2014 Family

2014 Family

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's day

This doesn't really apply to me. I am self isolating a little bit but not in quarantine. But it is relevant to so many women this mother's day! And it's such a funny mother's day card! (FRIENDS tv show themed)

Saturday night the family cleaned the house because I decided that I was not going to clean on mother's day. I have an addiction to cleaning/tidying up. So, my goal was to not clean all day Sunday. I doubted I would be able to stick to that.

I hand made homemade bread rolls Saturday night so Sterling could make my breakfast wish Sunday. It's an apple cinnamon roll with frosting on top. I had frosting left over from a cake I decorated yesterday.

I let the kids stay up half an hour late last night so they would sleep in this morning. I slept in too.
Sadly, the kids were grumpy today. Tonight they get to go to bed on time!

After breakfast we had a fun family church lesson. Then I did a dance workout so I could feel good and healthy.
I attended a RS meeting via Zoom online video meetings.

Sterling bought a dragonfruit for Athena. she has been dying to get one. We had strawberries, cantaloupe and dragonfruit to snack on today.
The dragonfruit looked so science fiction and beautiful. It was not too sweet or strong in flavor. But it didn't taste bad either. Athena loved it...mainly because of what it looked like. I think that's why she ate so much of it. ;)

I laid down to watch a show alone in my room for an hour. Then I made orange chicken marinade and got the chicken soaking for dinner.
I felt exhausted and wanted to go take a nap. But I knew that wouldn't be good. So, I got my family to go on a bike ride with me. It was warmer outside than I expected but the ride was a lot of fun.
We got our exercise then stopped at "the hidden playground" to play and have a snack.

Dinner was wonderful. Ster and I played my homemade Loveopoly I gave him last anniversary. Luke and Athena were our Bank and cashiers.
The kids picked out different fairy house/yard supplies I wanted for my project. They gave those to me as my mother's day gifts.
What a wonderful mother's day I had! Sterling washed the dishes three different times that day! That is my norm too. I did give him the tip that Luke knows how to wash dishes too. But Ster was fine doing it himself...for one day.

Every mother's day I should refuse to clean the whole day! It was so relaxing!!

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