2014 Family

2014 Family

Friday, July 25, 2014

My 3 yr Old Is Always Right

Terrible Twos?

If you were to ask me about the Terrible Twos ... I would say "it isn't." Two was a great age with Lachoneus and Tiberias.

When Luke turned 3 he hit his terrorizing stage. I'd say his whole 4th year on earth (after he turned 3) was hardest with him.

Tiberias is strong willed and wild so he's always been harder to handle. Now he is about to turn 4 and guess what...I think this next year is going to be the hardest of all.
He is changing his ways a lot and how I would describe it is "difficult." He is becoming so difficult!

Not only does he think he is right all the time but now I am finding it impossible not to argue with him every step in our day.
He will tell me what he wants. I give it to him. He then tells me that he did NOT ask for that and wants something else. If I give him his new request he says "No" and demands what I made him to begin with. It does not seem to me that he is having fun or that it's a game. He gets frustrated that I am not giving him exactly what he wants. But I don't understand what he wants.
He says he wants milk but when he takes a sip he is shocked to find it's not juice or water as he was hoping it would be. And I get blamed for it.

When this happens I tell him "no, you said you wanted milk. So you get milk."
But it doesn't end there. He has to disagree and argue with me. He wants to argue over everything! Because He is always right.

I looove Tiberias. I enjoy being his mom. I just wish I could understand him and know how to help him learn and grow. To help him to be successful in social situations. If he starts Kindergarten in 2015 and he thinks he is always right and argues with everyone then we will have a big problem.

Sterling thinks I should give Ty the initial choice (i.e.) "what would you like to eat?" and not let him change his mind. I am thinking that is the best thing to do as well.

My biggest concern is the arguing. On my part. How do I deal with these situations? Trying to correct him seems pointless because he is set in his thinking that he is right.
If he thinks the fruit he sees on the tree is an apple and I tell him "Ty, that is a pear." He will disagree and he won't let it go. He wants to argue until you tell him he is right. And that doesn't happen.

How can I correct him without arguing with him?!?

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