I don't do well staying in one space for more than a few hours. When we started taking the foster care classes we had to do the all day class on Saturday and it would make me physically ill. Headache and misery all over my body. And stomach discomfort too. Well, that is what happened on this 10 hour plane ride.
Not only did I have headaches and full body misery but I was sleep deprived and even started my period.
About two hours from landing I became very sick. I did what I could to avoid throwing up. But I carried a barf bag just in case. About an hour to landing I sat by the window, guessing that might help me... I feel better when I can see the ground/earth. However, there were too many clouds and I could not see the ground until we about touched it.
Just before we started our descent I barfed. Then barfed some more.
I was happy to learn that I was the only one who was sick. Everyone else was doing well! Despite being truly exhausted they were happy.
We landed and it was the coldest day Yokota has seen lately. Last week it had been in the 70's. Today it was in the 30s and raining. We had to walk from the plane across a parking pad in the rain that would soon turn into snow. Snow would have been better for us because it would not have gotten us all wet.
As we entered the building we were handed free snacks. We sat down and watched a short welcome video which mostly warned us what is prohibited in Japan such as fake money and fruits/vegetables from other countries.
We retrieved our luggage and then were greeted by a whole welcome party! A cute 5 year old girl held a sign saying "Welcome Roundy Family". There were about 4 military wives and 8 active duty in uniform in the party.
I was still sick and unhappy but glad to be off the plane. Exhausted and a bit embarrassed to be greeted by this beautiful, rested, happy group. But they were sweet and it was nice to have a welcome party despite my situation.
We chatted a few short minutes then two men helped move our luggage into two small cars. The cars here are small... but attractive.
A while ago a sister in my Rapid City ward (Lisa Lethco) put me in contact with her friend who lives at Yokota Air Base. Yesterday this contact realized that her husband is my family's official contact at the base. The person to welcome us to the base and drive us around. The one to help us start getting settled. A funny coincidence. It helped us because I was in faster contact with her than Ster was with him. So when things changed like a three hour flight delay, I was able to communicate that right away with her.
I was excited to come to Japan in hopes that I didn't miss the cherry blossom season. The blossom season is only a week or so. And the cherry blossom trees are so beautiful!
Today I got a glimpse. It was hard to see because of the rain and snow but we passed cherry blossom trees.
Our military hotel is right by the street of cherry blossoms I have wanted to see. Tomorrow hopefully the sun will shine and the rain vanish so I can enjoy the view and go take a walk and photographs.
The season is ending. So hopefully the rain didn't damage the blossoms too much today and I can see tomorrow what I have hoped for...a view of heaven.
Sterling got us into the hotel then went with his sponsor to the BX to get us some groceries and a new cell phone...one that works here.
While he was gone the kids and I checked out our hotel room which is actually an apartment... on the 8th floor. A kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, two bedrooms and a master bedroom with bathroom. Lots of storage space!!
We watched an episode of The Goldbers together. Then we all crashed in our beds...snooze time!
I thought we would sleep for an hour or two. It was 4:30pm at Yokota but 15 hours earlier in our brains.
We had gotten up at 4am-ish and stayed up 18 hours with very little napping inbetween before we arrived in Japan.
I thought when Sterling returned to the hotel I would wake up. But I hit the sleep hard. I woke up around 11pm and Ster was asleep next to me.
I decided to get up and for some hours then go back to sleep. I wasn't quiet because I wanted the kids to wake up. They did get up and ate some food and hung out while Sterling slept.
It is about 2am now here ...my computer says it's 11am the day prior. :)
The kids and I are about to brush our teeth and go back to bed to sleep perhaps 4 hours more.
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