Free ice cream cone day at DQ!
She's our little baker!

Sometime Athena still goes on dates with us...

Sometimes when dad is at work and the boys are at school Athena and mom have girl lunch dates too....
She is getting to be an artist. She draws people and faces often.
Here is her friend Jake who comes to play all day only once in a while.
During General Conference Athena fell asleep on the staires. She doesn't typically nap these days.
Dad fixed the tire swing after it was broken all winter.
Her friend Leah came for a whole day this week. We went shopping at Sam's. Dad was with us. And the girls were adorable! So much fun together.
It finally warmed up! 80 degrees!
Ice cream at Burger King on April Fool's day. It happens to be Ty's friend's actual birthday. And even though we didn't plan to leave the house at all that day we got invited last minute to go to dinner with them. It was fun. No pranks.
I ordered yard signs to put up around the valley for my preschool which is starting up this Fall. The valley is outside of Rapid City according to people who live in the valley although technically it is still in rapid city. But...we have our own little community. And I am excited to open my preschool up to the community so they can finally have a preschool right here! Driving into the center of town for preschool is a pain in the butt...or so I hear.But the signs were too boring and not eye grabbing. So I am taking them one at a time and coloring them pretty then placing them back around the valley.
Karate! They have been in Ju Jitsu for about a month and now have their uniforms! Here they are bowing with respect...
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