2014 Family

Saturday, May 7, 2022
Labyrinth 2: Hidden Legacy
Labyrinth : Hidden Legacy
By Tiffany Rose Roundy
Chapter 1
Sarah’s Family Reunion
Driving from the airport toward her parents’ house in the small town she grew up in Sarah was happy to be returning home. She had just finished college and was living with a roommate named Mourene.
Mourene was pretty easy to get along with. She was sweet and had a lot of friends which became Sarah’s friends as well.
Sarah was tidier at keeping a home but the two put up with each other’s differences.
Sarah had always been tidy. Wanting her possession, her treasures, displayed. All of Sarah’s things were treasures. She was choosy about what she owned. Each item had to reflect her personality down the simplest of things such as a notebook. She would find a regular boring notebook and add her flare with stickers or drawings to the cover to create something very unique... Something very ...her.
Fantasy was her forte. Her passion.
Driving “home” again she imagined her bedroom as she had left it. With her favorite childhood books, her teddy bears, her horses, her games. Minus Lancelot. Her teddy bear which she had given as a gift to her baby brother after a scare five years prior. Lancelot had been her favorite bear at the time. Sitting safely and regally on a high shelf near her bed. Toby, only two at the time, would go into her room and take Lancelot often. He must have been Toby’s favorite as well.
Sarah couldn’t stand to have
anyone touch her things...especially a spoiled baby.
Things changed around that time though… Toby had been kidnapped and Sarah had
to choose whether to risk her life to save him or not. She could have gone back
to her room and her life and been an only child again. Never having to babysit
against her will ever after.
As Sarah passed the park she once spent most of her time at, hiding from her stepmother, she saw in the evening sky bright colors. Beautiful and strong. And in the purple hue an owl flying gracefully. One lone owl.
This sight created a chill which ran down the back of her spine. A memory. A feeling.
She arrived at home and left her bags in the car as she went to the front door and greeted her family.
Hugging her father first with sincerity. Father and Sarah had not always seen eye to eye but they still loved each other.
Hugging Toby next. Although he was her half brother she didn’t feel that way in her heart...not anymore.
And lastly hugging her stepmom. The one whom Sarah had despised. Had blamed for all of her troubles in high school. Who stole her father, brought a baby into the house and put Sarah to work every day.
However, something had changed. While struggling to rescue Toby all those years ago Sarah had learned some lessons about life that would change hers.
One of those lessons was that life is unfair. There is more than one person involved in every situation and that means there are different perspectives on each situation. The overall good, what has to be done, isn’t always fair to those involved.
That knowledge helped Sarah to overcome her negativity towards her stepmother. And Sarah learned to have a good attitude when pulling her weight around the house and around the family.
These days Sarah and her Stepmother could honestly say they were family, in every way. They had created a bond; a relationship.
The family went into the house and had a delightful dinner. Conversing about the most recent happenings of their lives and of Sarah’s plan for her future.
Sarah had just been hired for her first well paid job. She was now a secretary at a large, successful company. She had a month before her start date. For the time being she would continue to live with Mourene in their little apartment. Father and Irene were very proud. Things were going smooth and wonderful for every member of this family. They were truly blessed. Still, those are the times life throws us “curve balls”, doesn’t it?
The next morning Father and Irene had a serious conversation with Sarah…
“We know you love your bedroom” Father said, “But the house isn’t big enough to keep it for you.”
Irene chimed in “We wanted to make sure you are okay with it before we made a real decision or made any changes.”
Sarah’s face saddened.
In her mind she had set that her bedroom would remain. Her Father would always own the house and her belongings would stay there, set up the way she loved them.
“It may be time for you to get a place of your own. Then you can fill the space with all of these ‘treasures.’ Move them with you?” Father suggested.
Sarah decided to agree. She realized she had grown up and maybe it was time for her bedroom to grow up too.
Chapter 2
It had been a few days that Sarah had been home. She and Toby (who was seven years old now) were playing hide and go seek in the house. Dad and Irene were both at work.
It was a rainy afternoon and so indoor games were the activity to choose.
They had already spent time individually that day; Sarah reading a fictional novel and Toby playing his toys alone. They had watched some television together. They had enjoyed sandwiches and fruit on the porch watching the rainy scene all around. And now, they were playing Hide and Go Seek.
It was Sarah’s turn to seek. Toby sneaked into Sarah’s room and hid underneath her bed. There he could see her carpet which was in need of replacing, a pair of socks she had removed by her mirror but failed to place in the laundry hamper and a stuffed toy that was somehow lost under the bed with him (It was a dog that Sarah had called Sir. Didymus).
Toby could hear Sarah speaking his name as she searched the hiding places around the house. Getting closer and closer. AS she entered into her bedroom Toby smiled and watched her feet move across the floor. She stopped at her dresser. She was no longer calling for her brother...or seeking at all.
He could hear her speaking to herself. She gasped and said the name “Hoggle!” in an endearing manner. Next Toby heard a sound...a crunch.
A moment later Sarah dropped a cookie on the floor and as it hit the ground Sarah fell too. She collapsed upon the carpet. Toby gasped. He began to crawl to get out from under the bed and help his sister.
Just then something impossible happened. Something completely unfamiliar to Toby. A door opened. A door that had not been there a moment earlier!
Toby could see just the bottom of it but it stood out because the door brought forth a light. On the other side of this door was sky, trees and buildings and...feet. Toby saw two boots walk through the door into Sarah’s room.
He was so startled he did not come out of the space underneath the bed. All he could do was watch. Confused and unsure.
The person with the boots leaned down and picked up Sarah. Then walked her through the door.
Toby’s mind was racing now. What should he do? Would COULD he do?
Rashly, he crawled out from under the bed and went through the opened door.
Chapter 3
Sarah’s New Home
Sarah opened her eyes. In
front of her she beheld two fairies. Flying together in harmony. They were
quite beautiful.
Sarah realized that she was in a garden which was filled with multitudes of
fairies and butterflies alike. It was a simple garden with whimsy. The flying
creatures made it what is was...magical.
Sarah felt joy and then confusion.
Where was she? How did she get here? She remembered...her bedroom. Looking for something...or someone? And then...a present on her dresser. She had walked up to it and read a note; “Welcome home, Sarah. From your friends, Hoggle, Sir Didymus and Luto.”
What a surprise that was. Inside the mini box was a cookie. It tasted so sweet and delightful.
That was the last thing she could recall.
- - - - - -
Inside his castle the Goblin King spoke with his adviser; an elderly goblin that had helped raise him many years ago. Goriddy. He was tall for a goblin. With a long white beard that twisted in a zig zag manner.
Goriddy wore a fancy green
robe. Unlike most goblins in the kingdom he was well kept and wore the finest
materials. Upon his head he wore a hat that symbolized his position as royal
adviser. The hat was white with a golden V in the center. King Jareth enjoyed
teasing the old one by guessing what the V stood for. “Vicious?” Jareth asked
one day. “Volunteer?” “Va va voom?”
Gorridy would never admit what it represented. When the royal children were
young he would appease the princess by telling her it was a symbol of his
loyalty to her; ”Vile.”
The truth Gorridy kept to himself. The V stood for “variant.”
“She’s waking up” the adviser said. He and Jareth could see her through a window across the garden. Sarah, however, did not realize she was being watched.
“She will love the garden, won’t she?” Jareth asked for reassurance.
“It is a perfect gift, my king. She will love it” Gorridy replied.
“I have waited many years for
this moment” Jareth said, “I could not forget her. I could not stop my love for
“You should have everything you want, your highness. This plan will work.” said
“The morsel she ate will have erased all the negative memories by this time” Jareth said. “She will remember me...but only the good times. And she will believe that we are in love and she is mine.”
Sarah walked around the small garden admiring the flying creatures. They had everything they needed to thrive and remain in the garden.
“My dear” a voice rang through the garden. Sarah looked around and saw the goblin king in all his glory. Dressed to impress his “love.”
“Welcome back to my kingdom” he said.
Sarah slowly remembered... she remembered him. She remembered that face, that voice and the feeling of magic that came with his presence.
“The goblin king” Sarah whispered. She wasn’t sure what she felt. If it was good or bad. But she felt something.
“My love, you know me...call me Jareth” he said sweetly.
“Do you like your garden?” he asked as he walked slowly toward her. “It is my present to you in celebration.”
“Celebration?” Sarah asked.
“Of our love” the king responded.
Sarah then remembered the ball; an event from her past. Extravagant dresses and fancy headwear. The beautiful music. The thrill and the magic that was in the air. And Jareth. He was there. He looked at her with love and desire. She felt that.
And they danced. He held her in his arms and they spun around so gracefully. They floated as if there were no floor and wings kept them up; never touching the ground.
“We are celebrating that you have chosen to come live with me in my castle and be my princess” Jareth said. He was in front of her now. His face had reached hers. So close their breath combined as it left their bodies.
Did Sarah love him? It must be true. She had no evidence against it.
Jareth put his arms around her in a warm embrace. Slowly she reached her hands up around him in return. A little uncertainty remaining on her face and in her mind.
“Do you love the garden?” the goblin king asked once more.
Sarah shook her head a little trying to find her baring. She wanted to feel confident and have a grasp on reality. She tried.
“It is beautiful ...Jareth.” She responded. “Like a dream.”
All of her memories, in fact, were hazy like dreams during slumber.
Chapter 4
Hector The Caterpillar
Toby went through the door into this strange scene he did not recognize. It certainly wasn’t his front yard.
He saw the man carrying his sister. However, not wanting to be seen Toby hid behind a tree and watched. The man carried Sarah toward a giant maze. He walked her straight through a gate in the wall of the maze. Right next to the wall was a strange tree. Large and covered with hanging mesh like leaves. Drooping down. Like a willow tree that was more frightening than attractive.
The man entered the maze and turned right.
Toby looked around to see if anyone else was in the area. He saw bugs flying around. A couple animals in the forest where he was but no people.
Toby felt scared. Scared of being seen.
This was a feeling he felt often in his life. “Brave” was not a word used to describe Toby...not even by himself. He was afraid of the shadows outside at night. He was afraid of getting lost. He was afraid of standing out among his peers.
He wanted to be brave. He just didn’t know how to get there.
Every moment Toby hesitated his sister was getting further and further away. He had to make a move. He HAD to run! His heart beat fast and he pressed his eyes shut tight. He took in a deep breath and then, opened his eyes and ran as fast as he could.
He ran to the gate and pushed it open. Turning to his right he saw...nobody. The man was gone. All that was there appeared to be an everlasting path with wall on either side. The scene was dismal. Roots and leaves and pebbles upon the ground. Walls that were old and worn. And the sky...gray clouds were rolling in and covering the sun. It appeared not a welcoming or happy place.
Toby began to walk.
“Where did the man go?!” Toby asked aloud. Then he began to run. It was just wall on either side. No turns or entrances or exits. So he ran faster. Still, nothing. Toby stopped.
Being a child, Toby liked to feel things as he went through his day. As he walked he touched the wall on his left and felt it as he went along. Thinking. Wracking his brain for an explanation. Then, unbelievably, the wall that was …was no longer there. Oh, he could see the wall! But he couldn’t feel it.
He turned toward the wall and attempted to push it with both hands. He went right through it. “Magic?” Toby asked.
Toby looked left and right and he began to walk. He chose the right side. Toby decided that feeling the wall was a smart thing to do in this maze. So, he raised his hand and touched as he moved. Suddenly a small cry came up. “Hey! You almost smashed me!” it said.
Toby notice a young, blue, fuzzy caterpillar on the wall near his fingers.
“Hello” Toby replied. “This place is magic!” Toby said to himself. “The walls are magic and the caterpillars too!”
“Nah” said the caterpillar, “Optical illusions.”
“Oh! My name is Toby” he said.
“How nice to me you, Toby. I’m Hector” said the little creature. “Come inside for a cup of tea?” This hospitality he had learned from his father. Always be polite and invite guests in for tea!
Toby wondered how that would even be possible. “Yes?” he said more as a question than an answer.
“Just hold onto the wall there and pull” the caterpillar nodded to Toby’s right side. So Toby felt with his hands until he reached the edge of the wall. He grabbed it and pulled toward himself and the wall moved! It opened up like a giant door.
Inside Toby saw rows of bricks as one would expect. Some of the bricks were missing and in those spaces were a nice little home for a caterpillar family. Leaf beds they could munch on when they were hungry, tiny photos of the family hanging on their walls, miniature furniture set up quite nicely.
“Why, Hello” said another caterpillar from inside the home.
“This is my mum” said Hector, nodding toward the other caterpillar.
Just then another blue caterpillar inched its way into the home from a hole in the wall.
“I’m ‘ome” the entering creature said. He stopped and starred at Toby.
“Hiyah, Pop” Hector said. Hector’s pop spoke with a British accent although his wife and child did not.
“Hi, I’m Toby” the young boy introduced himself.
“I’m ‘Erald”, “Nice to meet you.”
Toby did not know that Herald had met Sarah years prior. That she had entered the same magical realm back then.
This day Toby had not entered the labyrinth at the same gate Sarah had years ago. However, it was not altogether too far from it.
Surprisingly, three tiny caterpillar heads popped up from under a leaf.
“Meet the children” Herald said. “ ’Addie, ‘Ellen and ‘Enry.”
“How cute” Toby replied. “It’s nice to meet you all. Where am I? What is this whole place?”
“You’re inside the labyrinth” answered Herald.
Harmony chimed in, “This is the Goblin King’s kingdom.”
“Goblins?” Toby questioned. The thought sent a shiver down his spine but he didn’t know the reason why.
Harmony poured a tiny cup of tea for Toby and he carefully picked it up. Knocking over a piece of furniture then apologizing and fixing it for them.
“My sister is here and I have to find her!” Toby pleaded. “A tall man with black boots and white wild hair has taken her!”
“Was he human?” asked Harmony.
“Of course” replied Toby.
“That would ‘ave to be our goblin king” said Herald. “ ‘E lives in the castle at the center of the labyrinth.”
“Then that’s where I have to get to!” Toby declared. “How do I start the labyrinth?”
“Take any turn towards the castle” said Harmony.
“You already know about the illusions of the walls” said Herald “keep in mind that things are not what they seem ‘ere.”
Toby drank the drop of tea from his cup and placed it back on the tiny table. “Thank you very much. It was wonderful meeting you” Toby said. “I have to get going. Goodbye.”
Toby ran off to attempt the labyrinth.
Herald said to his wife “I wonder if ‘is sister is anything like that yuman girl I met years ago?”
“I wonder if Toby wanted to know the short cut to the castle?” Harmony said.
“Nah” Herald replied “If ‘e
wanted to get there fast ‘e would have asked ‘ow to get straight to the
Harmony nodded in agreement.
Chapter 5
Getting Acquainted
Sarah’s negative memories from her entire life had been forgotten. Clouded over and hidden from her consciousness. She did not remember physical pain such as scraping her knees as a child. She did not remember any embarrassing moments, any emotional or psychological pain. She did not remember that her mother passed away when Sarah was ten years old.
She did not remember the first years of her step mother or Toby in her life. And all of the positive memories were hazy and dream like. Some of her good memories and clarity were still missing.
Sarah could see the happy memories of her stepmother and Toby but she could not recall who they were to her...just that they existed in her life.
In the castle Sarah was given her own bed chamber. With a wardrobe of outfits to match Jareth’s.
She dressed into some of her
new clothes and walked around the castle. Curious to see what her life would be
like from now on.
She walked past little goblins wild and free. It was fairly messy, as goblins
make messes and don’t clean up after themselves. However, there were some
beautiful places within the castle.
Sarah came across a room she recognized...the ballroom. It had not been a
fantasy or a dream. There was a
ballroom. She did not know it at the time but her experiences there in that
room happened inside one of the goblin king’s crystals. It had been an
illusion. The room existed but she had never actually set foot in it until that
day, exploring the castle as princess of the kingdom.
Sarah looked around at the mirrors on the walls, the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the fine tables and chairs and the candles.
She was interrupted by
Jareth. He walked up to her and put his hand on her cheek. She felt slightly
uncomfortable but fought the feeling. Logic was telling her that she and the
king were “a couple”. That they had both chosen this life they were beginning
together. So Sarah forced a smile and looked into his eyes for a moment.
The goblin king took Sarah’s hand and lead her toward the center of the room
where they began to dance.
Chapter 6
A Unique Infant
Toby was well into the maze now. He had made many turns but he wasn’t sure how he was doing or if he was going in the right direction. Then he noticed something that stood out: a door. A simple wooden door with no doorknob or knocker. Curious, Toby pushed on the door. He expected it to open to the other side of the wall. However, he found that inside the door was a new place entirely. A wooded area full of trees and nature. Even more curious now, Toby decided to enter the woods.
The boy noticed, as he walked through the trees, a red bird: a phoenix. The bird was shortly joined by other phoenix birds; A family. But then the wind picked up. It became so strong that the trees bent. Leaves flew up and hit Toby forcefully. He turned around to head back to the door he had come through...only, he could not see it. It was gone! The wind and leaves hurt his skin. He needed to find shelter!
Looking about he found a hollow in the trunk of a tree, large enough to house himself. He pushed his way through the wind and crawled inside. He was safe there from the storm.
A few squeaking sounds arose and Toby realized he was not alone. He jerked his head to the side when he noticed where the creature was located. His eyes adjusted in the dark and he saw a small furry creature sitting next to him; Red and orange, cute and cuddly.
The little thing was scared and alone. Toby gently brushed the top of it’s head. It didn’t bite, so he decided it might be safe to care for the creature. He picked it up and the little thing smiled. An adorable smile.
Toby smiled back and then the creature’s head detached from it’s body!
Toby almost dropped the thing, it startled him so greatly. But the head did not fall to the ground. It floated in the air. Then it returned, reattaching to the little body. The creature giggled. It was very odd and unexpected. Toby didn’t know what to think. The gleaming eyes of the infant brought back the happy peaceful vibes.
Suddenly, breaking through the moment, a rough creature entered the trunk hollow looking for shelter from the storm.
It was ugly with dark fur and lots of teeth! Immediately it spotted the unique infant. It licked it’s lips and eyed the baby.
Toby picked up a sharp stick from the ground to defend the infant. Pushing the stick toward the ugly creature who was barring it’s mouth full of teeth. Toby was worried about all of those sharp teeth! He really hoped the sharp stick plan would work in his favor!
Toby pressed the sharp stick toward the monster. It backed up more and more with each jabbing movement. At the entrance of the hollow the creature stopped. Toby gave it a little sharp poke to show he was serious. In response, the monster gave an angry huff and turned to run away. Toby and the baby both sighed with relief. The sigh of the tiny cute thing made Toby smile again.
“That was brave, wasn’t it?” Toby asked aloud.
The wind died down and Toby
looked outside. The storm seemed to be passing almost as quickly as it had
The boy heard voices and saw two orange and red furry creatures heading toward
the tree. They were still afar off but Toby figured they would be coming for
their little one. Maybe this hollow was his home. If so, Toby might not want to
be found there by the parents. He gently placed the little one back where he
had found it. Patted it’s head and said goodbye.
Toby poked his head outside then left the tree. He ran the opposite way of the parents who were coming closer. He ran for a couple minutes then slowed to a walk.
Chapter 7
Toby Meets A Knight
As he walked along Toby saw ahead of him a creature he did recognize... a white horse... trapped in a net. As Toby drew closer he realized it wasn’t a horse...but a unicorn! Toby could hardly believe what he was witnessing.
The creature was calling for help and moving nervously unable to free itself.
Toby wanted to free the unicorn. As he walked closer the unicorn turned it’s head toward him, it’s horn pointed directly at him. Toby stopped. He backed away. He continued backing up.
As he did so he felt a familiarity to the situation. He had done this before. He remembered last week at school: A boy he knew in his class was being picked on by a bully. Toby had empathy for the boy. He was very similar to Toby. Small in stature, kind and easy prey for bullies.
Toby’s heart went out to the victim but what could Toby do? He didn’t know how to help. He backed away then as he backed away from this unicorn now.
He stopped as he backed into a labyrinth wall. Toby felt joy in finding the labyrinth again.
The unicorn whimpered and Toby thought about the great number of things that worried him in his life. How often he backed away, in a sense, from situations that called for bravery.
“I want to help you” Toby said softly, hoping it would calm the beast.
He walked slowly toward the side of the net where it was tied to a pole up high and again down low. As he drew near the unicorn got scared and thrashed it’s head around.
Toby ran back, far from the unicorn. He could not do it. “That poor unicorn.”
“I can’t just walk away” Toby said but really he had about decided that was the only thing he could do.
Toby turned around as someone came around the corner.
It was a dog, dressed up in clothes and ridding upon...a dog?
The creatures stopped when they saw Toby. “Good day” the dressed up dog said.
Toby’s eyes widened. “Hello?”
Sir Diddymus spotted the unicorn behind him. “Might I be of assistance?” he asked Toby.
“Please!” Toby replied.
Sir Diddymus introduced himself as he dismounted his steed.
“We shall each take one side and cut the ropes” he instructed Toby before handing him a small knife.
Sir Diddymus made a sound as he approached the net. A sound very similar to the one the unicorn was making. It seemed to calm the creature.
“Do not fear!” Sir Diddymus proclaimed. He was speaking to the unicorn but Toby felt more confident as if the words had been said to him directly.
Toby and Sir Diddymus both cut the ropes then they both pulled on the ropes and the unicorn bowed his head. The net slid off of the unicorn and he galloped away.
Toby sighed with relief and beamed. He was proud of himself!
Toby handed the small knife back to Sir Diddymus who eyed it and then said “Why don’t you keep it? You might need it here.” This made Toby feel uneasy. What would he do with a knife? He was too scared to use it.
“Thank you.” Toby said and Sir Diddymus handed him a small sheath to keep it in. Toby tied it to his waist.
“I wander the kingdom offering my services for hire...and occasionally helping those in need” he replied. “I am a hero for hire. Quests are my forte.” He held up a paper flier that advertised his services with a picture of him and his steed Ambrosius.
“Oh! My name is Toby” replied the boy.
“What is thy purpose here, Toby?” the dog asked.
“I have to find my sister. She has been kidnapped!” Toby replied.
“A courageous and sincere endeavor, that is” Sir Didymus replied. “Can I be on any assistance?”
“I don’t have anything on me to pay you” Toby said. “But I could really use some help getting to the castle at the center of the labyrinth! Sarah must be there!”
“My lady? Sarah?” Sir Didymus perked up.
“Do you know my sister?” Toby asked in surprise.
“It has been years since I’ve seen her. It’s been a while since she has needed my support” Sir Didymus replied. “Nevertheless...she is here?”
“Herald the caterpillar told me that the Goblin King is the one who has taken her. Taken from our home!” Toby explained.
“I will accompany thou on thy quest for, with this knowledge, it is now my quest too! I will always come to Sarah’s aid.” Sir Didymus announced.
Toby smiled with relief. Sir Didymus must know this labyrinth well!
“How fast can you get me to the center of the labyrinth?” Toby asked.
“It might take a day or two” Sir Didymus said.
“That’s the fastest way through?” Toby said disappointed.
“The labyrinth has many tricks. ‘Tis always changing. The way through today might not be the way through tomorrow.” Sir Didymus said. “I will get us there, fear not!”
But Toby did have fear. Quite a bit of it...hitting him now more than before. He was reaching the realization that he did not know if he would get Sarah back.
Finding her was one thing but what next? How would he get her away from the goblin king? Toby wasn’t brave enough to face any kind of enemy. And this one...he was a man. A king. A villain.
“What’s this?” Sir Didymus asked...”I smell your fear!”
“What?” Toby asked in confusion.
“I have a great sense of smell! I pride myself on it!” the knight replied with his chest out and his chin high, his arms raised to rest his fists on his waist, waving his head slowly side to side like a small flag waving in the wind.
“Okay” Toby replied. Believing the words of the dog but wondering if it was completely true. That he could smell his fear.
“I smell it all the time because of Ambrosius! The fearful creature.” Sir Didymus said.
Ambrosius lowered his face and covered it with his paw in embarrassment.
Toby let out a little laugh and began to feel hopeful again. Little moments of joy can lift one’s spirit from the deep pits of fear and doubt.
The party of three entered the labyrinth together through a doorway nearby. Toby had enough bravery to keep going through the labyrinth and that was enough for now. That was all he needed at the moment.
Chapter 8
Catching Up with Hoggle and Ludo
In a forest Hoggle balanced on top of Ludo’s shoulders as he reached for fruit up in a tree. This fruit was glowing blue and green. The tree was black and dark blue. In fact, the entire forest was dark ! Glowing fruits and plants spread throughout.
Hoggle was using a net to capture the fruit of that tree.
“Ludo, hungry” the giant beast said. Then he reached toward the box on the ground that had glowing fruit inside.
The movement made Hoggle wobble and fear for falling. “Ludo! No!” Hoggle hollered. “If you touch that fruit you will get burned!”
Ludo stopped and stared at the fruit debating whether it was worth trying. His stomach growled as loud as a beast in the forest. Ludo grabbed at a piece of fruit. It quickly burned his hand and he had to release it back into the box.
The startle of the pain he should have seen coming made his whole body bounce which resulted in a fast falling Hoggle to the forest floor.
“Ludo, sorry” Ludo said.
Hoggle got himself up and shook the dust off his body like a dog shakes dust from his fur.
“If you eat this fruit now it would burn your tongue!” Hoggle reminded his friend. “Glowing fruit can only be eaten after it is cooled on ice. But it’s worth more money than other fruit. So, we need to sell it in our fruit stand.”
Hoggle and Ludo were now partners in a fruit stand business in the goblin city. Money was tight because the goblin king taxed Hoggle extra due to his dislike of the goblin.
Ludo whimpered in pain and Hoggle responded “You’ll be fine...let’s find some lunch.”
Ludo picked up their box of glowing fruit and they walked away to find another place to retrieve food.
Neither of them happened to see the hooded woman rushing through the darkness. Her pale face was adorned with stars tattooed in place cascading down her left eyebrow, eye, and cheek bone. Her eyes painted with gold and black paints. She wore a green cloak clipped together by a giant metal dragonfly. Her name was Enara Vile and she was on an adventure of her own.
Enara was startled when she saw a giant silhouette of a monstrous horned beast heading her way. Making a loud growling sound. The sound coming from Ludo’s hungry stomach sounded like a blood thirsty beast calling for his food. In the woman’s haste to flee the area before the beast got any closer, she did not notice the crystal ball slip out of her satchel as she turned around. It fell onto the forest floor and was left behind.
Hoggle and Luto happened to walk to that exact spot on their way. A glowing fruit reflection from the crystal ball caught Hoggle’s eye. “What is that?” Hoggle asked and he picked up the cold, clear sphere.
“It looks like one of Jareth’s!” Hoggle exclaimed. A shiver ran down his spine.
“Should we leave it here?” Hoggle wondered aloud. Knowing that was the safest action.
However, he could sell it for some good money.
“We’ll take it to the pawn shop and sell it” Hoggle decided. “But let’s hurry. I don’t want the goblin king to catch me with it!”
“Where’d come from?” Ludo asked.
“That’s the mysterious part” Hoggle admitted. He placed the crystal under some of the fruit to hide it as they traveled. There was no reason to invite trouble by drawing attention with it in view.
Sarah and Jareth spent time together: creating new memories and forming a bond.
Sarah dined with Jareth. She lounged around the throne room while Jareth made kingly decisions and lead the goblin court. The throne room was not grand. It was not clean. It was very much like the goblin city; old and unkept. It certainly wasn’t Sarah’s favorite place to be.
But she had her garden and she had other rooms to discover inside the castle.
“Will you show me some of your best rooms?” Sarah asked her king “Give me a tour?”
He was happy to oblige. Jareth showed Sarah to a sacred room where he preserved his magic crystals. The walls on both sides of the room were lined with shelves which held each crystal ball. Rows upon rows of crystal spheres. The room itself arched from the walls on either side of the entrance to the back wall. A small waterfall adorned the center of the back of this room. Pouring from the ceiling to the floor and disappearing into small pool of water on the ground. The water rotating from in front of the wall, up behind the wall and out from the ceiling once more.
The room was an extraordinary experience. Sarah could only imagine how much magic was contained in that single room.
Next Jareth took her to a room that she had once been inside of. An illusion room filled with stairs and arched doorways; some of which were right side up, some upside down and some even on their sides!
Sarah looked with amazement. She felt a sense of familiarity. She could almost remember…
She could catch glimpses of being in this room. It was unsettling and yet still a remarkable sight to see.
Jareth watched curiously ...wanting to see what was going through her mind. Did she know this room at all?
The goblin king remembered all too well. This was where she chose for the final time to save her brother and break Jareth’s heart. She had found the power within herself that Jareth dreaded. The power to leave him. The power to defeat him. The confidence and strength all people have inside somewhere... whether they know it or not.
They moved on from that grand room. Jareth took her to her garden. “That’s enough excitement for one day my pet.”
The moon was large that evening. Shining so brightly it lit up the entire garden.
“You will be happy here, Sarah” he said and he kissed her cheek. Sarah smiled and held Jareth’s hand.
A couple of goblins came into the garden chattering and laughing. “Get out of here you little warts!” the goblin king shouted. “This is only for Sarah!” This of course startled Sarah. Jareth had switched from sweet and gentle to outraged and fearful in a heartbeat. Though his anger was thrown away from her and not at her, it did place a handful of fear into her soul.
The goblin king returned his face to a smile and turned back to his princess. Placing the first seed of real doubt into Sarah’s mind.
Chapter 9
Things Here Are Not What They Seem
Sir Didymus and Toby pressed forward through the maze. They came upon a fork in the path that had arched doorways. To the left, written above the doorway in red paint, were the words “This way leads to death!” As if someone was trying to warn those who travel to avoid the danger.
To the right there was no writing above the doorway. “This way must be safe” Toby said and he turned to the right.
“This way, my boy” Sir Didymus said as he walked toward the threatening message. “In the labyrinth things are not what they seem. And if ye are on the right path or heading toward good things there shall be diversions and scare tactics to steer thee away.”
Toby was surprised to learn this important truth. It would save him a lot of time and frustration.
“Okay” Toby agreed. He felt calm and secure in trusting in Sir Didymus.
Sir Didymus breathed in deep, “Aw, what a welcomed scent! Fresh baked pies.”
Toby sniffed the air. He couldn’t smell any pie. Wait...there was something in the air. It was getting stronger. “Yuck” Toby said as he got a big whiff of something musty and moldy. “That’s not pie...” Toby said. He began to wonder about Sir Didymus’ sense of smell.
“What I would give for a pie right now!” Toby said. His mouth too dry to salivate over even that thought.
Sir Didymus pulled from his saddle bag some food and drink. He shared with Toby and it was the jump start Toby needed.
“I have missed Sarah. How has she been these past years?” Sir Didymus asked.
“Good.” Toby replied “She went off to college but would come home to visit for special occasions like my birthday and Christmas. She just got a job too!”
“My lady has grown up?” Sir
Didymus said softly. “Sarah was so brave! She was young but she was brave.”
“As young as me?” Toby asked curiously.
“No” replied Sir Didymus...”Not as young as thou art.” He paused remembering. Then continued: ”Thou were but a babe at that time. The very babe in fact...The reason Sarah came here and steered me away from my unnecessary duty. She changed my life.”
“How did Sarah find the labyrinth? Why was she here?” Toby asked.
“She challenged the goblin king to get thee back. Didst thou not know of this?” Sir Didymus said.
“I don’t remember” Toby said. “I did not know about this place.”
“The goblin king wanted thee as a goblin in his court. A new goblin to add to his kingdom. Sarah realized she wanted thee after all. And in the end her bravery won against the king himself.”
Toby was in awe at the thought of all the bravery Sarah had shown. She had gotten him back home because of that bravery. How would Toby possibly be able to get Sarah back home on his own?
Chapter 10
A Small Cemetery
The travelers discovered a small cemetery within the labyrinth paths.
Sir Didymus removed his hat
and held it at his chest. “A moment of silence for those who have passed on” he
“Oh,” Toby said and bowed his head in silence. When he raised his head again he
noticed upon one of the gravestones a strange looking hat. It was shaped like a
bird’s head. Then suddenly the eyes of the bird opened! “Hello” the hat spoke!
“Hi. What are you doing here in this cemetery?” Toby asked.
“My master left this world and I was left to watch over his grave” the hat replied.
“Wouldst thou wish us to remove thee from this place?” Sir Didymus offered.
“Well, well...where would I go?” The hat asked sarcastically. “Perhaps on a vacation? Or to live in a zoo?”
“Okay, stay here then” Toby said, a little annoyed at the attitude of the strange hat.
Sir Didymus and Toby moved on from the cemetery. Little did they know ...as they walked away a phoenix flew above the cemetery and spotted the hat. It flew down and cried out a sound of joyful surprise.
“My brother, is it really you?!” the hat asked.
“We had lost hope of ever seeing you again” replied the phoenix “The family will celebrate when we arrive home together!”
“I may not be the bird I once was” the hat sadly admitted, looking at the change that had happened with his body years ago.
“No matter!” replied the phoenix, “We love you and will shout with joy about your return!”
The bird gently grasped the hat with it’s talons and lifted him off the gravestone. As they flew into the sky the hat thought how it had been many years since the he had felt flight! He embraced every moment of the once familiar experience. With more joy in him than he had felt since the last day he had been with his flock.
Enara Vile entered the cemetery as the birds flew off into the sky
She searched the gravestones for a moment and stopped at one in
particular. Kneeling down she placed a flower against the tombstone of her
mother whose image was displayed in the center. Enara looked at her mother’s
face and recalled what she looked like in person. With her beautiful style and
her royal court. Once upon a time when the court was not made up of goblins but
of human beings. A court that doted upon their queen and followed her obsession
with fashion. The men styled their facial hair long but each with a unique
creative fashion. Mustaches that formed swirls or even tusks. Beards that
formed intricate designs below their chins. Handsome hats and clothing to match
their facial efforts.
The women wore their hair full and large above their heads as if they were hats
Each social gathering was a picture perfect affair.
“Hi, Mom” Enara said. “Remember the time we had a tea party in the tower? I
must have been 6 years old…” Enara imagined her childhood playhouse tower in
their backyard, amidst a hedge labyrinth. Enara spent much of her childhood in
that tower. Only once had her mother ever gone inside to play with her.
Then Enara remembered what happened next “Jareth ruined it when he practiced his magic on our tea. He turned the tea into gooseworms.”
“I was so angry I threatened to throw him into the Bog of Eternal Stench!”
Enara leaned into the tombstone resting her forehead against the top of it. This being the closest thing she had to hugging her mother now. Mother was not much of an affectionate parent when she was alive, however, on occasion there was a hug or words endearment and those are the memories Enara cherished most.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sarah woke that day with a
desire to get out of the castle. She and Jareth ventured into the goblin city
and strolled around. As Sarah walked she noticed how bland the colors were
around the square and the neighborhoods. “I have a fun idea” Sarah said aloud.
“Let’s dress up the city with some color. Can we find some fabric?”
Jareth considered this a moment and said “Of course, my dear.” He called upon
the nearest goblins “Find colorful cloths and bring them to your princess, NOW!”
immediately the goblins scurried off in different directions.
Later that day a crowd of goblins met with their king and princess in the square cutting fabrics into flags and banners. Sarah handed them out and asked “Please hang these around the city from windows and on gates? We’ll make this place more cheerful!” Sarah felt like she was making a difference and that was a feeling she had always cherished.
Chapter 11
Nearing the Goblin City
Walking through the maze, walls on either side of them the two pressed forward. “We are making good progress in this labyrinth” Sir Didymus announced. “We shall be to the goblin city tomorrow late morning.“
“Thank goodness” Toby exclaimed. “I wish it was now.”
Suddenly Sir Didymus stopped Toby and hushed him. The two of them could hear echoes of multiple hooves upon the stone ground. Sir Didymus knew who it was; Jareth’s guards riding their dracno creatures. Looking for trouble to stir up.
Ambrosius was nervous and let out a bark to express those nerves. Sir Didymus shut his eyes and sighed a frustrated sigh. Toby and Sir Didymus turned around to see behind them four guards, Goblins and monsters alike, atop saddled dracnos (two long neck dracnos and two short necked).
Upon the bodies of the guards were armor and in their hands they held weapons. Two of the guards carried jousting sticks. The other two had swords. All of which were aimed at Toby and Sir Didymus.
Toby was scared. “Will they hurt us? Will they take us prisoner?” Toby’s thoughts went in circles.
(Dracnos drawn by Eliza Lozoya)
The guards stared intently at Toby, noticing that he was different. “You look like the King’s kind!” one guard said.
“You shouldn’t be here” another said.
“Do you surrender?” the first guard asked.
“Not quite!” Sir Didymus replied. “A dual! We challenge thee to a fight!”
The guards laughed with amusement. “Sure thing, pipsqueek!”
Before Toby knew it he had volunteered to fight one of the guards himself due to a moment of surprising bravery.
The guards leant a short necked dracno to the boy for the dual. They laughed as they handed the reigns over.
As Toby sat upon a his dracno, holding a jousting stick, the creature began to hiccup. His hiccups increased and as it did Toby’s bravery evaporated.
“She gets hiccups when she tenses up!” a guard revealed, followed by a burst of laughter from the troop.
“I can’t do it!” Toby said to Sir Didymus who had hoped Toby was up for it but at the same time hoped Toby wouldn’t go through with it.
“Get down quickly. I shall take thy place!” Sir Didymus said.
They changed places and Sir Didymus faced a guard, both ready to joust.
Another guard blew a horn and the two opponents raced toward each other. Sticks drawing nearer and nearer each other with every passing moment.
Sir Didymus knocked the guard! Hit him so hard he fell from his dracno.
Toby cheered with glee.
“I have bested thee fair and square” Sir Didymus said to the guard “Now, we shall take our leave”. Honestly, Sir Didymus knew that wasn’t going to be so easy.
With angry expressions the guards slowly moved towards Toby, Sir Didymus and Ambrosius.
“Run!” Sir Didymus yelled. All three ran together as fast as they could.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The problem with not having pain or negativity in one’s life is that the highs of life are not as high.
After a painful experience one appreciates the absence of pain more than they had before. After a sick day one feels even happier about feeling healthy than they had before. Pain increases the joy one feels in life.
Remove all memories of pain and hardship and you remove their ability to fully appreciate anything. Their ability to truly be happy.
Sarah lived at the castle and tried to be happy. However, all she could do was go through the motions. Something felt a little off but she attempted to ignore that feeling.
Now and then when it was Jareth and Sarah alone, for example; dancing in the ballroom, she thought the feelings were real and maybe actually “love.”
- - - - - -
Sarah woke that morning in her own little room. A bed was made out of the finest cushions in the land, which isn’t saying much. But compared to most of the furniture in the castle it was fine indeed.
The bedroom contained a bed, wardrobe and vanity desk. The beauty desk had a mirror for her to sit at and make her feel more at home. Only, she did not feel at home. She had none of her beloved personal belongings. When she looked at her mirror all she saw was herself. No photos or memorabilia fliers attached. No toys or books from her childhood nearby or in the reflection of the mirror. Nothing to spark memories filled with joy of comfort.
Sarah wandered from her bedroom after dressing up for the day in a simple outfit. Namely: pants. That’s what she felt like wearing. Sometimes she wanted to feel feminine and special and she would wear a dress. Sometimes she was in the mood to be constructive and ready for anything. So she would wear pants.
Both styles made her feel beautiful and confident when she was feeling that vibe.
Sarah wandered to the dining hall where Jareth was not used to dining. He would typically eat in the throne room, his bed chambers or anywhere he pleased. Ordering goblins to serve his food wherever he was when he wanted his meal.
With Sarah in the castle he was spending more of his meals at the table. Sarah had not known these facts about her “love.” She would have thought it less civilized and Jareth knew this about her as well.
So he dined with Sarah in the dining hall. Proving himself to be royalty through and through while his court ate and acted like goblins...which they, in fact, were.
Breakfast was brought in on a cart by a goblin wearing a chef hat.
The goblin king and his princess ate their meal. Sarah tried to come up with topics to converse about. “What do you like to do on a day like today?”
Jareth smiled and responded “I enjoy practicing my magic and visiting my most despised citizens.”
“Oh, do you go cheer them up?” Sarah inquired.
“No” Jareth laughed. “I like to personally go collect taxes from them!”
Sarah’s smile faded fast.
“I have many duties at king, you must understand...” Jareth continued the conversation.
Chapter 12
A Mischievous New Friend
They stopped to rest in a small courtyard. “I am tired” Toby admitted.
Ambrosius laid down and quickly fell asleep. They had run long enough that they felt confident their hunters had lost track of them. The night had fallen and the party members were exhausted.
Toby and Sir Didymus sat down under a stone gazebo. “We shall sleep here tonight” Sir Didymus decided.
Toby laid down and the last thing he saw before he drifted into a deep, quick sleep was a leafy carving in the legs of the structure. The scene was very dark and he was too tired to notice the roof of the gazebo was made of rod iron. Dark curvy designs adorned the top of the structure creating a beautiful roof, though not useful. Were it to rain any dwellers in the gazebo would get thoroughly wet.
It wasn’t the sun shine that woke Toby the next morning but rather rain drops. Toby opened his eyes and saw the gazebo roof. Where was the rain though? Toby saw no rain fall. Then, he felt it again.
Toby looked around and saw a small fountain.
From behind the fountain a little goblin child popped up and flung a handful of water at Toby. “Who are you?!” it said boldly.
Sir Didymus quickly pulled his sword and aimed at the goblin. Toby jumped back at the startle.
The goblin didn’t flinch. He seemed unafraid of the sword.
Sir Didymus decided that this child was not a threat so he put his sword away.
“I’m Toby” the boy said...”Are you a...goblin?”
“Of course!” the young goblin replied.
“I’ve never met a goblin before! I guess the goblin king is actually king over goblins?” Toby asked. He realized that he had not thought about what the goblin city really looked like or who lived there. He had certainly not imagined a city filled with goblins that look like this creature in front of him.
“There’s a whole goblin city full of us at the center of the labyrinth. I’m Buddle!” the little thing said. “Wanna see what I stole yesterday?!” he ran over to the wall and grabbed a board on wheels with a pole and sheet sail atop it. Toby thought it looked like a skateboard and sailboat combined; created out of various trash.
The goblin hopped on and kick started the board. A fan attached to the pole turned on and the little invention was sailing smoothly!
“That’s amazing!” Toby exclaimed. It certainly looked like fun.
“Try it out” Buddle suggested. Toby was very excited.
Buddle taught Toby how to use it and they laughed. Toby had made a friend!
Sir Didymus filled his water container and watched with a smile as the boys played... but he felt the clock ticking. He wondered what Jareth had in store for Sarah and where she was at that very moment?
“Toby is very young” Sir Didymus thought to himself “..he wouldst not find success in rescuing Sarah on his own.”
Sir Didymus would need to enlist some help and fast.
Toby steered the wind surfer out of the little courtyard they had spent the night in. Sir Didymus called out for Toby to come back. He did not want to get separated. At that very moment Buddle found something to entertain himself...he struck a match to tease Ambrosius with. Ambrosius backed up but the goblin ran toward him. The poor dog took off running, down a path in the opposite side of the courtyard. Sir Didymus ran after Ambrosius.
Buddle fell to the ground laughing.
Toby zoomed down the path and then turned around to go back. He made a U turn and took another path but that was a dead end. He tried retracing his steps. He could not find his way back. And Sir Didymus...he was off catching Ambrosius. Making it nearly impossible for the team to find their way back to each other at that time.
“Sir Didymus?” Toby called out. But there was no reply.
Toby sat down and began to cry. “When you get lost it is best to stay put until someone finds you” Toby said to himself. He remained in that spot to wait and occasionally yelled “Sir Didymus?”
After twenty minutes of “staying put” Toby had decided that the rule doesn’t apply in a labyrinth. Moving on was the only option.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Walking down a spiral staircase inside the castle Sarah paused to peer out of a small window. She could see that behind the castle was a green maze garden with a little tower in the midst. Curiosity and intrigue sparked a sudden rush of excitement inside her. Straightaway she headed to find and explore more intimately this discovery.
Sarah noticed that the hedges of the maze were well kept. As she took a
step toward an entrance she found herself in the presence of a goblin gardener.
The goblin stood up with shears in hand. She had been bent down tending to a
stray leaf near the ground.
“ Hello” Sarah said cheerfully.
“Greetings your highness” the gardener replied. “I am Rifska.” The goblin did not bow or curtsy but Sarah did not mind.
“Your maze is beautiful” Sarah complimented.
Sarah could see a small hut
nearby with gardening tools outside of it.
“Would you like any help? I can grab some shears from your tool shed over
there?” Sarah offered.
The goblin replied with some offense taken ,“That is my house!”
“Oh, I beg your pardon” Sarah said. “May I explore the maze?”
“Yes, go inside” Rifska said, “nobody enters or respects it these days.
Not since the king and his sister were youngens.”
“His sister?!” Sarah asked.
“Yeah yeah, go inside” Rifska mumbled and turned away from Sarah.
It was a quaint little maze. It took Sarah over a quarter of an hour to
find her way to the center where she discovered the tower was a playhouse for
children. It was two floors high and had faded children’s artwork painted along
the outside. Sarah opened the wooden door and found inside amongst the cobwebs
and a critter or two an easel with a canvas upon it. Two shelves on the wall
held old paint cans and brushes. As well as a small chair and a few toys spread
around the room.
Sarah walked up the spiral stairs to the top floor. There she saw a rug in the
middle of the room, a bench on either side of the space, a large shelf of old
toys and a stuffed owl hanging from the ceiling. It was dusty and dirty,
however, Sarah imagined what it once looked like; when it was in use.
Hanging on the wall was a crooked picture frame displaying a portrait of two children with their mother. A boy at age 8 with dark eyes and white hair, a girl age 6 with teal hair and black stars cascading down the left side of her face. The mother stood very regal with her head held high. Her face was beautiful and strong. Her hair as red as her lipstick with white wide streaks on either side of her head. She was clearly a woman of fashion with her hair styled so elegantly and her dress very fine.
Sarah was very pleased with this revelation. Little Jareth and his
family! He did have a sister!
“What happened to his family?” Sarah asked aloud. She looked around one more
time wondering what their childhood had been like. There was no way for to her
know that Jareth’s mother was very self-concerned and only motherly on
occasion. That she would leave the castle on her own adventures quite often.
That Jareth and his sister were a quarreling type but they appreciated having
each other around.
Sarah could not have known that Jareth had always had magical gifts. Yet Enara,
try as she might, never received a single one. That Jareth was always praised
and celebrated by his mother and the kingdom for his talents.
Sarah raised a dragon toy from the shelf. “Jareth was once a child just as I was. He had toys and friends like me.” Sarah had never thought about that before now. “Maybe I’ve been a bit self-absorbed?” she contemplated. Then she replaced the dragon and left the playhouse with a new outlook on life.
Chapter 13
Into the Mouth of a Dragon
Toby sailed the board through the maze turning around each time he came upon a dead end. All the while hoping and praying that he was getting closer to the center of the labyrinth.
The wind surfer was a lot of fun! He began to really enjoy himself. “Maybe this is faster than walking with Sir. Didymus?” he said aloud.
Then Toby came across the most amazing door. It appeared to be a dragon’s head; mouth open wide. The door located right inside of it. The size of the dragon was extraordinary and the sight of it was fierce. It did not look like a kind beast. Toby looked but dared not approach it.
The sky was darkened by gray clouds and rain began to pour heavily.
Toby hesitated approaching the door but then he remembered: in the labyrinth what appears to be danger is usually the way to the center!
Toby let go of the wind surfer and walked up to the door. The eyes of the creature gleamed extremely dark and glossy. “It isn’t real. It isn’t alive!” Toby whispered as he approached it.
He closed his eyes as he placed his hand on the doorknob...still debating turning around and choosing another route. Toby was soaked with rain now.
He breathed in and out strong then pushed the door. It was heavy. He had to push with all of his strength to get it open but when he did...a flood of beautiful blue sky and daylight encompassed him.
The room...or realm...was gorgeous. Toby beheld a beautiful lake, green grass on both sides, green hills with an enormous sculpture of a human head, shoulders and arms coming out of the ground. There was also a large rounded bridge that reflected in the water beneath it. Giant lilypads were spread out across the lake.
There upon the water Toby spotted a boat. A mechanical dragon floating upon the lake. Steam puffing out of multiple pipes. Chugging along it moved toward Toby.
Toby closed the dragon door and walked toward the lake filled with joy and excitement. The sun and air were warm and refreshing. “I should dry off quick enough here” he said to himself.
The boat came to the bank and stopped. Five goblins came to the side of the boat to greet Toby. Holding a gun aimed at the boy, the captain with his big captain hat said “What are you?! What do you want with our lake?!”
Maybe it wasn’t a friendly greeting but...what do you expect from goblin pirates?
Toby’s eyes widened. “I...I...” Toby breathed heavily and quickly attempting to find the words.
“Spit it out, ugly!” a female goblin bellowed. Her arm was hidden beneath her coat and a false wooden arm hung over her shoulder as if to replace her real arm. Perhaps for looks or perhaps for usefulness.
“I am a human?” Toby finally said...unsure what answer the goblins were looking for. “I’m not here for the lake.” He was frightened and the goblins were happy to see that so apparent in his face.
The captain lowered the gun. “Hey! You are like the goblin king! Aren’t you?”
“If you don’t want our lake, what do you want?” another piped in.
“I am just trying to find the center of the labyrinth” Toby admitted.
The captain found himself with a huge smile on his face. If this creature before him was a human then maybe it was smart enough to find the treasure the pirates had been searching for.
“Would you like a ride on our boat?” the captain enticed Toby.
Toby did want to ride around the lake on that cool boat. Wisdom told him that he couldn’t trust a pirate...let alone a boat of them. However, he really wanted to ride on the boat! He ignored his common sense...“Just for a little while” Toby said and he climbed aboard. A goblin with a beak-like nose and an eye patch helped him climb on.
Aboard the boat a pirate dressed
like a Viking steered the craft. As they moved away from the bank the captain
said “We have been searching a long time on these waters. Can you guess what we
are searching for?”
“Well, you are pirates? So...a treasure?” Toby guessed.
“Indeed, boy. We know it is here but so far we are not close to finding it. Maybe you can figure out the riddle? ‘My treasure hides as if a reflection in my favorite lake.’ We know this is the lake! But what is the reflection?!”
“The reflection of the bridge?” Toby guessed.
“We’ve searched near the bridge!” said the captain.
“Have you searched on and around the bridge...outside of the water?” Toby asked.
“We have!” the captain said, angrily. “I will let you think about it. I have some work to do.” And the captain stomped off to the other side of the boat.
“The reflections are all over the entire lake” Toby said to himself. ”They’d need to search the whole lake.”
Just then a giant frog climbed over the side of the boat to Toby. Naturally this started Toby and to his surprise his thought went to the remembrance of the knife strapped to his waist. He slowly placed his hand over the sheath, wondering if he should pull the weapon.
The creature looked like a frog yet it had scales all over, like a fish.
“Welcome to my lake” he said.
Toby had not expected him to speak yet it only took a moment for him to get use to the concept.
“You’re lake?” Toby laughed. “The pirates say this is their lake?”
“This was my home for many years before those goblins showed up!” The frog said. “This has been my home my whole life. And the only others who lived here before the goblins were my family!”
“There are more of you here?” Toby asked, looking out onto the lake to try and see more frogs.
“Not anymore. My family are all gone. I am the last. Now it’s just me, my lake and those goblins who intrude!”
“That’s sad” Toby whispered.
“Can you help me solve the riddle?” Toby asked.
The frog just stared at him...“The pirates will not find the treasure.”
Toby was about to ask “why?” when the frog hopped off the boat. The captain was coming back.
“A splash!” the captain said disdainfully after he heard the sound. “That dreadful frog is around! So, boy, have you figure it out?”
“I don’t see an answer” Toby said. “But the frog thinks it’s impossible for you to ever find it.”
“That frog is just trying to get rid of us! But we will not leave until we do find that treasure!” the captain stated.
“And until YOU find us the answer to the riddle, we will not go ashore! You will not get off this boat!”the captain threatened.
What had started out as such a fun boat ride on such a gorgeous lake was now a prison.
(Frog like creature created and drawn by Eliza Lozoya)
Chapter 14
Chasing Sarah
Toby thought and thought but did not know the answer. “What am I going to do?” he asked himself.
Be brave. He thought. “Be brave.”
Toby leaped off the side of the boat onto a giant lilypad in hopes he could swim to the bank. Toby’s clothes had mostly dried at this point and he was about to immerse himself in water once again.
As Toby prepared to leap into the water the frog appeared. “Hold onto my back and we’ll swim” he said kindly. “Which side of the lake would you like?” he asked. Toby pointed to the side he had not been to yet. That must be the way forward.
The pirates hollered angrily at the two as they swam. The pirates even threw a few items from their boat, trying to hit the swimmers. Luckily for Toby, they missed.
On the side of the lake Toby climbed out of the water.
“Is there a treasure here?” Toby asked curiously.
“It is true” said the frog “and I know just where it is.” He smiled a cheeky smile.
“Will you go get it for yourself?” Toby asked.
“I have no need for gold or jewels” the frog replied. “I do like outsmarting the pirates though.”
“If you just give them the treasure they will leave your lake. Don’t you want that?” Toby asked.
“Sometimes I consider it” the frog said. “Perhaps one day I will. Or maybe I will give it to another stranger who comes along...just to get it away from the lake.”
“What is the answer to the riddle? I couldn’t figure it out” Toby said.
The frog swam down into the lake. He was gone. Toby wondered if that was his goodbye. Slowly Toby stood and stared at the water. He looked over at the pirates who were fighting each other about where to look next.
He saw bubbles reaching the top of the water. Then he turned around to walk away, hoping he would dry out as he walked.
Before he got too far the frog was back! Toby turned around. The frog handed Toby a gold necklace with a large blue jewel on it. “Take this with you. You might need it at some point...more than I”, the frog said.
“Wow!” Toby whispered. “Thank you.” He tucked it into his pocket as best he could.
The pirates spotted the necklace and cried out. They turned their boat toward the frog and the boy to try and catch them and retrieve the treasure piece.
“The reflection” the frog admitted “Is not atop the water. It is at the bottom of the lake! The treasure hides beneath a cloth that appears to be the ground just like the ground it sits upon. The cloth itself is reflective. So, when you view it from above it reflects the views around it.”
“That is wonderful, isn’t it?!” Toby said.
“You better get moving! The pirates are heading our way.” The frog said and he dived back into the lake.
Toby decided he had better run. As he began to run he noticed that the giant human sculpture over by the green hills had an outstretched arm and was pointing a finger. Pointing to his right.. “In this place you never can tell which signs to follow and which to ignore to get to the center of the labyrinth” Toby thought.
He looked the direction the finger was pointing. There was the bridge and a woman who hadn’t been there previously. On the bridge. She was wearing a green cloak and she was tall...human. Swiftly and quickly crossing the bridge, holding the hood so it would not fall and reveal her face.
Was it Sarah?!
Toby stopped! He started running in her direction instead. “Sarah!” he yelled as loud as he could. “Sarah, wait!!!”
She did not stop. When Toby
reached the center of the bridge he had to catch his breath. His eyes searched
for her.
She ducked into a small grove of trees. As soon as Toby could he was off
again...chasing after Sarah.
When he entered the trees he looked around. Where did she go to? Then he saw it...a small door adorned with bronze flowers and vines. He pushed the door open and was back in the paths of the maze but the woman was gone.
Chapter 15
Getting the Gang Back Together: A Rescue Mission
Hoggle and Ludo were in the goblin city ready to set up their fruit stand at the market. Goblins and monsters from all over the land were bustling about, ready to sell or purchase.
Ludo sang a monstrous song into the sky; calling upon the boulders nearby. Slowly multiple giant rocks rolled right up to Ludo. Clearing a path in the crowd of goblins, each moving aside so as not to get crushed. They hollered annoyance at Ludo for the inconvenience but he was too big and scary for them to dare do more than that.
Hoggle laid out the fruit atop the rocks as if they were tables. Using a smaller boulder as a seat Hoggle sat down.
Ludo walked around to the back of the fruit displays and spotted a female beast that looked much like himself. She was beautiful to one who was used to seeing and loving that sort of a face. Ludo had loved his mother and he loved himself. And this creature walking through the market was much more appealing to look at. As Ludo was distracted by her beauty he attempted to sit down. “Ludo!” Hoggle yelled “Not on me!”
Ludo stopped himself and saw that he was about to sit upon his friend.
The beauty Ludo had noticed let out a little sound and looked his way. A boulder rolled over to Ludo as a kind gesture and he sat down upon it.
“Don’t see your kind very often!” Hoggle said.
A fluffy haired goblin came up to the fruit and bought a few pieces.
“Good start” Ludo observed.
Just then they both heard a faint familiar sound. It grew louder. “Make way! Coming through!” It was Sir Didymus.
“Oh, no!” Hoggle whined. “Not him.”
“Didymus!” Ludo said happily.
That’s when Sir Didymus finally saw them. He rushed over and greeted his old friends. “I’m glad I found thee! I need thy assistance! No, Sarah needs thy assistance!”
“Sarah?!” Ludo asked.
“Our Sarah!” Hoggle perked up.
“The goblin king has her! Toby is here to save her but he needs reinforcements!” Sir Didymus said.
“The baby?” Hoggle asked.
“Now a fine young man of seven!” Sir Didymus corrected. “I have lost track of the boy but he was heading here and we were not too far from the city!”
“Where, Sarah?” Ludo asked.
Sir Didymus responded:“In the castle, I presume. However, Toby has no plan of action. He does not know how to save the lass. Without us Sarah is stuck in whatever trouble she finds herself this day!”
“We will need a plan...” Hoggle said.
_ _ _ _ _
Sarah had been making herself at home in the castle and was even getting to know the goblins of the court.
One goblin in particular, Fahru, was a fun goblin who connected with Sarah over his fuzzy colorful pet. The colors were faded and dirty. The creature was just seeking love and attention and Fahru secretly liked supplying that. Secretly liked how warm and fuzzy the feelings were that came when he took care of the little thing he called Samira.
Sarah, Fahru and Samira would play in Sarah’s garden when they wanted to be alone. However, they played inside the castle around others as well. Sarah was becoming comfortable among these sloppy, rude, selfish goblins. Learning to ignore their flaws and seek their strengths.
Chapter 16
Becoming A Goblin Boy
“I’m starving!” Toby’s stomach was growling very loudly.
Toby decided that he was near the goblin city; He could hear sounds of chattering, cackling, hollering and more. A busy place with lots of people...or goblins to be precise.
Toby could smell food wafting over the walls of the labyrinth. He just needed to find the right way to enter the goblin city!
It took Toby quite a bit of
time finding his way out of the labyrinth. Hitting dead ends or finding himself
getting further from the sounds he seeked, turning around and trying again.
Then, with relief, Toby found the Goblin City!
With a dirt ground and pale colored houses which clearly had not been taken care of by the owners… It was not an impressive sight. However, there were semi colorful flags hanging on houses and windows.
Toby was very curious about the creatures that lived there.
Quickly he realized that he “stuck out” in a crowd of goblins and beasts. So he looked around and grabbed the first large piece of cloth he saw. An old blanket which been hanging on a clothes line. He snatched a pin and fasted the blanket around himself like a cloak. Hoping to hide his human face from view.
“How do I get something to eat?” Toby wondered. He needed to feed himself and stop the growls from his midsection.
He remembered the jewel in his pocket. Should he trade the piece for some food? He couldn’t carry the amount of food that jewel could buy. No, he decided to save the necklace.
“What would a goblin without any money do for food in the city?” Toby wondered. He thought about Buddle and his mischievous nature. “Buddle would steal it.”
Toby did not know how to steal. It couldn’t be too difficult though.
He approached a hot soups counter...”no.” He walked by a bread stand where the baker eyed him like a hawk. So Toby crept up to a table that had a sign which read “slightly moldy breads.” They did not look so appetizing but perhaps they would be easier to steal? Toby reached for a piece of bread, trying to be quick and slick. A small goblin hand stopped his own hand! He was caught!
The goblin glared at Toby! Then something pulled Toby away by his arm. Toby turned around to see it was...Buddle! “Run” Buddle said.
The two boys ran together, dodging goblins and creatures until Buddle hopped down a chute. Toby stopped. It appeared to be a slide down a hole on the side of a shop wall. But where would it take him?
“Hey!” the angry slightly moldy breads goblin was nearing! So, Toby climbed in and down he went.
Toby landed on a rough stone floor. Buddle was there. He quickly led Toby underneath a table.
They were in, what appeared to be, a workshop full of metal machinery and tools. Two goblins in greasy aprons walked into the room and began working.
Toby’s stomach growled. Buddle pulled a bag of food out of his jacket. “Eat something before your stomach tells them we’re here!”
Toby was so grateful. He scarfed down some pastries. “You steal the good stuff, huh?” Toby asked in a whisper.
Buddle nodded with a wicked gleam in his eye. “You need a better disguise” Buddle said quietly. “You don’t look like a goblin!”
Upon the table were metal gadgets, tools, oil and grease. Buddle reached out and snatched a can of grease. He painted Toby’s face and his hands with dark smudges. “Doesn’t smell good!” Toby frowned.
“Goblins don’t smell ‘good’!” Buddle exclaimed. Then he placed his own hat upon Toby’s head.
“What is this place?” Toby asked.
“The Basement” Buddle said. “It’s where all of the inventors and mechanics work for the city and for the king. It’s underneath the goblin city so...we call it ‘The Basement.’”
“Follow me” Buddle whispered and he snuck out from under the table and through to the next room. Toby was quite nervous. He waited until the two goblin workers were not looking his way. Then he crawled out of the room.
Buddle was hiding behind a wooden door that leaned up against the wall. It was an unfinished door waiting for decoration. This room was large and had many decorative items within. Mostly metal and wood but there were a few crystal and jewel items as well. This collection was a mixture of “made from scratch” and “saved from the trash” items. Shelves and shelves lined the walls to hold the items.
A long table ran down the middle of the room where the projects were placed for applying the decorations.
Toby hid behind the same door as Buddle and peered around the room.
The two youngsters saw many projects there; weapons, chairs, armour and a few inventions. One invention appeared to be a little robot with flashlight eyes and a video camera on it’s chest.
Another invention was obviously robotic arms that one could attach to their torso for some reason unknown to Toby.
Toby and Buddle were both impressed with the inventions they saw that day.
Suddenly a small creature came to greet them in their hiding places. It wasn’t a cat, Toby thought. It wasn’t a giant rat. It looked like a fat weasel. With the cutest face!
Surprising to Toby, though not to Buddle, was the metal gears, plates and tubes attached to the little creature. From it’s back leg up to it’s face where an eyepiece covered one eye.
Was this helping the creature to live better after some physical accident? Or was this an experiment that burdened this weasel?
The creature stopped and stared for just a moment then scurried up to Toby and brushed it’s body up against the boy looking to make a new friend.
Toby was happy to meet the creature and brushed it’s soft fur. Buddle reached out his hands and made a small squeaking nose to try and lure the thing his way. It worked and the animal bounded to Buddle to greet him as well.
On the wall was a gigantic clock with gears and chains behind it. Toby couldn’t
understand the clock. It wasn’t normal time as he knew it. There was a swirl
inside this clock from the center to the outside. Running along the swirl lines
were the numbers. 12 Being in the center. A tiny metal ball rested inside the
clock which must have moved slowly as would the normal hands of a clock.
Seeing the clock reminded him of time which in turn reminded him of getting his sister back home. An ache filled his heart and he wanted so deeply to hug her at that moment.
“Sarah” Toby whispered. “I need to get to the castle” he said to Buddle.
“Geeze! No time for fun?!” Buddle complained. Buddle lead Toby through the next doorway, snatching a gadget from a shelf as he left. He could not help but steal something every time he snuck into the basement.
Avoiding all the workers in
the basement as best they could they made their way through, searching for an
exit. When they came across a giant mechanical spider...“What is that?” Toby
Buddle had the answer to this one, “I heard them talking about these recently.
It’s a spider for carrying loads. A spider can crawl over the walls of the
labyrinth and gets things from one place to another fast and easy.”
“It’s just a machine, controlled by man...or goblin” Toby thought to himself. “Not a real spider of gigantic size!” He smiled.
“Wanna test it out?” Buddle asked with an evil grin.
Toby was feeling adventurous and mischievous so he nodded his head.
The two searched for an “on” switch. Buddle found the starter and flipped it! The machine whirred to a start. The goblin boys stepped backwards.
The spider’s eyes lit up and the butt began to wiggle. The eight legs stretched two by two as if it were a real creature waking from a nap.
Toby heard noise from the other room. Workers were coming their way!!
The boys’ eyes widened at the realization that they needed to run. They laughed as they darted towards a set of worn out, filthy stairs that reached upward to a door. As soon as they reached the stairs they were spotted by an old, giant goblin. “Hey! Uglies!” he yelled at them! Then the old goblin grabbed a mechanical gun from a nearby table and aimed it at the boys. Toby shut his eyes, unsure what would shoot out at him. It was ...a net! It encompassed the goblin boys.
Thinking quick Toby pulled his knife. He cut the rope as the old goblin lunged forward to try and stop them. Buddle escaped. He let out an excited laugh and ran as fast as he could up the stairs. Toby followed after with fear on his face. The goblin chased them but once the kids were through the door at the top of the stairs the old man gave up. “Aint worth it!” he grumbled and went back to his work.
Chapter 17
The Plan
Hoggle started packing up his fruit. “We’ve got to get Sarah away from Jareth!” he said.
“Plan?” Ludo asked.
“We shall need a way in, disguises, a distraction and a way out” Sir Didymus announced.
Hoggle spoke up “I have a way in.”
“There’s no time to pack all of this up! Forget it!” Hoggle said throwing his hands in the air. “Just leave it! Sarah needs us!”
Ludo was at the table next to Hoggle’s, trying on crazy helmets and hats. One of which was large enough to actually fit Ludo!
“Good thinking, old boy” Sir
Didymus said to Ludo. “Disguises.”
“I’ll trade you my whole stash of fruit for some of your stuff” Hoggle offered
to the female goblin at that table. She scratched her scalp and thought with a
nasty snarl sound. “You got it!” she said.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Back into the not-so-fresh goblin city air Toby and Buddle were alone in an alleyway. They ran out of it into a bustling marketplace so they could disappear among the crowd in case the old goblin was still after them.
Feeling safe at last Toby’s worry was diminished and he laughed out loud. “That was fun!” Toby declared.
Buddle had truly enjoyed it as well however, his attention never stayed in one place for long. He decided he was bored and wanted to go home for a meal. So, he ditched Toby without a word. Disappeared into the blanket of goblins that were the crowd.
Toby realized he had lost Buddle. However, he turned toward the castle. That was his focus now!
His first thought was “It’s kind of an ugly castle.” He had expected something a little cleaner.
“What’s the plan?” Toby asked himself. “Find Sarah and discover what is happening. Why was Sarah taken? Can she be free to go back home if I demand it?” If Jareth knows Sarah will be missed and that her family needs her to come home, will the king let her go?
Perhaps the jewel necklace in his pocket would be a good bribe to convince the king?
Toby felt the jewel to make sure it was still there. That Buddle had not swiped it. Relief filled Toby as he confirmed it remained in his pocket.
At that moment a realization hit Toby: he was alone. “Maybe the best plan is to get to the goblin king as quickly as I can? No hidding”he thought.
At the fountain in the center
of market Toby scrubbed off the disguise and revealed his face. If a human boy
stood upon a wall in the marketplace he would be taken directly to the king (or
so Toby hoped).
Standing upon the wall goblins and creatures nearby reacted with in one of
three ways; gasps, sounds of disgust and ignoring the boy altogether.
It took bravery to continue standing there. Multitudes of eyes staring at him. Toby took a deep breath in and out. His fists were clenched from his nerves but he stood tall. He had a plan and he was sticking to it...alone.
Across the market Ludo saw Toby. “Boy” Ludo said.
“What?!” Hoggle asked. “What are you talking about? Lift me up!”
Ludo placed Hoggle on his shoulder. Hoggle searched the area with his eyes. Finally he spotted him. “The brother” Hoggle said. “He’s there!” Hoggle pointed for Sir Didymus to see which direction he meant.
Toby was standing upon the wall when he heard Sir Didymus and Ambrosius coming closer. He could not see them yet he continued to search for them.
Finally through the crowd of goblins the knight appeared carrying a metal helmet under his arm. Behind him was a rough faced old goblin wearing a large hat with drapes and horns. As well as a giant hairy monster wearing a ginormous helmet and a large cloak!
“Sir Didymus! Am I glad you found me!” Toby cried. He ran over and hugged the fluffy dog (Sir Didymus, not Ambrosius).
“Well done, Toby. Thou hast made it to the castle!” Sir Didymus praised. “May I introduce Sarah’s friends; Hoggle and Ludo?”
“It’s good to meet you” Toby said. “Will you help me find Sarah?”
“Of course!” Hoggle said eagerly.
“Need Sarah” Ludo said.
“How do we get into the castle?” Toby asked.
“We have a way” Hoggle said and he turned to walk away from the castle.
“Wait, why are we going away from the castle?” Toby asked.
“We need to get something!” Hoggle said secretively.
The group went to Hoggle’s hut which was too small for Ludo to enter. Hoggle went inside and noisily rustled around, moving stuff out of the way. Then he carried outside with him a door. He placed it over the front door of his hut. Then he pulled the knob.
As it opened it revealed not the messy hut he had opened previously but what must have been the inside of the castle!”
Hoggle walked through. Sir Didymus hugged Ambrosius and reassured him that he would return. Then walked himself through the door. Toby looked at Ludo, who would never fit. “What about Ludo?” Toby asked.
“Oh, I’m sorry...” Hoggle said to Ludo. “You would be seen too easily in the castle. You have to stay behind.”
Ludo moaned a sad moan. “Want to see Sarah.”
Toby hugged him. “It was nice to meet you, Ludo.”
Toby walked through the door.
It was at that moment that the female which Ludo had noticed earlier in the
market, walked by him.
His mood perked up and he smiled at her.
She pretended to be doing something at the water spout nearby, getting up her courage to go directly to Ludo next. She looked up at him and they locked eyes.
Chapter 18
Colorful and Clean
In the corridors of the castle Sarah was cuddling Samira when the dust from the creature caused Sarah to sneeze. An idea came into Sarah’s head: She would give Samira a bath.
Soon she had found a bucket and filled it with soapy warm water. Sarah coaxed the animal to the bath then put her hand into the water and began to pet the dog with warm, wet hands…convincing her that water was a good thing.
Sarah brushed the creature’s fur with a wet brush and Samira seemed happy with it. So, she picked her up and gently placed her into the soothing bath.
Samira splashed around making a watery mess on Sarah and the entire area. Samira was enjoying herself and Sarah laughed as she cleaned the poor creature up.
Sarah took Samira to her bedroom seeing as it was the cleanest room in the castle. There the dog could dry off without getting more dirt on herself. Sarah brushed her fur and she looked prettier than she had ever been. Her colors were so bright and fun!
Sarah held her up in a cuddle as she showed her their reflection in the mirror.
Sarah opened the door and let the new pup out into the castle. As Samira ran through the building the goblins she came across did not recognize her. She even gave some of the goblins quite a fright…to see such a fine and clean thing roaming the castle unexpectedly.
Samira found Fuhru who needed a moment to realize who this loving creature was. “How did you get so...clean?” he asked a bit disgusted and Samira licked Fuhru’s face in response.
Chapter 19
The Hooded Woman
The hooded woman sneaked past the goblin guards at the castle gate. The guards who were slacking off were easily distracted and lounging around instead of keeping a keen eye out for trespassers.
Enara smiled at how easy and smooth the entry went for her.
She entered the castle and dodged being caught. She had lost the magical crystal she needed! Lost it after all that work to get it in the first place! Leaving no choice but to reenter the castle and steal a new one from Jareth’s secret magic room.
She made her way into the kitchen and found the chef there. “Enara, my princess” the chef greeted her with a respectful bow. “What are you doing back here?”
“I need to get another crystal. I no longer have the one I stole a few days ago. It doesn’t matter why or how. I will just go back inside and get another!” Enara explained.
“Has Jareth realized his crystal room had been entered?” Enara asked.
“From what I have seen and heard ...he has not figured it out” the Chef responded. “But taking another will make it more obvious that his collection is diminishing. You will need to be fast in your travels and using the magic before Jareth catches on.”
“You are a loyal servant” Enara said , “I need you here. No matter what goes down in the castle you must not be unmasked as mine.”
“Of course” the chef agreed.
Enara left the kitchen and made her way with stealth toward the crystal room.
- - - -
“Sarah has been here in the castle before? Years ago?” Toby asked.
“Yes, we helped her get into the castle then! We fought a mechanical giant ! But Sarah faced Jareth without us. She chose to do it alone. She was so brave. Despite her fears she stood up to danger on her own!” Hoggle said.
“Maybe Sarah is breaking herself out of the castle right now?!” Toby hoped. “If she knows the castle she might know how to get out?”
“The worst case scenario” Sir Didymus thought aloud “Would be that Jareth hast forced Sarah to be his bride.”
The faces of all in the company saddened. That would make the situation trickier.
Toby felt a strong wave of bravery flood over him. He had to do whatever it took to save her the way she had saved him! She needed him!
Hoggle remembered the magic crystal in his bag! He pulled it out nervously. “Toby, we have this!”
Sir Diddymus gasped. “What is it?” Toby asked.
“It’s Jareth’s magic” Hoggle whispered. “I found it in the forest. How it got there , maybe I’ll never know.”
“What does it do?” Toby asked, wide eyed and curious.
“Beats me” Hoggle shrugged. He handed the satchel with the crystal inside to Toby who then placed it over his body.
Sir Diddymus Whispered “I shall go seek an escape plan for us and perhaps come across our Sarah?”
“Split up?” Hoggle asked. “That could be a good idea.”
All three members went a separate way in hopes luck was on their side.
Chapter 20
Sibling Confrontation
Toby saw the hooded figure whisk into the crystal room. Toby was sure it was Sarah. He ran after her and stopped in the doorway.
The woman walked over to the magic crystal wall. Shelves of snug crystals lined there; row upon row.
“Sarah?” Toby asked. Enara froze. She did not belong in the castle and her face cringed at the frustration of being caught.
Jareth was walking toward Sarah’s room when he saw something...the boy entering the doorway of the crystal room. The goblin king did not know who it was but when Sarah came up behind him Jareth quietly ordered Sarah to her bedroom. A goblin took her hand and urged her to cooperate.
Sarah looked past the goblin king and recognized Toby but still...did not know who he was. Her mind was trying so hard to figure it out. She silently let her feelings and thoughts build and situate.
Slowly and with uncertainty, at first, following the goblin until she gave in and went willingly to her bedroom.
Jareth grabbed Toby gently by the shoulder. “What are you doing here boy?!” he asked, puzzled. Then he looked past Toby and saw the hooded woman.
“Is this the goblin king?”
Toby wondered. “It must be.”
In true surprise of seeing the hooded woman Jareth’s grasp of the boy released.
Toby backed away from the goblin king...into the room with whom he thought was his sister. But Sarah still did not turn around.
Enara weighed her options. She could not leave the room...Jareth blocked the only doorway.
Was there a way out of this? She wondered.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Who are you?” the goblin king demanded. In his heart he knew the answer but he was in disbelief. “She wouldn’t dare sneak into my castle!” he thought, “Come without an invitation or a warning. And for what purpose?!”
She was in his magic store, of all places.
Enara turned around and faced the inevitable.
Toby gasped. He did not expect to see this stranger. If this wasn’t his sister, where was Sarah?
Enara said not a word but her face spoke volumes. She was irritated and scowling.
"Envy, my sister, you are always welcome in my kingdom..I could use more servants" Jareth greeted her teasingly. Enara’s face hardened further. Her frown grew longer and her brow furrowed deeper.
“You have not outgrown that horrid, inaccurate pet name for me?!” Enara snarled.
“Is this your little pet?” Jareth asked, pointing to Toby. “Where did you find a human?!” He assumed they had entered the castle together.
“This isn’t mine” Enara said, confused. “I have not seen a human in our kingdom for years. Not since your messy goblins scared them away from the castle and our lives.”
“It is not my court’s fault if mother’s friends couldn’t handle my own” Jareth responded.
“Their messiness and their wild natures would drive anyone from the court” Enara said. “You shouldn’t have let the goblins cross the line from servants to friends. That was a mistake.”
Toby mustered up enough bravery to speak; “My name is Toby!” he said.
“Toby...” Jareth searched his mind for the memory of that name. “Little Toby? The little brat?! The one I was going to bless with a goblin life in my court?” The goblin king was again taken back with surprise.
While Jareth was distracted Enara snatched a crystal sphere and reached to place it in her satchel. Jareth returned his attention to her...
“From our wretched youth you have always envied me” Jareth said proudly. “My magic is something you will never experience. You have no gift. ”
"I deserve my own kingdom. I am royal just like you!" She said. "You took this kingdom away from me! And...You can make more magic in your crystals...you don't need all of these." Her words had started with blame and turned into a plea.
“This is your plot?” Jareth said. “What would you do with my magic?”
Revealing her plan she said “I have a city picked out, far from here. If I show them I have magic they will accept me as their new ruler. As their queen!”
"Nothing comes for free, Envy!" he said. “You want to trick your way into power. I respect that.”
The goblin king walked
over to a row of crystals and lifted one into his hand. Peering inside he could
see what magic the sphere contained. He knew what was held in each and every
one with just a glance.
Anyone else looking on would see nothing. If one other than Jareth tried they
would be using the magic blindly. Enara did not care. She did not need to know
what magic it was but simply that it performed magic at all.
“Jareth will not give anything so easily. It must be a trade which he finds worthy” Enara though.
She offers him her cape, her jewels. No deal.
"I will let you use my magic to gain your kingdom ...if...you rule under me. I will be your king and you will run that kingdom. My kingdom.” He offered.
“Never” Enara replied.
Changing tactics Enara asked “Jareth, when is the last time you visited mother? I went to see her just yesterday! I was always a better child than you were. I was always loyal and loving. Mother would want me to have my share of the power...of the kingdom!”
“You had it and you left” Jareth said.
“I had no choice! You pushed me out!” Enara blamed. “You thought you were better than everyone, even me. And you took control bit by bit until I had nothing. Not even a place in the castle!”
She continued “You owe me. You can make it up to me just by walking away. Allowing me to leave here with crystals in hand?”
Chapter 21
Sarah, in her bedroom, thought about the familiar boy. She remembered how they lived together. She remembered he loved her and she loved him.
The harder she thought about it the more clarity she obtained. Sarah was remembering who he was!
He was her little brother! And she needed to go see him. She missed him. She missed home!
She opened her door and ran back to the magic storage. The word finally escaped her lips ...“Toby!”
As Sarah burst into the magic room everyone turned their attention to her. She smiled at her brother.
Toby sighed a huge breathe of relief. Her presence gave him comfort and strength he had been seeking this whole journey. He had found her! And he knew they could get out of this mess, together.
“Sarah, my pet, my love...come sit at my feet. Meet my sister and her servant boy.” Jareth commanded.
He had hoped that his progress with her had brought her to the point where she would obey him lovingly. Perhaps, had she not obtained this new clarity of her former life, she would have followed the king’s instructions. However, you and I know that is not how this story played out.
Sarah remained where she was though she wanted to rush over and hug her brother. She was trying to assess the situation ,fore there was such a strange feeling in the room.
Toby felt a strong sense of confidence. Sarah was right there and his drive was
to save her, whatever it took. He also felt support from his new friends that
were wandering the castle to help with the escape. Toby felt strong and brave
with the combination of these things. “This is what brave feels like!” Toby
thought. He had been learning and practicing bravery the entire journey through
the labyrinth! And then Toby had an idea: he reached in and pulled out the
crystal he had been secretly carrying. He threw it at the goblin king, unsure
what would happen. If it would be helpful or harmful to their situation.
Just before the crystal hit the floor at the foot of Jareth he saw what magic he faced. His expression turned to fear.
Chapter 22
Everything Changes
Was it chance or fate that the magic in Toby’s possession happened to be a perfect clear prison? A trap to hold any creature until released only by the one person who placed them there! In this case, Toby.
Jareth stood inside the crystal ball upon the ground unable to get himself out.
Everyone present starred in awe at the small sized object of such an enormous event. Such an extraordinary change of events! Which could possibly change the entire kingdom forever.
A smile quickly drew upon Enara’s face. Her eyes twinkled as she picked up the glass ball and saw her brother inside. A rush of power warmed up her entire body. Her shoulders straightened back and she held her head up high.
Gorridy, the royal advisor, entered the crystal room to see what had been the commotion. He froze in his place.
“I was looking for you earlier, Gorridy” Enara said. “I wanted to convince you to come with me to my new kingdom.”
Gorridy bowed out of respect for the bloodline. “Dear Enara” he said with uncertainty (unaware of what had played out prior to his entrance on the scene)“Have you your own kingdom?” Gorridy inquired.
“I do now” she said. “This will work just fine for me.”
Toby spoke up “Can Sarah leave?”
“I don’t know Sarah. I have no need for you” Enara replied, waving her hand above her should as if brushing the humans away from her. She cared not at all who they were or where they went.
She had a new course in life and a new plan.
Toby grabbed Sarah by the hand and they left the room swiftly.
“Let’s find your friends” Toby said.
“Fuhru and Samira?” Sarah asked.
“No” Toby replied. “Hoggle and Sir. Diddymus!”
Memories came up in Sarah’s mind. Suddenly, she knew her friends.
- - - - - - -
Queen Enara Vile walked into the throne room with Jareth in hand. “Assemble the court!” she demanded “A new day has dawned.” She did not speak of the sun rising on a new day literally but figuratively. The sun had set on Jareth’s rule and it rose with Enara herself!
Goblins scurried and found their friends to gather, to hear their new queen.
Enara sat upon the throne and imagined what she would do with big brother now.
- - - - -
Sarah and Toby ran into
Sir Diddymus and the old friends greeted with a hug. “We’re free to leave!”
Toby declared. This made it easy to wander the castle in search of Hoggle.
As they searched Sarah looked out a window and saw Hoggle upon the castle wall.
They ran to meet him there.
Hoggle was playing with a mechanical pair of wings. They were large wings attached to a vest. Wings to be worn to give someone who cannot fly on their own the blessing of flight.
“I think I found a way home” Hoggle said.
“There’s only one set of wings” Sarah considered.
The inventor of the wings came upon the group. “What are you up to?!” he growled.
Toby thought about the jewel in his pocket. He pulled it out, “We wish to buy these wings!”
“Only, we have two passengers for this flight” Sarah said.
The inventor was wearing a pair of the wings! There were two sets! His were compacted down at his back which is why they did not notice it at first. He had just returned from a test flight.
“If the price is pleasing to me?” the inventor said.
Toby held out the jewel. “Is this payment enough?” he asked.
The inventor’s eyes gleamed and he accepted the offer. Removing the vest he wore and walking away, jewel in hand.
Carrying the wings with them the friends left the castle to find Ludo and Ambrosius.
Chapter 23
We Are Family
That evening the friends
threw a dinner party. Ludo called upon three giant stones to line up against
each other. Sarah draped a fabric cloth over them as a table cover. Ludo and
his new girlfriend brought baskets of food and the group of friends unpacked
the meal onto the table.
Ambrosius stood up at the table, looking for foods to eat. Sarah picked up some
meat and fed it to the dog. Sir Didymus ruffled the fur atop the head of his
Toby split a loaf of bread with Ludo’s girlfriend.
Sarah hugged her brother
and asked “How did you do it? How did you face this world and rescue me?!” She
was in awe at the change she saw in him.
“I had to!” he replied. “I love you, Sarah.”
“I love you too, Toby” Sarah replied and she gave him a hair ruffle to add
playfulness to the emotional moment. He laughed and pushed her away.
Sir Didymus poured drinks for everyone at the table. He raised his goblet
towards his friends. The rest of the group followed suit. They raised their
cups and looked to Sir Didymus.
“Cheers to a happy reunion!” he said.
“Cheers to a successful rescue” Hoggle chimed in.
“Cheers to the best of friends!” Sarah added.
“Cheers” everyone chimed
and took a drink. As they did Buddle popped up from under the table and
snatched a piece of fruit.
Everyone stared except for Toby who smiled and laughed. “This is my friend
Buddle” he introduced. Buddle smiled and said “Hi.” Sir Didymus’ initial frown soon
turned to a smile. He was getting use to the mischievous youngster.
For a time they visited and ate. Then another unexpected pair of guests
arrived:Fahru and Samira.
Shyly approaching the party Fahru asked “Can I join you?!”
Samira wasn’t shy. She went right up to Sir Didymus and sniffed him. Then over
to Sarah for cuddles.
“Yes! Fahru!” Sarah replied eagerly. “These are my friends from the court!”
Sarah announced.
The group welcomed them warmly.
Ludo’s girlfriend kissed him on the cheek and he turned away from her to hide
his blushing face. She giggled and linked her arm with his.
When the party was dying
down Sarah knew she had to get herself and her brother home. It was time.
Being away from home, even in a magical place such as this, feels slightly unsettling.
It isn’t “home” and one’s heart longs to return there.
“Will the door still be open to our world?”
Toby inquired.
“If it isn’t, we’ll be here for you” Hoggle said.
“We shall make sure thou findest thy way home, I promise” Sir Didymus
Sarah and Toby hugged their friends and said their goodbyes atop the castle wall. Sarah and Toby, strapped with the flight vests looked the direction they knew they needed to fly. They opened their wings and jumped!
Soaring over the goblin
city then over the walls on the labyrinth Sarah and Toby saw an average day in
the kingdom: bustling goblins, marching guards, creatures of many sorts.
They saw on the outskirts of the maze a forest; galloping unicorns and strange
orange beings whose body parts easily detach.
An owl appeared in the
sky near Sarah. It almost startled her. It wasn’t looking at the siblings. It
was simply flying it’s own course.
Sarah and Toby flew lower as they reach the entrance point they were familiar with. They landed outside the labyrinth and smiled at each other. Removing the wings they rested them against the wall of the labyrinth.
They walked to the door, which remained where Toby had left it. Sarah cupped the doorknob, turned it and pulled. It opened and showed her beloved bedroom!
With excitement Sarah, then Toby, entered the room. They closed the door and it disappeared from their sight.
Chapter 24
Another adventure had come to an end.
Toby had experienced his first real adventure, learned of this magical world, made new friends and found his courage!
Enara had planned her future but ended up with an even better one. A new adventure had begun for this brand new queen ready to prove herself as true royalty and worthy of her throne.
Enara Vile stood in what was previously known as “Sarah’s garden.” The goblins had erected a column in the midst of the garden. A column supporting a crystal prison containing a goblin king!
“Lock this garden up!” Enara
commanded the goblins at her side. “Assign a guard to the entrance .No one
shall enter from now on...no one other than your queen!”
The goblins agreed and walked away to follow her instructions.
From then on Enara Vile liked to visit her brother often to tell him how well she was doing as the new ruler of the kingdom. She loved how his quiet voice (from inside the sphere) could only be heard if she wanted to hear it. If she did not she would simply speak louder than him or walk away.
Jareth had never hated his sister, until now. Still, he was not defeated...not in his heart. He had hope of one day escaping, taking back what was his and making his sister regret her overthrow of the true king.
Two owls perched in the garden and stared at Enara. She felt a bit uneasy and walked into the castle where she would quickly forget about the feeling. She was more concerned with her victory. Her childhood dream had come true! However, this was far from a sweet fairytale and she was not a sweet princess. Life in this kingdom was not classy or clean and it was never easy.
Enara wondered for just a moment if she was up for the task? And if she would receive everything she desired. Greed swelled over her like a wave. She looked out over the goblin city from atop the castle wall...a new chapter had begun! A new queen, a new reign and new rules!