2014 Family

2014 Family

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Family Fun

The little boys and I have been staying at Sterling's parents' house. Without Sterling here I feel a little guilty having fun with his family because he cannot be.
Dinners with the family where Trevor and Simone come over, Matt and Maria come and even Josh is here.
Last night we went out for some fun once I got the little boys to bed. Trevor, Simone, Josh, Travis, Hannah and I were the only ones able to go. We went to Trafalga...miniature golfing. We played some arcade games before playing mini golf. Skeeball is of course the best game! And gives the most tickets. 
The game of mini golf was indoors, thank goodness, because it was cold outside.
It was an under the sea themed course and Cosmic too! So much fun!

When we left Trafalga we went to Sonic for dessert. It was awesome! I guess if we can't have friends to have this awesome fun with that's no problem...because our families are awesome! Unfortunately Sterling is missing out. So I avoid telling him what I'm up to when it's extra fun with his family.

Sterling is studying and working hard to pass his class and prepare for his PT (physical) test.
In about a month we'll be reunited! It's so awesome to be getting closer to that time!

Tomorrow I am taking the boys out to the dollar theater to see Planes. That evening the bride and groom's close family are gathering at mom Roundy's house for dinner...the night before the wedding!
Jon, Emily and their kids are coming tomorrow night! My little boys are so excited to go to the movie and more excited for their cousins to come stay here!

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