The Yokota military base had a fun family event on Saturday last. A free event filled with fun!
There were Japanese performers such as a mural artist, circus performers, magician, silver man, statue man , etc.
The wonderful thing about living on a small air force base is that it's like living in a small town. You run into people you know everywhere you go on base. The kids ran into friends from school and church while at this event. So much fun!

Here is a silver man.
Rock wall...
Ster doing funny lens tricks to get silly shots of Ty...
Statue man.
The boys and I were done after being there an hour and having dinner there. But Athena and Ster were not ready to leave. So we left them behind. They stayed at the event doing games and having a colorful powder fight together...
Japanese performers would scream and yell and shake their pom poms as you ran down the line. Athena enjoyed that.
The mural completed: It is an airplane and Mt. Fuji.
Dad and Athena caught a free shuttle home. Ster is such a great dad! He gives these kids such wonderful memories.
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