2014 Family

2014 Family

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Our Kids

Athena has learned to scream. A high pitched girl scream and she will use it when she wants attention!

Lachoneus has recently succumbed to the joys of being her big brother. He loves playing with her and trying to get her to do funny things or make funny sounds. He is entertained by her.

Tiberias still loves holding her. And even though she loves seeing her brothers and playing with them...she does not like being on their laps.

Luke is becoming a very helpful boy. He buckles his little brother and himself in when we get into the van. He is great at cleaning around the house. It is awesome.

We are loving Summer in Rapid City! There is so much to do for fun. We have movie tickets for the Summer kids program...weekly we get to go watch a not-so-new film in the theater.
There is a wonderful splash pad in town square. And many swimming pools to choose from (that's the more expensive of Summer fun choices).
We have an amazing Storybook Island park. The libraries have fun Summer programs.

Farther away are the Flintstones theme park, which we have an  annual pass for. And in the opposite direction free camping in the Badlands where apparently buffalo come through your campsite. Ster said that's what happened when he took the Scouts on a campout a couple weeks ago.

Yes, we love the Summer. Enjoying while it lasts.

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