2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Yesterday:Friday April 3rd we had a fun family fire in the backyard once the sun went down. We roasted marshmallows and made smores. We invited our next door neighbors who joined us halfway through. Jesus, his sisters and his parents. They were barbecuing chicken for dinner, a late night dinner, in their backyard and visiting with us at the same time.
It was nice to have fun with another family during this time where socializing is more scarce.
The kids kicked a soccer ball around and got a little competitive. My kids seem to be more sports proned around this family. Their kids love sports.

I have been able to socialize a little bit with my friends. Allison Merrell stopped by during her bike ride with her kiddos. She wanted to pay me 200yen she owed me and to chat. Our community no longer allows people in their homes for germ safety. So we chatted on the front porch.
And I've met up with Elizabeth Frost and Ingrid Grey for Tennis...the perfect social distancing sport.

Today is Saturday, video game day at our house. A perfect day for social distancing. My kids will stay home and play games alone and together. Of course, we will also play games that are not electronic...like UNO together. And I will force them to go a bike ride. Maybe a family bike ride.

Tomorrow is General Conference. Since we are ahead of American time we can't watch Saturday session on Saturday morning. And since we do not have church meetings in person anymore...
We are going to watch one session of General Conference each Sunday for the next month.

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