2014 Family

2014 Family

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Reptile Gardens

Today we went to Reptile Gardens. One admission ticket is actually a season pass. So we are going to have fun this summer!

The bird exhibit:

 The bird room comes with lots of turtles and snakes too. None behind glass but all are friendly. No touching.

 Mom's favorite is the giant tortoises. You do get to touch them!

 Athena kept hugging them. It's the same thing she would do the last time we went to Reptile Gardens..Athena was a toddler then.

 Of course, the kids love the playground !

We also saw the bird show.

The kids loved seeing the different kinds of gators and crocs, the spiders, roaches, snakes and lizards! The kids all smashed a penny with a Reptile Gardens symbol on them.

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