In February when Athena was just three
weeks old Sterling's parents came to visit. To see our new home, our
new baby and to help us out. During their time here we were able to do
some fun things.
Valentine's day -Athena was 4 weeks old
With the help of Mom Roundy I threw a baby shower for my friend Martha. She later had her baby on Valentine's day...a little girl.

Pics of my kids
Dad Roundy at the air museum
Daddy with Athena
Her eyes were very grey when she was born but they seem to be turning blue..yay!
Athena was blessed after church in the Rapid Valley ward on February 16th 2014. Pictures at home afterward:
My angel in her blessing dress
We went to Wall, South Dakota.
There we visited famous Wall Drug Store. Half of it was closed for the
winter season so we are planning to go back again during the open

Not far from Wall is the Badlands National park so we drove over there. It was really cool.
It was so windy! It's windy most of the time at our house and in Rapid City. And apparently everywhere else. When we went to the Badlands the wind was crazy there!
We came across two different, large, prairie dog towns. It was cute to see all the prairie dogs. Of course, I couldnt capture on camera how cool it was...all those tiny animals across such a large area.
From a distance we did see buffalo! From a very large distance we saw tons of buffalo.
We also saw big horned sheep

and deer

I was so excited to go see for the first time...Mount Rushmore! It was Presidents day that we went!
It was VERY windy there too. I look forward to the Summer...maybe the wind will die down then.
Close to Mount Rushmore is another mountain carving still in motion...Crazy Horse.
Here is the mountain. They don't let you drive up to the front or closer to the mountain unless you do a paid tour. It cost quite a bit just to get this close. You can see the side of Crazy Horse's face and the white outlining of where the head of the horse will be carved.
Here is a statue of what the mountain is planned to eventually look like...and you can see the mountain just beyond it.
Luke in the museum checking out the Indian artifacts.
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