We paid the high price to go to Crazy Horse with Sterling's parents a while back. We learned then that they don't allow you to go up to the face. You can pay extra to go on a bus that drives closer to the mountain but won't take you all the way to it.
They do a fund raiser twice a year allowing people to hike up the face. The Volksmarch. Sterling started volunteering at these events. Last Fall I really wanted to do it but I have young kids and they only do it on a Sunday in the Fall. However, in the Summer they do a Saturday/Sunday event.
I have been so busy lately! I didn't have time to plan on the Volksmarch. I didn't think we could make it up to the mountain with my kids but I didn't find a babysitter. And my Saturday filled up so I was not able to go that day.
Stake Conference was scheduled for the same Sunday Ster would be at the Volksmarch helping out. The last Stake Conference I had decided it wasn't worth it to take all our little ones to it. The kids didn't benefit from it and it was hard for Ster and I to focus on the talks when we were so preoccupied with the kids. So last time I took just Luke to it. Ster stayed home with the two younger kids. It worked great. So I was going to do it again this time. But with Ster not home I was not willing to take all three kids to Stake Conference.
We decided Saturday that we would, as a family, attempt the Volksmarch on Sunday.
The plan: Tiffany takes the kids at 11:30 to drive to Crazy Horse. The cost is only $3 per person or three cans of food.
Register for the march and take the kids the first mile of the hike.
Sterling would make sure he worked at the first check point. We would all meet there.
Then we would hike the next 3 miles up together. If we needed to give up and catch a ride down in a vehicle Ster had the hook up (radio) to make that happen. Plus, they do that for anyone who decides they can't make it physically anyway.
This event is huge! People come from all over the world to experience this! Over 9000 people in the two days.
I wished Ster and I could hike it together without the kids but that wasn't happening. So we attempted it as a whole family.
I carried Athena on my back in the hiking carrier. So heavy! One mile hike 1/4 of which was going upward. But I made it. We found Ster and took a rest.
There were fundraiser booths at the checkpoints. Mostly sports teams; high school I think.
At the first checkpoint Ster came up with a great idea. Since Tiberias had been complaining from the beginning of the hike Ster said "Everyone gets to buy a treat and if you can make it to the face at the top of the mountain without complaining then you win your treat." It was a great motivation.
The middle of the hike was not upward so it was a lot easier to do. And Ster was there to help me with Athena. And the kids did not complain!
The last 1/3 of the way up was the hardest...the steepest.
The day was beautiful. The sky was so blue and there were many gorgeous cumulus clouds. It was warm but not hot...because of the small breeze.
The hike was a challenge for us all. At times Sterling would carry Tiberias on his shoulders because Ty was too tired. At those times I had to carry Athena on my shoulders because she is getting too heavy for the backpack. And Luke had to make the entire hike on foot.
It was hard but the kids did great! I was amazed that they were able to make it up the mountain. I was also amazed that they were able to refrain from complaining.
And because they did not complain and focus on the negative they had a fun, fun time.
We all made it to the top! We were almost the last people to make it to the top. But that was awesome because it was the end of the event and most people had been up there and were coming back down. So it wasn't too crowded when we got to the face.
There were mountain goats up on the backside of the face rock. Even a mother with her baby mountain goat. That was fun to see.
God gave us such a beautiful experience that day and I could tell He was with us. We had a wonderful time in nature and as a family. We grew stronger in more ways than one.
It was a beautiful hike and there were amazing sights all around. The dirt on the entire hike sparkled! Shimmery dirt! And there were thin pieces, small pieces, of quart all around too. Beautiful! I picked some up to keep because the private owners don't mind if you take stuff from the land.
At the top of the mountain we very much enjoyed being so close to the face of Crazy Horse. Everyone had so much energy! I thought the kids would all flop onto their bums and not be able to move. But that was not the case!
And all the children had earned their treats!
When it was time to go back down the hill we only had two miles to go to get to the parkinglot. And everyone had the energy to make it. Heading down the kids talked about how much fun it was. They were very happy. I was so impressed!
Near the end Ster and Athena were done so they caught a ride to Ster's truck. The boys and I made it to the parking lot then crashed on a bench. Ster and I decided the kids deserve a metal for their achievement. And the event sold metals. Amazing metals!
Athena wanted to stop and play in the dirt every chance she got on the hike. Had to wash her up a few times.

Below you see the eye of Crazy Horse above the arm. The arm is not carved yet. The cave below the arm is a gap between the horse's head and Crazy Horse's arm.
View of Crazy Horse mountain from the closest the owner's typically let you get.
So in love! Living life's adventures together.
Pieces of quartz

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