2014 Family

2014 Family

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Halloween Month

Spirit Week at school
Crazy Hair Day
Ty has alien eyes coming out of his head and white streak.
Luke has a split down the middle with a bat nesting atop his head.

 Sterling's hair is still long!

 Dressed up for the preschool Halloween party

 The ward Halloween party. Primary was in charge this year...so...I was in charge. I assigned tasks to all the auxiliaries but I still ended up doing a lot. My 1st counselor and I blew up balloons and decorated the hall. Auxiliaries decorated rooms in this hall and provided fun games and experiences with the Halloween theme.
Ster was the photographer of the night 

 The trunk or treat was the first event of the night
The winning trunk:
 2nd runner up:

Bishop and his oldest child

 The Hansen family
 I wore my dress after dinner during the contest winner announcements and the spooky fun hallway activities

 We love each other...

Halloween portraits! Taken before going to our school carnival:
The latest version of Cinderella...

Sterling dyed my wedding dress for me and I decorated it.

 Homemade Mario themed kid costumes...

 The older version of Cinderella...

 Halloween Night!  Two Cinderellas.

 We celebrated at our friends' home...the Sheldons. With the Stone family and Keagan Colby whose mother is out of town for work.

 Luke receiving lots of awards with his dad.

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