2014 Family

2014 Family

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


On Christmas eve we had church in the morning at 11:00. We had only sacrament meeting and it was a special musical meeting. I sang with the choir. I sang a beautiful solo "Born Is The Light of The World." And the primary children sang "If I Were A Shepherd."

I gave a special gift to Laura and one to Jenn. I painted a purple wood wall hanging which I tied string around nails on it to create a heart. Then I hot glued pictures of us friends together on it. "Treasure Friendship." I also included a key chain for each person. Mine is an adorable fox. Laura's is a gentle fawn and Jenn's is a cute squirrel.

Christmas eve dinner we ate our traditional breakfast feast. We had postponed it due to church.
Eggs, bacon, apple cinnamon rolls, german pancakes, orange juice and applejuice. Mmmm.

We sang karaoke for the first time ever as a family! On my new karaoke machine. A gift from Sterling. Fun!

The kids opened a gift from me. A homemade decoration of a gumball machine made out of plastic cups, plastic ornament balls and puff balls. It is to remind them of this year's primary theme "Choose the Right." Or what we did "Chews the right."

The kids opened their Christmas eve pajamas.

And we watched The Santa Clause 2. Part of it. We never last a whole movie in one sitting.

Christmas morning was amazing!

 Fidget spinner

 Athena's lot after the unwrapping:
Madame Alexandre rainy day doll from Corinna. Melissa and Doug cookie baking wood toys from Josh's family. Fox pajamas from grandparents Roundy. Board books from Corinna. A toy sword from Luke. Wings from Ty. And the rest from Santa and Ster and I.
Ty's lot:
Firetruck jammies from Grandparents Roundy. Light saber building kit from Corinna's family. Awesome fidget Spinner from Nicole (Matt and Maria's girl), bubbles from Athena and a racer from Luke. The rest from Santa, Ster and I.
 Luke's lot:
Nerf gun set from Jon's family. Colored penciles from Ty. Gemstone excavation kit from Corinna. Bubbles from Athena. The Spiderman Jammies from Grandparents Roundy. The rest from Santa, Ster and I.
 Tiffany's lot:
a car starter (placed in the van before the weather turned too bad). Socks, lotions, chain link kits for preschool, fairy themed cards from Corinna's family! Saturday's Warrior (the new one) from Sterling! And Karaoke from Ster! New sharpies from Ster. And shirts I picked out myself. ;)
Sterling's lot:
an antique style decor from Tiffany. Beef jerky, freeze dried ice cream sandwiches, chinese stress balls and first aid kit from Corinna's family. A camera tripod Sterling picked out. A workout shirt from Tiffany. A recorder Harry Potter song book from Ty. A padlock from Luke. And a mini flying drone Sterling bought for himself. 

 Family gifts from our families:

Holiday Season Continues

Valley View School Christmas Program



Sterling was able to attend with Athena and I. It was a windy and freezing day. Parking down the street and walking was horrifying. But the school doesn't have enough parking on any side.

As usual we sat on the floor to get a closer photo of the kids performing. The stands always fill up too early and so we come just in time and sit on the floor. Then move around as we want to take pictures.

The boys did great. It was a lot of fun. And Ty's performances were right after Luke's. So that worked out for us. 

Custer State park was burning uncontrollably. From our front door we could see the fire. It is far away but we live on a hill and can see over the valley to the park...
For the ward Christmas party I decided I wasn't going to add to my "to do" list by helping out. But then I found out Bishop and his family were going to do the Christmas party...instead of a whole organization like the relief society. So I offered to lend Christmas gift decor (boxes wrapped beautifully) that I used a few years ago for the Christmas party. I also offered our large Christmas tree we were not going to use ourselves this year.
The Bishop's wife led me to Spike and Kay Jones who were going to dress up as Santa and Mrs Clause. They were also going to decorate the primary room to be a fun North Pole like room.

The Bishop had already asked Sterling to be the photographer to take pictures of the kid with Santa. 
Then Sis. Jones got real busy taking care of her mother so she said she couldn't be Mrs. Clause or decorate the room. So Bishop's wife asked me to do it. I reluctantly took that on.

My secretary Melissa Hansen came early before the party to help me decorate. Our children Luke and Jaycee were eager to help out. And later my friend Jen Christensen showed up and help too. And Sterling came and set up the photo studio there.

Here's the primary room. 

In person it looked much more fun and magical. And Santa was a hit. Sterling took portraits and I helped make sure the kids looked good and smiled for the picture.

 Me and Laura Elliott!

Picture of Julia Elliott
 Eliza Christsensen with Santa
 My kids!
 Athena loooves Santa Clause!
There was also a taco dinner that turned out successful! And cookie decorating.

 Jaycee Hansen, Luke and Ty...Goofballs!
The Jensens and the Stricklands
Leona, Halaina and Monica Stewart

 Bishop and his family with Druceal & Bruce Sheldon.
Then the snowball fight!

 The Sister missionaries loved it.
 Bro Taylor of the Bishopric tripping over children...haha.