2014 Family

2014 Family

Friday, August 12, 2016

Baptism Trip

Friday Ster had to go to work but he was told he would be relieved early so he could hit the road. We were all so very excited to start our road trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house.
I took the kids that morning to a store and when we came home again they didn't want to get out of the car. Tiberias said "I will wait here until we go to Grandma's house." lol

But we still had to clean the house (just a little messy because I had done most of the cleaning the day previous). My plan was to go bike riding to get some exercise and get the kids' energy out before a 10 hour drive. Then we would pack up the food and load the truck and Ster would come home around 12:30 to help. Eat lunch at home then hit the road. But Ster was relieved a few hours early and we were just starting our bike ride when he left work and texted me the update. So we took only a short bike ride. We found a yard sale in our neighborhood and ended up buying M&M plastic displays (jukebox dancing and American motorcycle).
Then we went home and tried to get things done quickly so we could hit the road early. We skipped lunch at home and picked up Wendy's on the way out. We were on the road about noon, I think.

We had a good road trip. The kids did very well. We saw a wildfire as soon as we entered Wyoming. It was neat to see and we were passing it as people were getting ready to probably block off the highway and use the highway as a block to stop the fire from spreading to the other side.

We arrived in Provo before midnight. The kids didn't fall asleep until like 11pm in the car. Then went straight to bed after saying hellos to Hannah and Grandma.

Athena remembered the house even though she was just waking up. She was happy to see Grandma but ready for bed and she pointed the way to where she knows she will be sleeping.

This morning was nice and relaxing. The kids were so excited to play and rest at Grandma's house.
We did make the kids go with us and Hannah and Grandma to the Distribution Center to buy Luke's baptism birthday present. He picked out his own set of scriptures (in brown) and inscribed his name on them. He even picked out a carrying case. The Distribution Center use to be the cheapest priced place to purchase church materials and nice scriptures etc. But the prices have gone up! We spent $75 on Luke for the scriptures and carrier.

(Preying Mantis at the neighborhood park)

The kids had pizza on the brain so their daddy was extra kind and picked up a cheap Little Ceasar's $5 pizza while he was out...for their lunch.

As the day went on we were able to hang out with Trevor and Simone, baby Chloe, Maria and Matt, Nicole then Aubrianne and Travis with baby Maddi. So fun!
We went to the park on the next street for dinner. The Free Masons were having a family dinner for all their members and their families.

I was happily surprised to run into my cousin Felicia and her husband Cody Webb there. They beat us to the event. I keep forgetting that Cody is a Mason and so Matt and Maria and friends with Fe and Cody.

We were able to chat and catch up. A lot of fun!

We had a barbecue dinner. The kids played. I played yard games with the Roundy family. The party included candy raining from the sky! They shot it out of a canon for the kids.

Then we all (Roundys) came to Denise's house to hang out.

My kids' new bed time is 9pm. An hour later than previously. I am hoping this will help them sleep in by the time the Roundy reunion starts so my kids won't be waking their cousins early morning hours.

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