2014 Family

2014 Family

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Squadron Kids' Party

Sunday afternoon we went to the squadron children's Christmas party. Sterling was bringing the studio lights for the pictures with Santa. And I was bringing a game to head up.

To blindfold people for this game I could not have everyone sharing germs by sharing the same blindfold. I actually forgot that I needed to figure this out. Then when I set up the game at the event I realized my mistake. So I thought fast and decided everyone could use their own masks. Simply raise your mask to cover your mouth, nose and eyeballs. It worked!

We had a fun surprise when Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause came to the party in an airplane. It taxied them over to the party. Santa was actually seen hanging outside the plane during this movement!

Athena loves talking to Santa. Even though she knows that it is pretend.


We had a blast!

Funny but sad story:

The squadron planned a huge party for the families for Christmas season. They were not sure if the COVID restrictions would cancel their plans at any point. But when it came down to it they decided it wasn't worth it and here is why...at a kids party everyone can keep their masks on and stay safe. But at an adult party there has to be the consumption of alcohol or it isn't any fun. SO they cancelled the party based on that fact alone. This is what it's like in the Air Force. A huge part of the members believe that alcohol is the only way to have fun. It is a crucial part of life. Yet, it causes so many problems for them. Even legal problems.

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