They Thursday morning, September 1st. And stayed until Sunday evening.
We went to The Chapel in the Hills. Which is near Storybook Island but I had no idea it was there. And it was beautiful.
A little Prayer Walk from the church
Athena like the pinecone decor
You can't really see it but in this photo in the far distance are a bunch of turkeys roaming the yard.

We enjoyed Storybook Island together...
Athena's new thing is to stick her tongue out for pictures instead of smiling.
A critter we saw on our Presidential trail hike

We did a lot of relaxing at home, playing games, napping, watching movies.
We also went rock wall climbing on base.
And we went to Sterling's work...the tower.
The catwalk is really high up and really windy.
Ster showed us a little bit about his job in the simulation room.
At the Air and Space Museum
On the day Travis and Aubrey were not with us (Saturday) Sterling went to the ER. We were on our way to see the Presidents (statues) downtown Rapid City. But as soon as we left the house for the day Ster decided it might not even be safe for him to drive.
Back story..somewhere and somehow a spider attacked his legs. It was bad. There were welts all over both legs and they were disgusting to see.
Eventually Ster gave in to what his colleagues were telling go see a dr.
The dr gave him medication which turned out to be something Ster is allergic to.
The medication made his skin red and blotchy. He has hot and itchy on his back and arms. He had a terrible headache. It was so bad we went right to the ER.
It was sad and hard to do but we dropped Ster off and left him there at the ER. Downtown was not far from the hospital. So we took the kids to walk around and see the Presidents...Abi and I.
That walk turned out to be difficult with a toddler and no stroller. We didn't make it too far from the van. We saw a few presidents and learned some fun facts about them. But Athena was not obeying her mom and ended up scraping her knee bloody. So we went back to the van and fixed her up. As soon as we were ready to try again Sterling called and said he was done at the ER.
Poor guy. He was miserable.
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