"May the 4th Be With You"
When I was a kid my family loved Star Wars. But there wasn't a "holiday" to celebrate it. Recently May 4th has become a Star Wars' fans day to party or binge watch the saga.
This year on May 4th Sterling was at work. I was not planning to celebrate it this year. Sterling messaged me and asked if we were going to have a party or anything. Typically I don't have the motivation to do this on a whim in half a day's notice but...I got inspired to throw a family party. I looked up some ideas online and was able to pull it off...

Luke and Athena loved helping cut out and later decorate the Wookies. Ty isn't into baking or being creative in baking.
Sterling came home that evening to a Star Wars feast. After dinner we dressed up!
We recorded some light saber battle videos. One on one fights.We put on some star wars music during the fights scenes.
We practiced shooting "blasters" using nerf guns and a Death Star cardboard game board.
It was a fun family party to remember.
The community on base loves my Japanese themed rocks. One school administrator of ours loved the Japanese girl rock so much when she found it she asked if she could keep it as they move away from Japan. Since I gave it away I replaced it with two more versions of it. And added some more Japanese rocks. Sterling saw them and said "You can't give those away! I want them."
But, we don't want to keep a collection of rocks. So, photos of my art will do. :)

I took Luke out for some Mommy and Son time. We went to the craft store and I offered to buy him crafts or supplies. He is so careful about spending money, even my money, he didn't like anything enough to spend money on it.
We went for ice cream and ate it on the YCC rooftop with the view.
We tried to win a hat he wanted from an arcade machine. $8 later we gave up.
Luke said he is worried that he wont get to swim much this summer...if the virus keeps the pool closed. I am hopeful that the pool will open by summer break.
Luke is excited for the school year to end. But it usually goes until the first week of June ends.
Luke is still a messy ice cream eater...
Luke is almost 12. I knew he would get to the point of feeling sad or depressed and not knowing why. Well, he is there. I noticed him silently crying now and then or just tearing up . And I could tell it wasn't the way he cries because he is frustrated at a video game...that lately it's for no reason. At random times. He seems not mad but sad.
So I asked Luke if he was feeling that way lately. He said yes. I told him that when you become a preteen that happens. His friends are probably all going through the same thing right now. It is normal.
That is why I decided to have some fun alone time with him.
And since I took him out, I have to take out the other kids individually soon.
Athena has always wanted to do a photo booth. The YCC has one for $8 a strip. It is robbery. But, for Athena's outing I think we'll do that. She and I can plan our fun faces before trying the booth out.
And ice cream, Luke got ice cream and she wants that too.
Tiberias is harder to hang out with...I knew the perfect thing...rollerblading together at the skate park. He loves rollerblading and I never let them go to the skate park anymore.
Unfortunately...the ramps have been disassembled! I don't know what they are planning or why but the park is no longer accessible. Now what? Simply rollerblading together would be fun for Ty but I can't think of a single place that we can rollerblade at. The sidewalks are so bumpy and it makes it hard and uncomfortable to blade on.
The street is much better to blade on and I would be okay with that but...Ty won't. He is still scared of getting hit by a car. When we bike or when he rollerblades he has that fear. So, I don't think he will be happy bladding in the street with me.
My mini cake business is going well. Although, I did have a cake failure yesterday. Someone ordered a rosette cake. Rosettes have to defy gravity because they are heavy and cling to the side of a cake. Thus, the frosting has to be made truly thick and stiff. I thought I had made a good icing for it. But when it came to the hour before the cake pickup I frosted the cake. And the flowers were starting to melt off. So, I thought I could just stick it in the freezer and not keep it out too long. I adjusted the frosting in the bowl and found the right stiffness. But I didn't have time to remove what was on the cake and start over. So, I hoped it would be okay.
Sadly, the didn't was melting by the time it got from my house to the customer's house (ten/fifteen minutes). The customer kept the cake in her freezer until it was served but the roses were melting right off the cardboard round which held the cake.
I felt horrible. I felt like a failure. I tried not to feel that way.
I can make 10 customers truly happy and then have one failure and feel like a failure. I realize that my biggest problem with the cake was not decorating it soon enough. I waited until it was too late to make mistakes and restart.
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