2014 Family

2014 Family

Friday, April 18, 2014

Home made love

Little fun things in life...

I made Athena a Cinderella dress.
 Excited for Easter
...even though Ty does not know what Easter is. He hands out Easter eggs saying "Merry Christmas." This year he will probably remember his Easter experience. And Sunday Ster and I will teach the boys the true reason for this holiday.
 We got Athena an exercauser because she likes toys now and has always loved sitting up. We do have to prop her up with a blanket because the toy is made for older/bigger babies.
 Ty grew into Luke's old cowboy boots.

 My brother's wife, Tereasa, sent us some fabulous gifts for Athena. Homemade headband, skirt, hat and blanket. Here is Athena modeling the new items...with some help from her family.

 I made a baptism cake for a family in our ward. A dove (the Holy Ghost) is placed on the back of the cake.

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