2014 Family

2014 Family

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Luke's First Crush

When Lachoneus was in kindergarten he met a nice girl in his class room named Lillian Sparks. She was nicer to Luke than the other children from Kindergarten on.
So in second grade he revealed to his mother that he had a crush on her.

His crushed continued year after year.

For Luke's 9th birthday we had a pool party and invited Lillian. And she came!!!
Luke and Lillian swam together and had a great time.

Then the two kids started 4th grade. And during that school year Lillian showed that she was crushing back on Luke.
I had taken the kids to play at a playground nearby one day. It was a playground at an apartment building. Lillian came out of the building at that time and played with Luke, Ty, Athena and some other kids.
It turns out Lillian lives in that building.

It was cute to watch Luke and Lillian together play with Athena. They were sweet to Athena and helped her have a good time. It is moments like that you see your child maturing and growing.

For Christmas Lillian surprised Luke with a gift on the last day of school before the holiday. She gave him a giant caramel and nut covered apple on a stick. Luke loved the gift so much he admired it for days...refusing to eat it until Christmas day. But Ster and I worried it would start to go bad. So we made him eat it on Christmas eve day. He shared it with his siblings.

When he brought that gift home from school I was kicking myself in the pants for not thinking sooner to do it. To get Lillian a Christmas gift!

So Luke picked some items from our "birthday gift" stash. A cute calendar for 2018 and some bracelets. We wrapped them pretty and printed an awesome portrait of Luke to go on it. Then Sterling took Luke and they knocked on doors trying to find where Lillian lived. They failed.
Then Sterling realized how to find Lillian's last name (it was on Luke's Kindergarten class picture) and he looked up the Sparks family address online. He found the apartment number. And they delivered her gift before Christmas. Nobody had answered the door so they left it on the doorstep. Luckily Lillian's mom texted me later that day saying they had received it. And how excited Lillian was.

When I was a kid my parents tried to keep their children from crushing on other kids. But now a days we are more concerned about raising our children to be attracted to the opposite gender that we don't mind if they are drawn to them early in life! lol
We are teaching Luke to be attracted to girls only. Now a days that is so important.

I am so proud of my children. And I am so proud of my husband. What an amazing family I have!

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