2014 Family

2014 Family

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wizard Of Oz Summer

 Every Monday night in Rapid City's downtown Main Square the city hosts a Movies Under the Stars. They play an outdoor film at dusk. Other festivities start at 7pm but the movie doesn't start until about 9. For this reason we have not gone to this event. However, when I learned they were doing the Wizard of Oz AND having a costume contest I couldn't help myself. Even though it was only three days before the event I committed to making costumes for the kids. While Ster and the boys were at the Father and Sons Campout I went shopping for fabric and sewed the whole time. When they came home from camp I worked less but still on the costumes. I finished just in time Monday evening to go to the event. Lachoneus was the Scarecrow, Tiberias the Tinman and Athena was Dorothy. Dorothy's dress I did not make. But her Cabbage Patch wig I did.
I expected a scorching hot evening with the kids sweating in their costumes. Luckily the clouds rolled in and it was raining a little when we arrived. It soon stopped and the evening was then cooled down. And, better still, a rainbow was in the sky! Perfectly matched with the night's theme.

There were free balloons and free lollipops for the kids!

 The only other people in costume were two Dorothies; a little girl and a grown woman. Everyone won a prize...a $10 gift card to a children's book store downtown.
We sat in camp chairs and watched the beginning of the film together. We had to atleast stay to see Dorothy meet the Scarecrow and the Tinman in the film. Once they met the Lion we packed up and headed home. Athena was done and needed to go to sleep. I had so much fun! Sterling did not have to come and be torchered...he was at work.

This month I am learning to make cards.

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