2014 Family

2014 Family

Friday, January 3, 2014

Gotta Love Change

The pregnancy is going great. It is harder to get a workout in every day. If I don't do it in the first hours of the morning then I won't have the energy or feel good enough to do it.

Athena is big...I can really feel her feet etc when she leans against my stomach walls. She is not as big as Lachoneus or Tiberias were at this stage though. I'm excited ...hoping she will be born smaller than my boys were.

Lachoneus started school today. Then Sunday Tiberias will start Sunbeams! He should enjoy that more than Nursery. He has hated nursery all year.
Next week we close on our house! And Tuesday all of our stuff from Italy should arrive at our new house! We have been in a mostly empty house for about three weeks. We are so ready to have furniture and start getting organized with all our stuff! We have really missed our kitchen stuff along with other things.

My parents are coming next weekend to help out with Athena's arrival. Our house will probably be crazy with furnishings for some rooms and not others. With things around that don't have an organized place to belong.

Next week and the week after are going to be exciting and crazy. I can hardly wait though!  :)

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