Athena wanted her party at the East side Playroom. This is small building next to the Sakura Shell playground. This building is full of toys for babies and toddlers. When we were new to Yokota air base Athena was pre Kindergarten so she was able to play there often. I started volunteering to open the building and host toddler/baby playdates for the community on base. But, since Athena has started attending school last Fall she is in school during Playroom hours. She doesn't get to play there anymore. She misses it. She has asked many times if she could skip school for a day and go to the Playroom.
So, that was the perfect place for a birthday party.
Getting it wasn't easy though. It was free money-wise but it came at a cost of a lot of effort and time.
The key to open the building is obtained at the housing office. The office is located on the opposite side of the base (across the flightline). So, for anyone to use the playroom they have to drive to the other side of base, check out the key, then return to the other side of base and return the key all during housing office hours (7:30am-3pm). Now, the office seems to close early a lot. Like 1pm. You just have to pay attention and maybe ask what time they are closing that day when you pick up the key.
I tried to schedule Athena's party for the Saturday after her birthday. A month in advance was not enough time though. It was booked. So, I made it my mission to get access to the building on a weekday after school.
The office personnel told me that letting the building be used on a weekday after school just isn't done. I asked for a higher up to talk to me. He didn't come out of his office but said that if I get proof the Playroom admins and parents didn't mind me having the building when I wanted they would approve it. How do I give proof? I went on Facebook to the Playroom page and presented my situation. I said "Please comment with the word 'approve' or 'disapprove.' There were tons of "approve"s. Nothing to the opposite.
So I printed a picture of that facebook page. I took it the housing office. They said that was not right. I needed to have a Playroom Admin call or stop in to the office to say "Tiffany Roundy has my approval to have a birthday party at the Playroom and have the key overnight. She is a responsible and trustworthy person." Vouch for me, basically.
That was easier than what I had done before. I just had to find an Admin and ask her to do so. Luckily that went quickly, because the party was only a week away at this point.
I was nervous about inviting all the guests. What if someone else high up in the office later said "No, I don't okay this!" Or what if I went to get the key on the day of the party and the office was closed or closed early?
I invited Athena's entire school classroom and her church classmates. She also invited Brandon and Lumin from across the street. We would potentially have 30 kids there.
It was a Phineas and Ferb themed party. I got Athena some awesome mylar balloons. I gave her a new kitty dress as well.
Instead of a fancy cake we did an ice cream sundae bar. It was perfect.
Sterling cooked hot dogs and pizza rolls. He brought them over a little bit after the party started. We served the food early so we could have ice cream too.
Athena and her friends had a great time! She had a two hour birthday party.
Sterling went to do a suicide watch (hang out with someone who has threatened to kill themselves) after the party. But he took the decorations and ice cream and our kids home first. Once they were all out it took me 30 minutes to put the toys away correctly, sweep and vaccuum. I walked home and found Athena opening all of her new toys...making one big mess.
She received a lot of gifts! Usually I try to control how much stuff she gets by telling parents they don't need to bring a gift or by inviting less children. This year I was fine with her obtaining a large loot because she had a small Christmas.
On the short walk to the Playroom from home:

Top row: Daing, Hunter, Dalyn Kartchner, Daing's sister, Alexandria, Aria Bird, Phoebe Goodrich, Railyn, Athena, Olivia, Olivia's brother
Bottom row: Kaelyn and Riley Fry
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