Tiberias' birthday fell on the last Monday of our summer break this year. So we threw his party on his actual birthday August 19th.
This is the first summer that Ty has not been begging to go back to school. In fact, he does not want the summer to end. I think this is because of two reasons: 1) school is no longer fun and games and the work is getting hard to do 2) he has had a safe summer with friends who live right across the street! He can leave the house to go to playgrounds or friends' houses without any fear. And he is allowed to walk home from school or the swim center alone.
For his 9th birthday we celebrated with a Marvel hero and villain theme.
For breakfast we had Spiderman poptarts! (We don't Poptarts in our house)

I made him a cake with hand picked characters: IronSpider, Iron Man, Captain Ameria, Mysterio, Venom and Hawkeye.
The take home prizes were: masks, metalic or silver slime, goody bag of candy and hero/villain stickers.
I created some awesome games:
Avengers disc toss - throw the discs like frisbees to try and hit a villain stuck on the wall
Whack A Loki - One person lays on the floor holding the Loki stick and pushes it through one hole then another at varying speeds. Loki is known for appearing, disappearing and reappearing. So, we try to bop him on the head using Thor's hammer.
Iron Man Blast- go into a dark room (under the stairs) and use your glove to blast light at each villain around the room. I used a dollar store touch light and a dollar store garden glove. It was perfect.
We played in water beads which we called infinity stones.
I bought a cheap Avenger table clothe and cut it in half then stiky tacked it on the wall as a backdrop.
Friends in attendance: Brandon, Luke, Charles and Wesley, Scott, Athena, Lumin and Porter.
We played with the slime and put infinity stones in it:
In the backyard we used a target with Mysterio in the center to launch waterballoons at. We used a launcher that took three kids to man. They loved that!
One gift Ty received is a dancing young Groot. Athena loves it! She uses the slime to create hairstyles for him. hahaha
Tiberias had an amazing party! His friends had a blast! And 2 hours was the perfect amount of time for it.
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