2014 Family

2014 Family

Monday, August 12, 2013

Our First Weeks Back In America

When we first got back to America we went to Provo first.  I believe I blogged about it but I can't find it so I am doing it again.

Here's the boys at Te Malt Shop

 Sterling, Tiffany, Tiberias, Chubbz, Eliza, Luke, Simone, Trevor, Maria and Matthew
at mom and dad Roundy's house in Provo

A few days after arriving in Provo we took a 6 hour drive to Jon Roundy's house in Idaho. We had a lot of fun visiting Jon, Emily and their kids Sarah, Ben and Spencer.

A nature hike downtown

 Kids Discovery Museum fun

 The Texas Road House...yummy!

At Jon's house
The pregnancy 12 weeks along
 Fun water spray park

 Jon & Emily, Ster & Tiff
 We stayed just a few days then drove back to Provo.
Here we are at the dinosaur museum

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