2014 Family

2014 Family

Monday, June 4, 2018

Trampoline Owners

 Sterling finally let us get a trampoline.
How I found it was so great... I had prayed to find a great trampoline for under $100. I wondered if God would help me get exactly what we wanted. I wanted a newer trampoline without going over $100. Sterling wanted a net with it.
Lucky for us military families don't often take their trampolines when they move away from here. And lucky for us there was a family about to move away who just barely decided not to keep theirs. Lucky for us they used it only one summer and then it was packed up in a box until they sold it to me for $75. I couldn't believe the deal I got.

I can't believe it's so great and that it's ours. The kids will definitely spend more time outside than they normally would.

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