We went to BYU to listen to the bells ring songs for an hour. While there we did portraits for Simone and Trevor.

With mommy
The boys played in the water and the adults sat and visited while listening to the music. Kelly and Denise, Ruth and George were there as a few more family members.
Friday morning Sterling picked up Moroni from the airport. Then Nephi met us in Provo. We all went out to lunch at Red Robin, even took the kids with us. It was a delicious and fun lunch!
From there we drove to Mt. Pleasant to the cabin. The Boren Reunion was about to begin!
Roslyn arrived with Lincoln and Hank late that afternoon. We did frozen pizza for dinner and went to Manti to the temple. It was very busy with the pageant going on!
We parked a couple blocks away from the temple and walked. We sat in the back on the chairs that were set up. It was late for the kids to stay up and be out. So we stayed for half of the performance. It was perfect because then we avoided all the traffic on our way out.
The kids slept in the open room at the top floor of the cabin. Chubbz and Eliza took the bedroom up there.
Dad and Mom would have the bedroom on the main floor. Ster and I would sleep upstairs in the open room as well. And the grown boys would sleep on the couches.
Saturday Sterling went to a family reunion for his mom's family but the rest of us stayed in Mt Pleasant. After lunch we went into town to the museum.
Tiberias and Hank were best friends all weekend!
We stopped at Wheeler's for ice cream!

We really enjoyed the four wheelers and the cabin all weekend!
Sunday we slept in and lounged around. We had our own church service at the cabin. We watched the Living Scriptures cartoon about Abinada and King Noah as well as Alma the Elder. We had a family night lesson about them as well. We had a testimony meeting. Mom took the kids outside to collect nature items such as stones and feathers. Then they glues their collection onto a frame or plaque. It was a fun craft the kids really enjoyed.
I brought a kids pottery wheel with clay. The kids all made a piece of pottery with my help and painted them the next day.
Sunday I made pretzel dogs and we had a fabulous dinner of meat and potatoes. Dad and Ezra arrived that evening. We had chocolate chocolate chip cookies too.
Monday we went into town early for a walk. We had planned to hike in the mountain originally. But the days were pretty warm and we had taken a couple walks around the neighborhood in the woods already.
So we took a walk through the center of town, enjoying the weather and the beauty of the small town. As well as the styles of some of the old homes.
We then went to the park for lunch. We had packed lots of lunch only to find the community was being served free lunch to all children. It was leftover food from the last school year.
But free lunch meant the park filled up with kids! It was crowded!
We ate our lunch then had our water gun fight in the grass in the sun. The park was big enough for us to do our fight despite the amount of people around. But once our water fight was drawing near a close the kids we don't know all tried to join in. We allowed them to play with the guns for a little while but then collected them and headed out.
A train exhibit by the park! We stopped to check it out on our way to our lunch.
One night Sterling and I slept on the top deck together...under the stars. It was cold but I made it all night out there.
Some more fun things we did that weekend were games! Dominoes, Never Have I Ever, Telestrations.
Instead of going to drive in theater late Monday night we stayed in. We played games and watched a movie. The kids watched a movie upstairs before going to sleep.
Tuesday our reunion ended. Everyone cleaned up and left. We cleaned the cabin and left it nicer than when we arrived. I actually had my vacuum with me this time so...I was happy! It helped me clean up the webs and dead bugs in the windows and walls with ease. As well as the corners and edges of the carpets.
It was such a beautiful weekend! The mountain was so gorgeous!
Photos of us figuring out what we want for Ty's baptism announcements:
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