesome family movie together. We loved it! Ster says it's definitely better than the first Frozen film. I loved the 80's music video styled scene of Christoff singing about his sorrows.
Sterling went back to school Monday morning. His building is just next door.
The kids and I did some school work and hung out at the apartment. We also walked to the BX and did some shopping.We checked out the library that was close to the stores. It wasn't great so we didn't spend long there. Then picked up some groceries and walked back. It's a lot of walking for us but it's practically the only exercise we get some days so we walk it. We save money by not taking a taxi.
The trees here on base are truly amazing! So fun to climb! We keep expecting to get told not to climb them. But until then...
Sterling met up with us at the apartment for dinner and for the rest of the night.
Sterling went to school and the kids and I did the same thing: schoolwork, hangout, walk to the stores. This time we discovered something awesome...a mini gold course near the stores! Free of charge and a fun thing to do. It was in the courtyard of the Community Center which also held many fun activities. We played billiards but they also had ping pong, darts and video game consoles with games.
The oranges here are so delicious! Sweet and strong! Probably grown locally and they great amazing! We are truly enjoying the best tasting oranges we have ever had!
We stayed in all morning and afternoon with a plan to go out and have fun when Ster finished school for the day. He finished early and we walked to the mini golf and community center. It was a ton of fun! We then went to the EXchange building and bought Mom Roundy a Japanese wooden doll with a nativity painted on the kimono. And two small wooden Japanese dolls for the newly engaged couple...Abi and Austin.
We needed to get just a couple things at the commissary before going back "home." The Commissary was packed and the checkout lines ran all the way from the front of the store along the side to the back of the store. It was the day before Thanksgiving! But we really wanted our food items.
So I took the kids and we walked "home" for the night. Sterling stood in line and checked out to bring the groceries home.
We took a taxi to go to Okinawa Zoo which is off the base. It was a windy day! Extra windy. But we had a great time at the zoo.
It only cost 100 yen per child to get into the zoo and 500 yen per adult. That's a good deal for a zoo! It was a large zoo too! And had some amazing features including a lot of tropical places.
It cost a little to ride the Carousel and we paid a little to get food to feed the animals at the petting zoo and the fish in the lake. But it was worth it. We ate sandwiches for lunch...a packed lunch for Thanksgiving day.
We took taxis back to the apartment. We have to take two taxis because we are a family of five.
For dinner we ordered in pizza. We were starving. Thanksgiving dinner...Banyan Tree Pizza.
There was a box that you clap into or shout into. The sound going in created colored lights in the huge chandelier!
They had a costume dress up station. Athena picked a dino outfit then playfully chased little Japanese kids around. The Japanese kids and parents loved it!
Stand on this spot and the screen will turn you into an animal. Dance animal, dance!
This table teaches how to make shadow puppets with your hands.
Make smoke signals!
Light up seats that change color when you sit on them.
The plan was to have a beach day on Friday then fly out on Saturday.
Friday morning Sterling looked at the flight schedule to see what flights are leaving the Kadena passenger terminal this weekend. Typically there are flight every weekend to Yokota from here. Possibly because of Thanksgiving the schedule was different. There were less flights available!
We would have to try and catch a flight Friday to Atsugi and take a taxi for about an hour's drive to get us from there to Yokota. That meant we had to hurry and pack and get over to the passenger terminal.
We signed up for the first of two flights to Atsugi. Everything was looking good. Everything was looking too good. The kids and I were going to be the only people on the flight and it was a special plane. A business type plane the air force uses.
Just as we were about to be taken from the building to walk over and board the plane we were bumped off. The Marines decided they needed every seat in the plane. They had a group heading out , all of a sudden.
An hour later was scheduled another flight to Atsugi. So we were fine waiting and getting seats on that. We waited just a few minutes then were told the Marines needed every seat on that plane too.
There would be no other flights to the area of Japan in which we live. Not that day, Saturday or Sunday!
There are flights to Hawaii and Vegas. Ster said "If you want to catch a flight to either of those places?" Whether he was serious or not...my answer is "NO."
Stranded in Okinawa for the weekend. My kids have missed four days of school and now they will have to miss more. How much more? I don't know yet. We are praying we get a flight Monday.
I was going to attend auditions for the Mary Poppins play happening on Yokota's base next Spring. I was very hopeful about it. Auditions are happening Monday and Tuesday. I may missed that completely.
Honestly though, I am relieved. I was thinking about it the entire month of November and trying to prepare my voice. I have always wanted a lead roll in a play. I don't have much experience with being in a play though. So, I was nervous. And I failed at finding the perfect song to perform.
The kids and I were ready to go home. I was ready to go set up Christmas at our house. Ty was ready to go back to spending time with his friends (mostly Brandon).
Sterling was ready to get back to being alone in his tiny apartment and to having plenty of time and quiet for studying.
Athena will miss her dental checkup on Monday too.
But, we are stranded.
We walk every day to the shopping area where the community center is. It's a long walk for the kids but it's the only exercise they get in the day.
Friday we walked to the community center to play billiard, video games and mini golf. It was Thanksgiving in America. So, our families were celebrating with family. I made sure to count my blessings despite wanting circumstances to be different. We love spending time with Sterling, after all.
Saturday we waited until the afternoon to get out. It is windy! The wind makes it too cold to go swim in the ocean today. But Sterling took the kids to the beach for other play opportunities. And I was able to stay home and have some "me" time! That meant they only had to take one taxi which saved us some money.
I worked out in the Fitness room one floor below us. And I walked to the shopping center where I bought a few things.
The kids had a blast at the beach with their dad! They collected many awesome shells! They brought them back to the apartment before discovering a tiny baby crab hiding in one and a small hermit crab still residing in another. There is a good sized shell with a good sized hermit crab too! Surprise!
The largest shell with a creature in it is longer than my fingers. The crab inside is small enough to hide completely inside the shell so he is much smaller than the shell. But he can impressively maneuver that shell when he walks!
In the evening we painted some of the shells. I got a shell decorating kit from the store. It comes with some shells but now we have even more.
Some of the shells I will keep and place in my kitchen window where I currently have shells already. These will be our Okinawa souvenirs.
How to get crabs out of shells?
The first crab we found was a tiny baby. So small he didn't claim a shell to drag around. We flushed him down the toilet because...all drains lead to the ocean, right? According to Finding Nemo anyway.
The second crab was still small but big enough to have claimed a shell as his home. And the third was the largest. I wanted those pretty shells so we needed to find a way to get the crabs out. Sterling thinks that if we just let them die inside the shells we won't be able to get them out ever and the shells will gain a stench.
Sterling tried putting the two shells on ice and hoping the crabs leave looking for a new, warmer shell. But the crabs just went dormant. They fell asleep in the shells!
Then we tried letting them thaw out and placed a shoe on top of the bigerg crab's shell so that when he tries to walk away he shell doesn't go with him and he would abandon it. We placed a shell we didn't care about close by for him. But...he never woke from his sleep. He must have expired. It's such a pretty and big shell though! I don't know what we are going to do.
The middle sized crab we tried getting out due to a small hole in the shell. We were able to put a needle through it to push the crab out of the center. He was really stuck in there. So we used pliers to try and pull him out as well. That didn't work. His poor little crab legs just came off. So we flushed him down the toilet in pieces.
Sunday morning we used a kit I got from the BX to learn how to make balloon animals. That was fun! We made dogs, parrots, swords and tried to make Kirbies too. We attempted a turtle and a baby binky.
Athena and Luke parrots on rings:
Ty with Blue Kirby and two dogs:
Athena with parrot, three dogs, a giant binky, a swan and a sword.
After lunch we walked to the community center but it was closed. Then to the library...which was closed. So then we went to the grocery store and picked out ice cream and brownies. We walked back to the apartment and enjoyed our dessert with a movie. The kids watched the newest Grinch cartoon film and Ster and I watched a Christmas movie from Amazon in the bedroom.
That afternoon we made Rudolf themed Christmas cards using green paper, crayons and shiny red pom poms.
Sterling went to the school to study and do homework at 3pm.
That evening we had Family Night after dinner where we learned from the Come Follow Me primary manual.
I bought some overalls here. They are coming back in style! lol
It was Roslyn and Isaiah's birthday yesterday and Kelly Roundy's birthday today. So, lots to celebrate in a single weekend.
There are no flights to Yokota Sunday, Monday or Tuesday?! Typically there are tons of flights to Yokota in a week. So, this is unexpected.
There is a little hope...there is a flight to Atsugi for Monday afternoon but the number of seats available is "TBD" (to be determined). And flights are subject to change without warning. SO...tomorrow I have to call the passenger terminal late morning to see if the plan is still the same. Then take a taxi to the passenger terminal to see if we can catch the flight.
This is crazy.