2014 Family

2014 Family

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Poptart Houses

 We started our holiday fun on Friday December 11th. We had Domino's Pizza because we often do that on Fridays. Here it costs about $5 for a frozen pizza from the grocery store or $10 a pizza for a Domino's large. And Domino's is not far from our house...just off base. 

This year instead of gingerbread or graham crackers for candy houses we tried...Poptarts! My kids love Poptarts and we usually only buy them for long road trips. 

We invited Brandon and Lumen to join us to make Poptart candy houses. 

There are restrictions on base right now. We are suppose to keep track of the few families we socially interact with...like when the kids are playing outside we need to know who they play with. And we are only allowed to have one family over to visit in our house. Like, at Christmas, etc. This way , if one of us gets tested positive for COVID19 we know who we have had contact with and might have spread it to in the last week. And they will have also had minimal contact with others so they can know who they may have spread it to.

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