2014 Family

2014 Family

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Mommy Getaway Trip

A while ago Ster and I were at Tally's Silver Spoon for lunch with his work crew. That is when Sterling had a brilliant and very considerate idea. All in my favor.
He said "You should have a girl's getaway. Get a hotel somewhere not too far from Rapid City. Invite your close friends and go without the kids."
My husband truly is the best husband!

We planned it and invited Jen Christensen and Laura Elliott. Both have babies so it seemed likely the babies would come along for the trip.

Jen decided her older aged baby could stay home with Greg and the other five kids. But baby Jace, Laura's, is only 4 months old and cannot be away from Mom.

The weekend we were able to go ended up being Friday the 13th in October. Only, nobody realized this until the day of it! Luckily nothing horrifying happened to use friends on our trip away on Friday the 13th. ;)

I picked up Jen then Laura with Jace in my van around 3:40pm. We went first to Walmart for movie snacks. We bought too many! lol. We shopped for what we want instead of what we usually do ...shopping for what the kids want.

Next we went to Applebees for dinner. Delicious. Unfortunately we went crazy and ate too much.
Then we drove about 30 minutes to Hill City. It was dark and cold. Jace was unhappy in his car seat so he cried. And Jen felt sick. But we were determined to get to Hill City, check into the hotel and begin having a relaxing and fun night away.

And that is exactly what happened.

The hotel was great. It was fancy and beautiful. It was the Holiday Inn Express right next to the 1880 Train!
It was too cold and dark to go walk the city and enjoy the view.

We settled our things in our room then checked out the pool and spa and even put our feet in. We went back to the room to settle in for the night. We watched Ghostbusters , the latest version, and eventually ate a few snacks. But we were still full from dinner.

We chatted and then went to sleep.

In the morning we enjoyed the complimentary breakfast. I made sure not too eat too much this time.
Then we got into our swim suits and enjoyed the spa and pool for a good while. We were in there longer than I thought we would be.
The pool time was made even more special for a couple reasons. 1- It was snowing outside.  2-The 1880 train took off and went by the pool window when we first arrived to swim. That was fun to see.

We checked out of the hotel and drove to the town center. Parked the van and began walking. We enjoyed some of the shops. We walked up and back down the main street of town. We stopped in the fudge shop and bought some sweets. We went through a museum gallery.

We ended up driving to Rockerville for lunch. The Gaslight restaurant. Jen treated us to a late lunch. It was almost the end of our trip and the girls didn't want it to end. We had such a great time together.

Our husband gave us a wonderful gift of taking care of the kids and the houses and telling us to have a great time.
We love our men!

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