We took some family pictures at the temple then went to see where Eliza and Florencio live. Their neighborhood is just a few blocks away from the temple and yet it was so quiet and, I thought, enchanting. Steep hill streets with unique houses.
We visited with Eliza and Florencio in their apartment for a little while. Then we said goodbye and drove back to Provo. Luke and Ty thought we did not spend near enough time at the temple. I should take them back some time to spend more time just at temple square. We did get one awesome family picture of us there though...thanks to Eliza.
The little boys went to bed almost two hours past their bedtime because of that trip. Then this morning we got them up early.
We had such a fabulous day today! We did get up early so we could be out the door by 7am. Mom Roundy, Hannah, Abigail, and Travis got up and ready to go as well. We met Trevor up at the Y hike on the mountain base. Simone didn't come because she had work this morning. Maria and Matthew are in California on a trip. Dad Roundy is on a work trip. But everyone available came with us!
We hiked the Y! I did not know if my two little boys would be able to make it. But with very little assistance Luke made it all the way up to the bottom of the Y! I made him a map to show how many turns we needed to make on the trail before reaching the Y. Then Luke marked off every turn # we reached. The map made it so he could see how far we've come and how far left to go. That really helped!
Tiberias is about to turn three so he needed to be carried more than Luke but Ty still did awesome and made it up!
I am so proud of them. And now when they see the Y on the mountain, which they like pointing out, they can be proud and say they hiked up to it and have been to the Y. I took some camera phone pictures of them to monument the occasion.
It is a hard hike because it's so steep and up the whole way. But we all made it, enjoyed the top, and got back down to the car. Then we drove over to Denny's for brunch.
We enjoyed a delicious meal just before lunch time.
We got back to mom and dad's house just in time for nap time before the ultrasound.
Mom, Ster, Luke, Ty and I went to a hospital to get a gender ultrasound. We paid $45. It only took 5 minutes. It was so fun for all of us to see the baby and watch it move. Then the woman doing our ultrasound announced that it is a girl! I was not sure if I could believe her because I was too scared of that not being true. I want a girl so badly!
So she explained the image on the screen to help me see that it was a girl.
I am so excited!!!
What a wonderful day!
Hannah made cookies and frosted them then added pink and blue sprinkles...pink on half the cookies, blue on the other half.
Simone came just in time for our gender reveal. We let everyone here know the baby's gender by taking a pink sprinkled cookie and a blue one on a plate. Then I told Ty to take a bite of the cookie ...pink if the baby is a girl and blue if it's a boy. Of course Ty said it out loud before taking a bite but I'm happy he remembered it is a girl. I took a picture of the two cookies after Ty took one bite. Then I sent that picture from my phone to all my family saying "It's a girl!"
I also posted that to my facebook because some of my friends on there didn't know I was pregnant. If they are not family or have not seen me in the last two months then they didn't know I was pregnant.
I am 16 weeks along...tomorrow. Tomorrow also happens to be our wedding anniversary; 6 years! We celebrated our anniversary by going where we went on our honeymoon...to Ster's mom's family cabin. The Wilde cabin. It's on Mount Pleasant ...over an hour away from Provo.
We left the kids at the Roundy house and we had a night away. It was amazing! We had that afternoon, evening, night, next morning and afternoon of just us. We went on walks, made food, enjoyed yummy food (homemade pizza, apple crisp w/ice cream), watched movies, played Jenga, Uno and SkipBo and relaxed.
When Ty was a baby a night away was hard for me because I worried that it would be hard for Ty or he would give the babysitters a hard time. But now that Luke is 5 and Ty is almost 3 I knew they'd be fine. It was amazing to get away, 100%, mind and body. Truly relax.
Tomorrow is our anniversary but we don't have anything special planned for it. We are going shooting in the morning. In the evening the family is getting Little Ceasar's pizzas. And Eliza and Chubbz may come down for dinner and the game night...the boys are going to play computer games together.
Last year for our 5 year we went to Grado Beach as a family and our gifts to each other was Cora...our puppy. It's really hard sometimes to see how the boys want to pet other people's dogs. How they love dogs and don't have one anymore.
We didn't have a choice. We could not keep Cora. It was too much work and time. We loved her the 8 months we had her and we miss her.
We are having a girl!!! I so look forward to buying dresses, hair bands and hair flowers for my girl! I look forward to fretting over how she looks and dressing her up. Picking her styles...clothes and hair. I'll be more fashion-focused on her than I do on myself already.

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