2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goodbye Sterling

We had a lot of fun with the Roundys and relatives in Utah!
Our two little boys hiked the Y on the Provo mountain! With a little help they made it all the way to the Y! I am so proud of them...that is a hard hike.
We went with Mom Roundy, Trevor and Simone, Travis, Abigail & Hannah.

After the hike we went to Denny's for lunch. So yummy!

In Provo we also spent some fun times with Sylvia Monsivais...Ster's aunt who is about our age.
She has four daughters and two sons...all young like my kids.

Abigail entered the MTC the second week in August. After she entered the MTC Ster and I took the kids to Logandale to stay with my parents.  We had about a week in NV before Sterling would have to get on a plane for work.

One day Denise took Tiberias on a walk...Luke chose not to go. When Ty got back to the house he was so excited to see Luke! Nobody saw what happened...but it sounded like Ty and Luke ran to each other and hugged or something...then Ty fell. He hit the back of his head and cut it open. It wasn't too deep and it didn't bleed too long. But the cut edges of skin sort of folded outward...making it hard to heal. It would heal with a big scar and the hair not growing back. Sterling was not at the house when this happened. He had gone to visit his uncle Mike. Of course, these things happen when Sterling is not around to help.
I didn't know what to do. I held him and stopped the bleeding. Then I called Sterling and said Come home, this is what happened and I don't know what to do! Sterling and Hannah ended up taking him to the ER that night. He got staples in his head to keep the wound closed.
I felt bad at first, not going with them, but I couldn't handle the wound any more. At first I was fine but after a while it made me sick. I was woozy and queezy and had to sit down...away from Ty's head.

The staples stayed in for about two weeks. We took Ty to the Nellis Air Base hospital around two weeks and they said it was too early to take the staples out. But they let Ster take a staple remover with him to do it himself at home. Unfortunately it was a very painful process for Tiberias. Isaiah, my brother, had staples in his head previousely and expressed to us that it was more painful having them removed than having them put in.

But now it will heal nicely. And his hair will grow normally around it. Isaiah has no issues with his hair growing where he had staples.
Lachoneus does have a spot on the back of his head where the hair won't grow. When he was two years old I brought him and Ty to America for Eliza's wedding receptions. At one reception Luke somehow cut his head open. It was not deep but bled a long time. I did not take him to the hospital. His head healed fine but now he has a scar and his hair won't grow there.

Backtracking...when we left Provo to go visit my parents about two weeks ago we stopped in Cedar City, between Provo and Logandale, to visit Alissa and Justin. Their son James is turning 1 year old. We went to Denny's for lunch together. It was an awesome break for the kids before finishing the drive to their grandparents in the desert.

During our time in Logandale Ezra and Lincoln, Lachoneus and Tiberias' cousins, came up to visit. They stayed two nights and the boys bonded over all that time together. They had a lot of fun.

Dad, Mom, Tereasa, David, Ster and I went to Mesquite to eat out one night at Los Lupes restaraunt. Sterling had been craving Mexican food.

We celebrated birthdays one evening. Autumn, Tiberias, Lincoln and baby James have birthdays this month. But James wasn't here so we just celebrated everyone else...with a firetruck cake.  I don't have my cake tools and I decided to practice my frosting decorating skills, which are lacking, instead of doing fondant.
I added a little house and flowers for Autumn.

And Ty and Lincoln got to keep the firetrucks from on top of the cake.

David, Tereasa, Justin, Autumn, Jacob, Nicole, Ster, myself and all our little kids went to Wet and Wild in Las Vegas! We spent a fun filled day there! It is awesome! Luke doesn't like water slides but Tiberias loves them.

Wednesday the 21st Sterling and the little boys said goodbye to each other. We told Luke and Ty that daddy would be going on an airplane to work. That he will be gone for a long time. It was not hard for them to say goodbye but it will be hard on them the longer into it we get. It's the same for Ster and myself...it gets harder as time goes on. But easier at the last stretch for us because we know how soon until we see each other again.

Anyway, Sterling and I left the boys with their grandma Boren and we went to Vegas for a getaway before Ster leaves.
We went to the Las Vegas temple grounds and took a few pictures...the same place we got married 6 years ago. It's hot in Vegas and all over NV but it was actually not too hot for us when we went for pictures. We ran into our friend Zach Guymon on the way out. He works at the temple as security. We chatted a few minutes then said goodbye.

Sterling and I went to our hotel, Palace Station, near the Vegas Strip. We checked in, relaxed watching tv, and then drove to get pizza. We took pizza back to the hotel and enjoyed it.
After our tummy's settled we drove down to the MGM and parked the car. We walked that part of The Strip. It was awesome because it was dark and the Vegas lights lit up everywhere.
We went to M&M's World first and bought some souvenirs.  Yellow and blue M&M stuffed toys that can be used as pillows, for Luke and Ty. A cooking apron for me...sterling picked it out so it would remind me of him and that trip the four months he is away. He picked a blue M&M apron. I'll definitely use it!
Sterling wanted a M&M bottle to keep ice cold water in. So he had me pick one out for him. He also got a blue and a red golf ball that look like the M&M characters.
To top it off we bought a big M&M tote bag because the little boys and I needed a new one.

 We went to the Bellagio fountain show. That was a lot of fun. It's so cool ...especially at night.

 Bellagio water show

 The moon was awesome that night

We had spent two hours on The Strip just in that small portion of it so we headed back. We were still stuffed from the pizza. We went to the hotel and relaxed until it was late. Then we slept.

In the morning we ate at the hotel Breakfast Buffet. It was $10 for both of us to eat and the food was really good. We didn't over stuff ourselves because Sterling had to go to the airport and catch a flight and I had to drive back to Logandale.

It was such an amazing overnight trip with just us two! The perfect way to say goodbye until Christmas. Our hotel room had a cool view of the Stratosphere and part of The Strip. We were on the 17th floor. Nice!
Anyway, I drove Sterling to the airport and we said goodbye.

I will be staying with my parents until the second week in October then I'll go back to Provo. I'll be back to Logandale for Thanksgiving. Then Mom (Boren) is coming with me to take my boys and our belongings to South Dakota. We'll stop in Provo for a night to split up the drive. Then stop at a hotel the night after that to split it up even more. I think it's 10 hours from Provo to Rapid City (SD).

Hopefully Sterling will get a break from his training and be able to come see me and the boys. Or that we'll be able to go see him at some point during the next four months. Otherwise it will be just before Christmas when we are reunited.
 Silly boys
My at 18 weeks pregnant ...taken myself because Sterling was already gone.

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