Star Wars, baby!

Cutie in overalls
The first week in July Sterling was up at Scout Camp. Work gave him the time off without deducting it from his yearly days off. Plus, it counts at service hours and that is a lot of hours. Which is awesome because he needs service hours.
Unlike many military members Sterling would rather be hanging out with his family than out doing service and getting those hours. But he needs the service on his military record.
On July 4th he was at Scout Camp cleaning up and heading back. I took the kids up to see a parade in the morning before Sterling came home. I met a whole group from church at the parade. The Astons (Bishop and his family...our friends), Missy Davis and family (my Visiting Teaching Comp and now Pres of R.S.), Laura Smith and her kids (whose hubby is deployed. She is on the R.S. Presidency with me), the Reeds and Hatches who live in our neighborhood.
It was such a fun parade! I had only been to a parade maybe once in my life. So I was surprised to learn it was similar to Halloween as far as candy goes. We ended up with so much candy!
It was hot!
Independence day parade in Belle Fourche SD
The marching Cowboy band
Luke and a clown on a bike
Ty watching the clowns
Athena and her friend Abi Sue
After the parade we did not go to the lake with our friends because Sterling was home from camp and we were eager to see him again. We enjoyed the afternoon together. Then in the late evening we went across the street to our friends' yard (the Nope family). They had a group of friends gathered to play with sparklers and watch thr fireworks.
Since our neighborhood is right outside the city limits fireworks are legal here. So there was an awesome fireworks show all night.
We stayed out for about an hour watching the fireworks before deciding the boys' had stayed up late enough.
Mom and Dad Boren came out to visit 4th of July weekend!
They were here for Luke's birthday on Monday the 7th. We had a birthday party in the morning. Then we spent the rest of the day out sight seeing. Mt Rushmore and then the Flintstones park.
Angry Birds Party
All of Luke's friends! Bruce & Lillian, Tiberias, Luke, Braden & Brycen, Logan
Since Prince Fluff was Luke's wish and nobody sells Prince Fluff toys ...I had to make one.
Luke had the best birthday and got the best gifts! Star Wards Legos (3 sets), Star Wards Angry Bird toys, Prince Fluff for his Kirby and more!
Lachoneus was having so much fun with his new toys after the party that he did not want to go to Mt Rushmore and the Flintstones park.
In the evening he stayed home playing while Ty went to Mcdonald's with grandma.
Another day with my parents Ster and Dad stayed home planting an apricot tree and a grape vine in the backyard. Mom, the kids and I went to Storybook Island. We met up with friends there. Braden is seen in this pic with us while Luke hides behind the lion.
Cinderella's carriage
Eating ice cream
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