2014 Family

2014 Family

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


In January Sterling reenlisted in the Air Force. No cool bonus. Just commitment to another 4 years of military service. I am glad we are military. We are financial secure.

 Athena attended the ceremony with me.
I made a cake for all those who joined us at this event.

Here are some pictures of our silly girl...

 Athena's Birthday! I was still trying to figure out her hair. It's long enough to be in her face and cover her eyes but not long in the back. So she was silly on her birthday.

 Her first birthday cake! Frozen!

 Mouth full of cake

 She looooves being outside! We get some freezing and snowy days but we get some warm sunny ones as well. Obviously this was a warm day.
 On a freezing day we went to the city's Western roadshow event. The boys loved some tractors that were on display in the building.
 The third boy in this photo is Ty's best friend Eli. Eli lives 5 minutes drive from us. He comes to our preschool and his mom is my best friend too.

 Petting zoo

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