2014 Family

2014 Family

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cute kids

Athena Rose tries to say her ABC's and count too. She does really well for her age. It's also adorable.
She is a very smart girl. I am planning to teach her doing some Preschool this next school year.
It is funny how she has her concept of warm and cold mixed. She gets into a hot summer vehicle and says "It's cold! Turn on the warm." Or she will say "I am warm. I want my blanky" when she is cold.

Tiberias. Apparently he is still adorable (when he is well behaved).
Since we got to Provo there have been quite a few comments on how awesome Ty's speech. The words he chooses to use. "There's a yummy smell emanating from the fridge" is an example of one of his smart boy comments.
He likes to make things clear. If he lends out a toy he lays out all the rules to make sure he gets it back.

Lachoneus is very creative. And when he is not allowed to be playing electronics he creates his own games. If he has chalk he draws games and worlds and levels on the sidewalk.

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