In a military supplied home if something breaks you call maintenance and they take care of. No money on our part either.
The kid's bathroom sink was leaking underneath...soiling all the towels in that cupboard. So I called maintenance and...lucky for us...the whole cabinet and sink had to be replaced! Unexpected bathroom renovation!
Here is the sink and cabinet gone:

And the brand new one:
Athena sports some pretty awesome styles for school:Sterling and the kids wanted to show me some extra love one day when we were all at Joyful Honda (a Japanese mall) one day. The kids got me these flowers:
And Ster bought me roses:
February tea party playdate at our house:
Aly, Phoebe, Athena, Elsie, Cora
Valentine's day:
Sterling gave me a gift card for a massage in our neighborhood (on base)! Yay!! I went and had my massage early on Valentine's day.
For lunch, immediately after my massage, Ster and I had Indian food at our house. From Dana Chula! Mmmmm...

That night we celebrated Valentine's day with the kids. We made a fire in our firepit and we hung out in the backyard eating boxed chocolates together. :) I originally planned this activity to not include the children. But Ster and I had the afternoon without the kids so we were happy to include them by that point.
My mini cake business is finally starting up. I got an order for a small Harry Potter themed cake. It was a cake to say goodbye to a coworker who is leaving for a different job. The customer asked me to think of a way to say "good job" in Harry Potter's world. I had no clue so I went to Ster. He immediately called Abi, his sister, who knew what to do. "Mischief managed!" It is the way to close the Marauder's map magic but it became a saying for the kids in the stories meaning "good job."
The next part of the cake is an acronym for I don't know what. I probably don't want to know either. It was the customer's request. Usually when I get a military ordered cake it has an inside joke or acronym that I don't usually want to know about.
Sterling and I went to a 374th maintenance squadron award ceremony as a date night. It was held on the east side. So, even though it's still winter, we walked there and back. We first walked Athena to a friend's house then we walked to our event.
It was held in a hangar and was casual. They served dinner and had live music and the awards. It was very long! I didn't stay for half of it because Athena needed to get to bed. But Sterling stayed.
I walked alone in the dark with no fear. I have never lived in a place as safe as this! I feel like this is the safest place in the entire world! Where women and teens can be out in the dark without any danger. We can walk our dogs or go on a walk with our husbands and no creepy people are walking around. No druggies or thieves. No men looking to hit on women, etc. This is such a blessing!
Sterling's birthday:
Athena went with us to get Boba drinks just off base before dinner.
We also picked up pizzas for dinner for the whole family.
Domino's is our favorite. It's close to the East gate of the base and it's buy one large get one free. So, it's a good deal.
Sterling's birthday was on Sunday so we celebrated two whole days. On Sunday we had homemade cookies and cookies and cream pie.
100th day of school:
Raelyn, Elsie and Athena at school:
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