2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Losing weight. I am working now to lose weight for next summer. The wedding vow renewal...the party to celebrate our love and our marriage. I want to look great in my dress and for the portraits. I am successfully losing weight for the first time since Tiberias was a newborn. It's hard!

Ariel Pajamas
Work out! Calorie count!

Practiced faint painting
Athena's new friend is Sophia near our house.
Lumen, Athena and Sophia.

I made and donated a bunch of adorable and delicious cupcakes for a squadron fundraiser...

Ster and I went on a date. A squadron date night. Dinner was good. There was a photo studio that Ster ad I set up. Ster also helped the photographer set their camera and lighting correctly.

We really enjoyed being on a date together.

Athena made a Japanese tiny treat set. She loved it.
Ministering teaching: Went to lunch with my companion and our sister we visit. Both women are so fun. The meal was amazing! 

Manar and Nicole.


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