2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Holiday Season Begins

Just hanging out at the mall

 Athena at gymnastics her last day of class -video:

At Michael's craft store. First sign of the Christmas season.
 The wedding topper I made to look like one from 50 years ago. The Miller's in our ward celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Their daughter Kim hired Ster and I to recreate their wedding cake and redo their wedding photos that were poorly done 50 years ago. It was a blast.

 Bowling in November video:

 Bowling with Santa on the military base. A free event. 

 One Sunday afternoon my friend Jen called me up. She asked if I wanted to bring my kids over to her house for graham cracker ginger bread houses. She lives in the valley where I do. So we went over there. Laura had brought her kids over too. So it was a fun junk food party. :)
 I love my friends.

 Tiberias' have a special person visit class day-

 One evening my friend came over for a hair dying party. Jen and Laura and their daughters.

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