2014 Family

2014 Family

Monday, May 8, 2017

The Circus

Tiberias got a free ticket to the circus. All the kindergartners received them. So I bought Luke and myself a ticket. Athena is a bit too young to appreciate the circus with the acts being so far from the audience and the event being two hours long.
 It was a magnificent show. And it seemed almost every family in the audience had something that lights up (toys, snow cones in light up cups, etc that were sold at the event). This made the audience look almost as cool as the circus stage.
 I didn't bring my professional camera so I only have phone pics but they are not that bad...

This trick an elephant laid on the floor and allowed the other elephant to hop/walk over it then sit on it's back gently.

Spiderman was there! Doing amazing acrobats on a "web" in the air. 
They also had a Moana theme. Women dressed island themed and danced to Moana music as they did amazing stuff like this....
The tigers were amazing! And the motorcycle riders in the giant sphere...nerve wracking.
The trapeze artists had a net under them...thankfully. One missed and fell. But the rest of that act was amazing.
The most nerve wracking was the man on the spinning hamster wheel. He DID NOT have a safety net underneath him. He was fine inside the wheel but then he went on top! And even blindfolded! So scary! Luckily he didn't fall! Although there were times it seemed he might.

The Shriner's Circus was amazing this year! I don't know about typically but this time..heck yeah!

Athena had a little fun even though she did not go to the circus...

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