2014 Family

2014 Family

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tove Jansson Akebono Children's Forest Park

In Japan there is so much ugly city life. Power lines all over, crammed ugly industrial buildings, etc. But there is so much to see if you know where to go! It's all over the place! You just have to look past the ugly and find the beautiful! 

Charisse told me about this children's park when she saw the fairy houses I was making for my kitchen decor...and for fun. 
We finally went. Sunday late morning we took the kids. The weather was threatening to rain but it had been for days and the forecast says it will be for the next week. So we drove half an hour hoping not to get rained on and we were in luck. It didn't start dropping water until we were getting back to the car to drive home.

We had to wear masks even though we were outside. And the buildings were closed for COVID19 spread prevention. It was gorgeous! So green and beautiful! There was an enchanting and breathtaking (though small) waterfall. A little pond. A cafe to sit and eat at.

It was a lot of fun. Mostly for me but the others enjoyed it too. I definitely want to go back at night some time when the lights are turned on making it more magical. And I want to go back when they open up the buildings for entering in.

 photos of my fairy houses. I plan to make some fairies to go with them later this year.

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