2014 Family

2014 Family

Monday, October 21, 2019


A small version of Comic Con happened at our military base last weekend. They called it Yokotacon.
The special guests were Olivia Hack (Cindy from the Brady Bunch tv show), Dan Payne (actor), Yaya Han (cosplay costume creator) and some comic book artists Rodney Ramos and Steven Cummings.
Athena and I dressed at Rey from Star Wars
 Luke was a Creeper from Minecraft

Tiberias was Spiderman and Ster didn't wear a costume. He wore his Superman tshirt that has a cape.

 The event was actually awesome! It had a room as you walk in that was from Stranger Things tv show. It looked the livingroom from the show...the ugly couch with a 70's blanket on it and christmas lights on the wall with letter signs. As well as monsters from the show.

There were tons of hired Japanese characters. Many Star Wars ones!

 Chewy was huge! And R2D2 was so fun. He was a robot rolling around, beeping and spinning his head around to see people.

 I have been growing out Athena's hair just so I could do this with it for her Rey costume:

 Tiberias actually dislikes Batman. LOL.
 Artists were creating art at the event:

 Tiberias with Spiderman!

 Live music.
 Dan Payne
 Olivia Hack. I didn't know before this event that she was a cartoon voice as well. She did a voice on the tv show I watched as a kid...Hey Arnold.

 The costume designer was giving away prints of her costumes:

 There was an art contest and the submissions were on display at the event.

 Adorable little Ewoks!!
 There was a game room:

Virtual reality gaming:

 Check out Luke Skywalker's hand!

 There was a green screen photo opp. Unfortunately Luke's Creeper costume looked like the green screen so...it disappeared with it.
This event was much more fun than we had anticipated! And everyone loved little Rey/Athena. A couple people loved Luke's costume too. One adult in a Godzilla blow up suit had to have his picture taken with the Creeper. :)
Athena and I shared a blue lightsaber. That way she didn't have to hold anything the whole time. We took turns.

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