2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, Alissa, Justin & James and Isaiah were all here visiting. The whole day was a family day. Nephi, Autumn and Jacob had school. Tereasa and David had work. But when they came home they joined the fun.
Alissa and I took our boys to the park for some fun in the afternoon.
In the evening we played some games.

Thursday morning most of the family slept in. Then we all got ready for the annual Thanksgiving Boren Family Reservoir run. Everyone was ready to run except Mom, my sons and myself. Luke was able to walk David's dog Tink and that was really fun for him.
Luke and Ty started the race running with everyone else...it was cute.
We walked to the reservoir and hung out there a few minutes until everyone made it around the reservoir and were heading back to the house. It was a beautiful day!

Alissa and Justin went to the Starnes' home in Overton for Thanksgiving lunch.
The rest of us had a big feast of traditional Thanksgiving foods. Tereasa surprised me with a fact I did not know...that the first Thanksgiving did not include turkey!

We celebrated birthdays that afternoon. Dad made David a birthday cherry cheesecake. Mom made brownies and I made mint chocolate icing for the top. We celebrated David, Mom and Isaiah's birthdays.

Black Friday use to be "the thing." There would be great sales at so many stores the day after Thanksgiving. Well, the hours the sales started became earlier and ealier until the sales started on Thanksgiving instead of Black Friday.
Now the sales start on Thanksgiving all over. So everyone in our house was looking at sale adds to see when and where they wanted to go shop.

David and Tereasa took their family to Vegas Thanksgiving in the evening to have dessert and visit with their friends there...then shop.

The Missionaries came for dinner at my parents' house. Isaiah had gone shopping as well. So it was Nephi, mom, dad, my boys and I with the missionaries. Moroni was at work.

I shopped online and bought some dvds from Walmart. Sterling bought some from amazon because they were even cheaper than Walmart.

Sterling's Thanksgiving:
Sterling went hiking in the morning. He ate dinner at Ruby Tuesdays and was going to go to Walmart to look at the dvds but it was too packed. He couldn't even park near the Walmart. After dinner he did walk over to the Walmart to try and look at the dvds but there were too many people in the store that he could not even get to the entertainment section of the store. He left.
The next day, which used to be Black Friday, he went back to Walmart and they still had their sales but not the crowds! They even had the 60in tv we wanted for the great sale price. However, we are about to move to South Dakota so buying a tv right now doesn't work for us.

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