2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Update On My Kiddos

Update on my kiddos...because they change so fast.

Athena is now talking all the time. She doesn't say sentences usually. However she is great at attempting to repeat single words we say and even remembers things.

She is such a gymnast already. She is amazing at balance and climbing and has a fearlessness that makes her a crazy toddler.

Tiberias is all of a sudden smart...math smart. Since he started going to Kindergarten two weeks ago he is becoming a smart boy. Out of no where he knows that 5 and 5 are ten. He knows a lot of addition that shocks me. He still has trouble with some of his letters like Gg. He can't tell you what letter it is by looking at it even though I've tried to teach it to him for years.

Lachoneus (age 7) has his first crush. A girl in his class named Lily. Today on the way to church he said "Mom, when I grow up I'm going to marry Lily." He then said "I really like Lily!" I asked him what he likes about her. He said "She is really nice! And she helps me." I asked him if he thinks she is pretty. He said "yes" but I don't think he really cares yet.

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