2014 Family

2014 Family

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

President's day

Sterling was off of work President's day. So we went to not one but two different playgrounds. Here we are at Canyon Lake Park...


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Valentine Fun & Hiking on the Lake

Athena and I went to Luke's Valentine class party. Sterling went to Tiberias'.

Hiking yesterday at Sheridan Lake. There was slippery ice on the trail and the lake was frozen still.
Slippery on the lake...

Ster and I came up with reason we love our children individually and I wrote them on hearts. I gave them on a day on their doors.
 The day before Valentines day Sterling and I went on a lunch date to celebrate. 
We dropped Athena off at a friend's house and the boys were in school.

We went to Applebee's and enjoyed date conversation and time alone together. When we go on dates together we talk about the things that don't come up on regular days. We talk about our childhood's and hypothetical situations like what we might do when Ster retires from the air force. 
We use to ask "Is there anything I have done that bothers you?" on dates. But we have past the point of really having things that bug each other. Our marriage is at a wonderful place.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Valentine Children

 The kids today ready for church. Everyone wore read or pink in honor of Valentine's day.

 Lately Luke wear constantly his nerd glasses. He took them off to take a bath but immediately put them back on. And we didn't allow him to wear them to church. He's a cute nerd. But he doesn't want to be called a nerd...so don't do it. ;)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Soccer Saturday

This morning I (Tiffany) went to spend time with a friend in the hospital. A friend who had a baby this week. And since the weather is acting like Spring instead of like Winter Ster took the kids out for some fun. 

They went to the military base to try to get the Rock Wall Climbing key. But that wasn't available. So they played some indoor soccer and had a blast!

Obviously, Mom did not spend time on the boys' hair today. ;p