2014 Family

2014 Family

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Purple Hair

Last week started and I looked like this...
My hair was long and healthy and beautiful but boring. So boring!

Here are pics of WHY I cannot be a blonde....
 My complexion does not go well with light light hair colors.
But I was actually this color when Ster met me! I had this bleached color hair for one weekend in my life and that was the weekend I met Sterling at church.  Back then I dyed my hair back to brown that week.

 Anyway, back to the present.

I had not dyed my hair in years so I was nervous about doing something so drastic. But I have always wanted purple hair and Sterling has wanted me to have purple hair for years.

I dyed my hair three different colors of purple at home. I love it.

This trial was with semi permanent colors. Now I know what I do and don't like about purple color in my hair. Next time I am going to use permanent dyes and do two colors of purple streaked throughout front and back...as well as a little bit of blue streaked in. Sterling  and I love it so it's going to be me for a while.

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