March Begins
Athena made a playdough cake

Luke is at the middle school and they had different themes than the elementary school.
Here is Luke wearing a shirt for twin day. We gave an identical shirt to his friend Ethan to wear that same day. Ethan's has a glow in the dark E on the pocket and Luke's has a glow in the dark L.
I had two cake orders that week :
For the past month anytime Ster has something to tell me I have held my breathe hoping the next words from him would be "Our couch is here!"
We have lived in Japan for 11 months now! Nine of those months we did have a loveseat that fit two adults. We couldn't truly say we were moved in because we didn't have a comfortable way to watch tv or visit with guests.
Finally the couch came in! It was at the BX and we had two options...
1) Pay $50 and wait and a week and a half for the delivery men to bring it to our home.
2) Take our van and see if it's possible to fit one half of the couch at a time to drive it home ourselves.
We couldn't wait. It seemed a far fetch but we had to try it.
While Sterling was at work yesterday morning I took the van to the store, visually sized up the couch pieces and drove the van to the loading station. The workers thought it wouldn't fit. It was more than halfway in the van. That meant less than half was hanging out the back , so, the trunk was hide open. I drove carefully home. Ster soon had a lunch break and he took that time to help me unload. A random soldier on our street, also on his lunch break, took the time to stop and help us move the heavy half a couch from the van into our house.
Sterling then went and retrieved the other half and brought it home. We were so excited to our couch in a single day! It is huge! It has a pull out bed...for sleeping in the living room, sleepovers with kids friends and guests from our of country.
BEFORE (small tv and no couch!)
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